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Roshek - The Great Census of 1305


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Amara looked at the bears leg. The injury was real, and she wondered how she had missed that. But then animal-like creatures weren't her speciality.

"If he needs help, I will se to it."

She added in the direction of the guards, grateful for Jürgen's support. Hopefully they would believe, that the two of them could handle a magical bear.

@Steel Inquisitive


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2 minutes ago, Chasmfiend#1 said:

Mutig let out a sigh of relief, "thanks a ton, I don't think I caught your names, I'm Mutig."

"My name is Amara. Sit down, let me take a look at that leg."

She rummaged through her pinnate, took out some of her supplies.

"I am here for the census as well, to finish our earlier conversation."

She told Jürgen.

"But this city - I never expected something like this. It's huge, but then there's the poverty. I'm not sure what to make of it. Do you know your way around in the woods close by?"

@Steel Inquisitive

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1 minute ago, Steel Inquisitive said:

He eyed the bear. "Just how much do you actually understand of our language?"



8 minutes ago, Sorana said:

"My name is Amara. Sit down, let me take a look at that leg."

She rummaged through her pinnate, took out some of her supplies.

@Steel Inquisitive

 "With pleasure." Mutig lay down, allowing Amara to inspect the leg. 

"To answer you, I know a decent amount of basic words, like greeting words. " he paused.

 "Did I say that right?"

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26 minutes ago, Chasmfiend#1 said:

 "With pleasure." Mutig lay down, allowing Amara to inspect the leg. 

"To answer you, I know a decent amount of basic words, like greeting words. " he paused.

 "Did I say that right?"

"I guess."

She replied and looked at the leg. Bad, but not too bad.

"You're lucky. I don't think the bone was hurt and it's no large wound in general."

Applying some poultice to numb the flesh around the wound she waited for a moment before stitching it together. Then she swiped the poultice away and pressed some leaves on the wound to fend of an infection, before wrapping everything.

"Anybody of you knows where to go for the census? And do you know how much money we'll get?"


I improvised a bit, but I hope it's not too far from what you had in mind with "slightly busted".


@Steel Inquisitive

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30 minutes ago, Sorana said:

"I guess."

She replied and looked at the leg. Bad, but not too bad.

"You're lucky. I don't think the bone was hurt and it's no large wound in general."

Applying some poultice to numb the flesh around the wound she waited for a moment before stitching it together. Then she swiped the poultice away and pressed some leaves on the wound to fend of an infection, before wrapping everything.

"Anybody of you knows where to go for the census? And do you know how much money we'll get?"


@Steel Inquisitive

Mutig staggered to his feet, keeping weight off the foot out of habit.

"What's a senses?" He asked, pondering the word, "maybe the crowed is leading to it, want ride?"

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2 minutes ago, Chasmfiend#1 said:

Mutig staggered to his feet, keeping weight off the foot out of habit.

"What's a senses?" He asked, pondering the word, "maybe the crowed is leading to it, want ride?"

"The census is why we're all here. To be counted. Well, most of us are here for the money. And I believe it's at the Academy." Jürgen eyed the beast before climbing onto its back. "I think it will be close to the middle of the city."



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1 minute ago, Steel Inquisitive said:

"The census is why we're all here. To be counted. Well, most of us are here for the money. And I believe it's at the Academy." Jürgen eyed the beast before climbing onto its back. "I think it will be close to the middle of the city."



He thought about what Jügen said, rolling the words around in his head. I'll have to remember those ones. He looked towards Amara.

"Will you tag along? It's the least I could do in return for kindness."


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9 hours ago, ZincAboutIt said:

Aldred felt a strong tug somewhere behind him, and he sighed, turning. The crowd in the square was thick, and he craned his neck to try and get a look backwards toward Tradesman's Gate. Something out there was getting attention, something with enough Natural magic to even catch Aldred's overworked senses. He considered going back and investigating, but weaving his way through that crowd felt like infinitely too much work.

He was just turning back to find a tavern when something caught his eye. A man at the far end of the square took a box of miniature tools out of a wagon and muttered to them, at which point they grew to life-size. Aldred raised a brow. Now that was a magic he'd yet to see, though it was conspicuously absent from his senses. No humming, no pulling.

A Ritualist, then, and skilled too, though this fellow was far more humbly dressed than most Ritualists he'd known. Aldred walked over to the man's table, inspecting what appeared to be simple wares. Children's toys, farming tools.

"How's business?" Aldred asked the man, using the common Kurian greeting.


Thorstein looked up as a man wearing the worn robes of the orthodoxy approached him.

"How's business?" He asked. Thorstein leaned back in his chair.

"Good enough," He replied, "Not many people looking to buy tools, or toys for that matter. But business is good enough. Would you like to purchase something? I have more stuff in my truck."


Probably my one an only post tonight, sorry.


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7 hours ago, Chasmfiend#1 said:

He thought about what Jügen said, rolling the words around in his head. I'll have to remember those ones. He looked towards Amara.

"Will you tag along? It's the least I could do in return for kindness."


Amara nodded and picked up her pinnate. It was heavy, but she was used to carrying it. Carefully she climbed on his back.

"Thanks for the offer."

She groped at his fur, tried to get a grip to hold her on his back.

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9 hours ago, Sorana said:

Amara nodded and picked up her pinnate. It was heavy, but she was used to carrying it. Carefully she climbed on his back.

"Thanks for the offer."

She groped at his fur, tried to get a grip to hold her on his back.

Mutig stood up again, and walked towards the mainstream of people again. He began making a deep, warning growl at those ahead of him, causing them to split to the sides, avoiding the "angry" bear.

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13 hours ago, MacThorstenson said:

Thorstein looked up as a man wearing the worn robes of the orthodoxy approached him.

"How's business?" He asked. Thorstein leaned back in his chair.

"Good enough," He replied, "Not many people looking to buy tools, or toys for that matter. But business is good enough. Would you like to purchase something? I have more stuff in my truck."

Aldred picked up a set of marbles, smiling fondly. He'd loved this game as a child... hadn't he? His memory churned thickly, like he was thinking through cold honey. The bare outline of the memory sketched itself out: marbles on the dirt floor, warm firelight on his face. Then, it was gone. Just... gone.

He set down the marbles, mouth twisting. "Another time," he said, suddenly tired at the prospect of a negotiation. He had little money, and what he did have he should probably put towards a bed. 

Or a drink.

"Will you be here tomorrow?" 

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Amara finally got a hold on the bears fur and looked around, realizing how tall he was. People moved out of their way, stepped to the sides of the road. She looked down at their heads and the world shifted slightly. Down at their heads. He was large.

"Let me down."

She whispered and clung to the fur. Whenever he took a step he swayed from left to right, from left to right. Instinctively she reached out for Jürgen grabbed his sleeve.

"Let me down."

She repeated again and squeezed her eyes shut. She was on the ground, she was on the ground, she was on the ground.

@Steel Inquisitive


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52 minutes ago, Steel Inquisitive said:

"hey, it's okay." Jürgen said awkwardly. He did off landing with a grunt, and reached up to help Amara down.



Shaking Amara reached out for his hands, while trying her best to not look down. It was only when she felt solid ground under her feet again, that she was able to breathe again more freely.

"I'm sorry. I ..."

She paused. Her next words sounded stupid, even in her own head.

"I didn't expect him to be that large."

She finished lamely. Embarressed she looked to the ground.

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31 minutes ago, Sorana said:

Shaking Amara reached out for his hands, while trying her best to not look down. It was only when she felt solid ground under her feet again, that she was able to breathe again more freely.

"I'm sorry. I ..."

She paused. Her next words sounded stupid, even in her own head.

"I didn't expect him to be that large."

She finished lamely. Embarressed she looked to the ground.

Mutig rumbled in what sounded like a chuckle.

 "Me sorry," he said at last, " I trail blaze, you follow? "

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9 hours ago, ZincAboutIt said:

Aldred picked up a set of marbles, smiling fondly. He'd loved this game as a child... hadn't he? His memory churned thickly, like he was thinking through cold honey. The bare outline of the memory sketched itself out: marbles on the dirt floor, warm firelight on his face. Then, it was gone. Just... gone.

He set down the marbles, mouth twisting. "Another time," he said, suddenly tired at the prospect of a negotiation. He had little money, and what he did have he should probably put towards a bed. 

Or a drink.

"Will you be here tomorrow?" 

He saw the man smile, then the smile fade. 

“Another time,” he said, “will you be here tomorrow?”

Thorstein frowned, “Sadly not, I am meeting my brother tomorrow, but how about this.” He thought for a little. It was probably the money. People could never buy toys, they weren’t a necessity. You don’t trade necessities for non necessities. But what could he give this man that was a necessity? You didn’t need anything beyond food water and a room. Wait, he could give him a room. He started talking, mostly to himself. “Ok, you just came through the gate, so are probably a traveler. Do you have a place to sleep yet? I can get you a room for a quarter of the price if you tell me a good story. Yes, that should work." Then speaking louder, he made his offer. "So, if you tell me a story, I can get you a cheap room, then you can buy the marbles you want! What do you say?” Thorstein leaned forward excitedly. 

Edited by MacThorstenson
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Normally, Janim, owls are nocturnal. So what in the trees are you doing flying around as one during the day?

Relax, Alim. No one cares, and all it does is add to the reputation I've already been growing so you can preserve your energy.

Humph. I guess that makes sense. Oh, look, it's the city! Do something properly dramatic, Janim! Make them know you from the first moment you're in there.

Might as well. It would be fitting, after what I did leaving that last town. 

Janim, still occupying the form of an akun eagle-owl, swooped down behind the guard post, the slight whisper of wind through their feathers going unnoticed as they landed. They let loose the signature low rattling cry to attract the attention of the guards still trying to check people in before shifting back to their normal human self. 

"You really should do a better job watching behind you," they said, tapping the closest guard on the shoulder.

Yeah, you tell them, Janim!

"Wait, where did you come from? Why didn't you go through the gate?" cried the guard, tired from a long day of listening to people's inanities as they tried to enter the city. 

"Where did I come from? A town too unnoticed to have a name. Why didn't I go through the gate? Well, that's beyond your authority to question, isn't it?" Janim smirked, drawing themselves up to the full extent of their height. 

"Alright, that's it. I'm going to chain you to the wall until you give me a straight answer for once!" growled the guard.

Janim laughed and changed into a wolf, amber eyes staring down the guard, who suddenly looked like he wanted to be somewhere else. "You won't have the chance," they growled, trotting off into the crowds in search of more entertainment.

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2 hours ago, Chasmfiend#1 said:

Mutig rumbled in what sounded like a chuckle.

 "Me sorry," he said at last, " I trail blaze, you follow? "

Amara nodded.

"It's me who should be sorry."

She replied and smiled gratefully at Jürgen.

"Thanks again."

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1 hour ago, Sorana said:

Amara nodded.

"It's me who should be sorry."

She replied and smiled gratefully at Jürgen.

"Thanks again."

Mutig continued forward, annoyed at how he had thought a ride would work. But they ride horses and have no problem, why would it change on a bear?  He began his deep growl again, making the crowed step out of his path.


@Steel Inquisitive

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2 minutes ago, Chasmfiend#1 said:

Mutig continued forward, annoyed at how he had thought a ride would work. But they ride horses and have no problem, why would it change on a bear?  He began his deep growl again, making the ground step out of his path.


@Steel Inquisitive

Amara hasted after him, unsure if his growl was a good or a bad sign.

"I'm afraid of heights."

She blurted out.

"It's nothing personal."

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1 hour ago, Sorana said:

Amara hasted after him, unsure if his growl was a good or a bad sign.

"I'm afraid of heights."

She blurted out.

"It's nothing personal."

 "It's no weakness." Mutig responded, "it gift, you get to live and go where you wish. Me? I am stuck out in the elements, usually under a tree or a cave."

 He thought for a moment. not bad for a try, a good analogy. he continued walking, half debating if it would be worth giving a roar to clear the streets for awhile.


@Steel Inquisitive

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