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This time, The Vortex was functioning. He grinned, approaching. It had opened a small rift, maybe the size of his hand. But it was growing.

He called below, for Sebrial. Then Bane turned back to the machine. He saw some strange movement through the rift, a colorless blob. He considered reaching into it, so transfixed was he. Fortunately for him, he stopped himself. He walked around it, through the strange coils of wires, tubes, and metal instruments. And... a pineapple? He looked at it, confused. The pineapple had dark energy radiating through it. He shrugged, and stared at that strange rift again.


Sebrial heard the report. He grinned, despite the fact that he'd just seen massive armored figures invade his building. He found an elevator, and took it. Elevator after elevator, he tapped his foot. The Vortex was functioning! Finally. The Bureau would be happy. There weapon of destruction was functioning.

Finally, he stepped out. His breath caught as he saw the rip in reality. It was... beautiful. And dangerous.

It was expanding.

He grinned. "It's time."

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23 hours ago, Ark1002 said:

Unbeknownst to them, Crow had practised. She had done this before, and she took advantage of it. She ducked, punching outwards towards Azrael.

Then... she tripped.


She hit the ground, and everything went dark.

Azrael stopped, letting his sword drop to his side. He looked down at the unconscious form of Crow. That had been… easy. Too easy.

He stepped off the teleportarium pads. Two of the Deathwing champions hurried behind him, securing Crow and dragging her off to the Interrogator-Chaplain's cells. Honerva would drag a confession from the heretic eventually, and then the real work would start. Crow had commanded a sizable warband, and they were still at large. The Dark Angels would be here for months, raiding safehouses, tracking down Crow's allies, and finally purging the Den of Thieves. It would be bloody, dark work. It always was.

Azrael found himself opening a vox-channel to the medicae.

"Notify Light Acute that I'm heading to you," he said. "I would like to speak to her, in person."

@Silva @Ark1002

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23 hours ago, Ark1002 said:

He cocked his head. "Anything..." He walked forwards. "Ok. Answer me. Do epic powers work on you?"


Nekorb looked at him, confused. "Epics...? Is that some other form of magic?"


A seon floated above the buidling. From above, it seemed... ominous. From any angle, really.

Cautiously, he approached, dropping from the sky to get a better look.

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8 hours ago, Grey Knight said:

"Notify Light Acute that I'm heading to you," he said. "I would like to speak to her, in person."

Light moved over to the channel the Space Marine gestured to. 

"It's Light," she said. "What's happening?" 

Part of her knew what Azrael would tell her, but a part of her was afraid to hear for certain.

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15 hours ago, Silva said:

Light moved over to the channel the Space Marine gestured to. 

"It's Light," she said. "What's happening?" 

"Crow has been captured," Azrael said quietly. He was surrounded by his brothers and sisters on all sides, and this was another secret they didn't need to know. "She's on the ship, actually. I'm bringing some extra security, just in case."

That "extra security" was Valor squad, en route to the Invincible Reason with the rest of the Acutes. Though Azrael still had trouble comprehending mortal feelings, he knew that having his brothers and sisters by his side was a source of great strength. Hopefully, it would be the same for Light.


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8 hours ago, Grey Knight said:

"Crow has been captured," Azrael said quietly. He was surrounded by his brothers and sisters on all sides, and this was another secret they didn't need to know. "She's on the ship, actually. I'm bringing some extra security, just in case."

Light bit her lip. "Where should I meet you?"

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On 5/1/2019 at 3:02 PM, xinoehp512 said:

Nekorb looked at him, confused. "Epics...? Is that some other form of magic?"

He paused. "Are you... you don't know what Epics are?"

Well. Unexpected.

He grabbed a motivator they had been about to test.

E.Z.R.A. 8 slammed it into Nekorb's leg. It was supposed to make anything it touched turn neon pink.

Crow woke slowly, groggily. Did I really...? Hell.

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Nekorb jumped at the figure's sudden movement. He felt power trying to get in, as usual; it was different, but it still failed.

"It's not working, if you were wondering.

His injuries in his chest and leg were still bleeding. "Do you have any sort of medical care here? I... don't want to die."

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He nodded, and surgeons entered the room, stitching him up.

"We will be speaking again soon."

Then a sleeping drug was injected in Nekorb, and E.Z.R.A. 8 left the room.



Dark Phoenix entered the building, She trailed fire behind her, and her mask glinted.

The woman cowered at the sight, face incredibly pale. Dark Phoenix loomed over her.

She walked into an elevator, and took it up.

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I'm just posting this here, because I have to get Jackal here eventually, and he is in a Precursor detention facility. So, unrelated break out!

Jackal sat in the cell. He hadn't been without his mask since he got it. He was addicted, the logical part of his mind said. It was drowned out by the rest of his mind screaming in anger. He stared, liflesly at the ground, shaking almost imperceptibly, his mind going in between  logical, remorseful, and furious.

Then the wall blew in and Darkhold stood in the opening.

"Hey boss! Found you! Let's get out of here!" Darkhold said. After Jackal didn't respond he walked over and put his hand on his shoulder, "Are you okay bos-agh-"

Jackal grabbed his head an snapped his neck. Jackal got up, summoned his staff through the hole Darkhold made and went to retrieve his mask.

Walker arrived to the scene almost directly after the Jackal left.

"Sir!" The Guards said, "Darkhold brook him out, and then, well, we found him,"

Walker walked in to find Darkhold with his head turned around backwards, his eyes glassy.

"Call the DA. We need them to dispose of these spikes. And get TUBA officials over here to get that shardblade," Walker said, "Kevin, Jack, Henry, John, with me."

"Where are we going?" Kevin asked.

"To catch Jackal," Walker said.

Jackal walked down the hallway, his mask off, slaughtering anyone who got in his way, whistling a bird song tune as he walked, his mind warring itself, with only one thing holding him together; get the mask.

He walked into the Crawler prisoner armory, and chopped the lifeless sent to pick up his mask in half. He picked up the mask and put it on. He screamed, the anger returning, his mind shattering, then reforming, to the voidpsren's whims. Then, it stopped. His mind was whole again, the voidpsren back in command of the mask's powers.

Walker and the Special Incursion elites ran in, with John, Henry, and Jack, opening fire. Jackal spun around, throwing his staff, straight decapitating Jack, slashing Henry's spin in to, and opening up John's gut. The staff returned to Jackal's hand. Walker ran at him, his katans in his hand swinging them down at Jackals face, missing just slightly as JAckal dodged to the side, and the staff returned to his hands.

"You want to do this again Walker? You know how this ends! If you let me go, you might be able to save that man's life!" Jackal said, gesturing at John, with Kevin holding him.

"Walker!" Kevin yelled, "LET HIM GO!"

Walker didn't say a word, and just ran at Jackal, his swords clashing against his staff, swinging wildly, unable to stop. He surged som much speed that no one could stop him, his skin burning from the force of his kinetic energy, and he swung and hit Jackal in the forehead, shattering the gemstone in the middle. Jackal shrieked at the feeling of the voidpsren that had been with him for all these years vanishing, back to Odiums army, to fuse and find a more abt host. He fell to the ground, his staff in his hands, his armor clanking against the ground, as the Precursors hadn't taked it off him yet. The red in his eyes began to dim.

"HOW COULD YOU DO THIS!" Walker yelled at him, kicking him off his hands and knees to the ground, "I THOUGHT YOU WERE DEAD!"


For fun, off of everything I've released about the Jackal, and from everything in this post, which is jam packed with clues, the largest being just prior, who do you think the Jackal is? That is, if you actually read this whole thing. The rest of the rp post is in the spoiler.



The Jackal, Walker's master, his father, and the man who trained him, laughed.

"I trained you!" He said, unsteadily standing, his staff as support, "I turned you into the monster you are today! Have you ever done anything for yourself? Everything you've done has come from your dependence on appreciation, and approval, on a father figure! You think I wouldn't have killed you the moment that you were a liability!? NOBODY IS IN THIS WORLD FOR ANYTHING BUT THEMSELVES, YOU NAIVE DISAPPOINTMENT!"

Half of the Jackal's staff hit Walker in the back of the head, with the bladeless side. Jackal cut his way through the wall, and disappeared, his mind cracking.


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Maxwell had been walking for about 15 minutes but stopped when he saw a large group of people running out of a building,

"Hey, excuse me sir, what are you all running from?" he asked a man with a long beard, "RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!!" was the only response he got.

Welp, he thought, if i'm not gonna get an answer from one of these folk, might as well see it myself. He then fought against the waves of running people into the building.

He also found a glittery purple suit jacket which he then proceeded to put on.

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Ciera eventually had enough. She stood up, opened a gate, and stepped through. She waved for Galvris to follow.


The elevator doors finally dinged open, jolting Cakuin out of a stupor. She hopped in and surveyed the buttons. 

"Might as well start at the top." she said cheerfully, and pressed the button for the topmost floor.

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The elevator opened at the same time as Dark Phoenix's did. She grimaced at the sight. Snoop. She spoke into an earpiece, and a man came to collect the woman.

Then she continued up.

@Dr. Dapper

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A small ball of light floated down the hallway. This was a strange place indeed. He couldn't see any reason for him to come here, other than the feeling that he'd been getting. It was strange, indeed.

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Just now, xinoehp512 said:

A small ball of light floated down the hallway. This was a strange place indeed. He couldn't see any reason for him to come here, other than the feeling that he'd been getting. It was strange, indeed.

Which hallway?


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Cakuin awoke to an upside-down view of a hallway. She was being carried somewhere by a large man.

"Hey buddy," she said, tapping him on the shoulder, "Before you knock me out or whatever, remember to tell your boss I have a few questions for him. If I can ask those questions and get answers, we'll be golden. I'll cooperate with you guys all the way. Or you can interrogate me and whatnot, but don't assume you'll get answers."

Edited by Dr. Dapper
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20 minutes ago, Dr. Dapper said:

Cakuin awoke to an upside-down view of a hallway. She was being carried somewhere by a large man.

"Hey buddy," she said, tapping him on the shoulder, "Before you knock me out or whatever, remember to tell your boss I have a few questions for him. If I can ask those questions and get answers, we'll be golden. I'll cooperate with you guys all the way. Or you can interrogate me and whatnot, but don't assume you'll get answers."

He nodded. "Will do."

Then he hit her over the head with a club.




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