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IRL Places that Resemble Urithiru

Iarwainiel I

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Most of you are probably familiar with "The Wave" rock formation in Arizona:" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Wave_(Arizona)  From the first time I saw it, I thought "Urithiru!"

Some photos of Petra also look like the layered rock described in the books: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Petra#/media/File:PetraSandStoneRock-cut_tombs.jpg

I just found out about another real-world location that resembles our favorite city-above-the-clouds: it's a series of naturally-occurring marble caves in Chile. Check out pages 5 and 6 in this gallery: http://www.bbc.com/travel/gallery/20190326-south-americas-stunning-marble-cathedral

The caves can only be reached via boat, and it looks like the "floors" are water, so that of course reminded me of Purelake.

What locations IRL remind you of places on Roshar?

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The Cappadocia region of Turkey apparently has several large underground cities: https://travelatelier.com/blog/vast-underground-city-found-nevsehir-cappadocia-turkey/ (which was also a setting in Assassins Creed Revelations, fyi)

A lot of the narrow river canyons out in the Utah area remind me of the Shattered Plains chasms: https://www.climb-utah.com/Zion/zionwater.htm I could see a highstorm wall of water tearing through there pretty easily.

And for some reason when I think of the Horneater Peaks I think about those Japanese monkeys in the mountain hotsprings: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jigokudani_Monkey_Park :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

Don’t know if this counts as an IRL place, but those splash parks that many pools have are often surrounded by a pool of water one or two feet deep. Walking through those always reminds me of walking in the Purelake.:lol:

I doubt that the Purelake has big colorful playground in the center of it though.;)

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17 hours ago, TheGirlWhoLookedUp said:

I doubt that the Purelake has big colorful playground in the center of it though.;)

Colorful playground? Great idea :D But I also doubt it. Still waiting for the jet-black obsidian fortress to show up though.

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