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Holidays on Roshar?

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Another thing I just realized: there don't seem to be any big holidays on Roshar.

Brandon Sanderson is so great at world building but I wonder if he excluded holidays on purpose? What with the desolations and all...

It would be cool to see what they would celebrate, or maybe even holidays varying by country (not counting, of course, the creepy processions in Kholinar during bk. 3)

What do yall think?

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The only holidays that I specifically remember being named,  I'm not sure they qualify as "Holidays" in the same way we typically use that word. Those are Light Day, directly in the middle of the Weeping, and Middlefest directly opposite Light Day on the calendar. 

I don't remember anything jn the way if Light Day celebrations being mentioned, but there is the Fair in Shallan's flashbacks for Middlefest. 

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There are also so many countries and cultures that Brandon has barely touched on, I wouldn't be surprised if we saw more as time goes on. 

What about in Edgedancer with the pancakes? Was that holiday related? Can't remember. 

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