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On 1/26/2021 at 4:26 AM, I think I am here. said:

Surprise filled Rob when James flinched back after touching the sphere, seeming rattled. His eyes lay wide on the sphere and Rob listened to his words his words intently.

“Alive?” he asked, holding the dark sphere up to his eye. Whatever was inside, it twisted and turned in hypnotic patterns, like smoke. It seemed harmless enough... but James’ reaction seemed like genuine panic.

“Shana suggested I destroy it,” Rob said. “But I thought it might help us understand the Voidbringers. Help us develop a cure.”

Besides, the sphere was his. He clenched his fist around it, feeling its cold pulse in his hand. Though his face remained the same, his thoughts started to take different avenues. He and Shana had discovered Doc couldn’t be trusted. James was another Bondsmith, could he be trusted? Was he just trying to take it from Rob? Have it for himself?

Rob shook his head slightly, looking up to James. “What do you think?”


James frowned slightly, taking a moment to straighten his glasses. That's odd, he thought, I could have sworn there was something different about Rob's expression just now. But as he looked up, nothing was different on the stoic young man's face. "As for destroying it?" James asked, rhetorically, "I don't think it can be... at least not in a traditional method. Whatever is in there seems to be existing more on a Spiritual or Cognitive level, not a Physical one." James' frown deepened as he continued to ponder. "Using it as a cure? Who's to say the Voidbringers' use of magic is any less willing or natural than ours? Until I can know for certain that Voidbringers are 'infected' somehow, I can't cure something that isn't necessarily an ailment..."

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35 minutes ago, Wyndlerunner said:

"Using it as a cure? Who's to say the Voidbringers' use of magic is any less willing or natural than ours? Until I can know for certain that Voidbringers are 'infected' somehow, I can't cure something that isn't necessarily an ailment..."

Rob paused.

“But... they kill people, don’t they?” he asked. “They attack us all the time. Surely that’s a sickness, right?”

But James’ words made sense, and they only added to the gnawing feeling he had, the one that told him that the Voidbringers were people, and that it was just as much the Radiants’ fault as it was the Voidbringers that this war continued.

He remembered Shana’s words. Change the board. Disturb all of it so that no one even wants to fight anymore.

He looked back at James. The Bondsmith was smart, that was for sure. Rob had expected everyone to see the Voidbringers as he did: monsters needing slaying. But James saw them as something else, something natural. He could see different perspectives, and that was a quality Rob respected.

“Would you say, then...” Rob said carefully. “That as natural beings, they deserve to live just as much as we do? If there was a group of Radiants targeting and hunting Voidbringers like they hunt us, for example, would they be villains in your eyes?”

He tried hard not to mention the other Seattle Radiants he and Shana had found out about, the ones that had sent letters to Doc and who were aggressive in their methods, instead posing the question as a hypothetical.

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On 1/30/2021 at 8:12 PM, AonEne said:

Cassie said, occasionally glancing out the back window at Lapis and Ben, but standing by Lissa, Ashlyn, and Shana.

Ashlyn watches the kid in silence. A new side to this conflict, or a third party to be recruited against an apparently 'evil' threat.

"I can barely keep up on homework, how do I keep up with all these different magical... things" Ashlyn says, trying to keep her tone joking.

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30 minutes ago, Blessing of Potency said:

"I can barely keep up on homework, how do I keep up with all these different magical... things" Ashlyn says, trying to keep her tone joking.

"I certainly don't know how I managed it," Cassie said with a laugh. "Graduating was a relief. So freeing, though I didn't know what I wanted to do afterward. Do you?" 

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2 minutes ago, Blessing of Potency said:

"My plan was the Air force. Become a pilot." Ashlyn replies, "Don't care what I fly as long as I can fly, the air force just gave me the opportunity to help people at the same time."

She raised her eyebrow. "Past tense?" 

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"Magic... War? Different kinds of magic?'

She frowned, crossing her arms.

"Sounds like I should've read a guidebook before coming here. What's all this about?"
So, there are these... Orders. Then a different, sand-based kind of magic? Even beyond that, there's more stuff?

Looking to Ashlyn, she paused.

"Oh, I don't think we've met? I'm Lissa."

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On 2/2/2021 at 9:30 AM, Ookla the Stick said:

"Magic... War? Different kinds of magic?' She frowned, crossing her arms. "Sounds like I should've read a guidebook before coming here. What's all this about?"

"I don't know most of what's going on, honestly. We keep having more people show up with more types of magic...it's a lot." Cassie pressed the palms of her hands into her eyes for a moment, then came back with a smile. "But I guess life's always a lot."

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On 2/2/2021 at 11:46 AM, Blessing of Potency said:

She gives a little wave, "Nice to meet you, I'm Ashlyn."


18 hours ago, AonEne said:

"I don't know most of what's going on, honestly. We keep having more people show up with more types of magic...it's a lot." Cassie pressed the palms of her hands into her eyes for a moment, then came back with a smile. "But I guess life's always a lot."


On 2/2/2021 at 9:30 AM, Ookla the Stick said:

"Magic... War? Different kinds of magic?'

She frowned, crossing her arms.

"Sounds like I should've read a guidebook before coming here. What's all this about?"
So, there are these... Orders. Then a different, sand-based kind of magic? Even beyond that, there's more stuff?

Looking to Ashlyn, she paused.

"Oh, I don't think we've met? I'm Lissa."

Lapis skipped inside, beaming. "Hi!" She said brightly.

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On 1/31/2021 at 9:52 PM, I think I am here. said:

Rob paused.

“But... they kill people, don’t they?” he asked. “They attack us all the time. Surely that’s a sickness, right?”

But James’ words made sense, and they only added to the gnawing feeling he had, the one that told him that the Voidbringers were people, and that it was just as much the Radiants’ fault as it was the Voidbringers that this war continued.

He remembered Shana’s words. Change the board. Disturb all of it so that no one even wants to fight anymore.

He looked back at James. The Bondsmith was smart, that was for sure. Rob had expected everyone to see the Voidbringers as he did: monsters needing slaying. But James saw them as something else, something natural. He could see different perspectives, and that was a quality Rob respected.

“Would you say, then...” Rob said carefully. “That as natural beings, they deserve to live just as much as we do? If there was a group of Radiants targeting and hunting Voidbringers like they hunt us, for example, would they be villains in your eyes?”

He tried hard not to mention the other Seattle Radiants he and Shana had found out about, the ones that had sent letters to Doc and who were aggressive in their methods, instead posing the question as a hypothetical.

The question threw James for a loop. All logic led him to the conclusion that something had definitely happened. Don't blow this, James he thought, he's come to confide in you, don't prod. "Well," he replied, contemplatively, "When it comes to war, I think that it's hard to declare one side heroes, and another side villains. More often than not, there are wrongs on both sides. Both sides have their reasons to fight, and while I personally don't find war to be tasteful in the slightest, the facts of our own situation are that our group acts basically entirely in self defense."

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11 hours ago, Wyndlerunner said:

The question threw James for a loop. All logic led him to the conclusion that something had definitely happened. Don't blow this, James he thought, he's come to confide in you, don't prod. "Well," he replied, contemplatively, "When it comes to war, I think that it's hard to declare one side heroes, and another side villains. More often than not, there are wrongs on both sides. Both sides have their reasons to fight, and while I personally don't find war to be tasteful in the slightest, the facts of our own situation are that our group acts basically entirely in self defense."

“That’s true,” Rob said, and fell silent.

You’re skirting around the main point, he told himself. You didn’t come here and disturb his research to ask him about wars and the Voidbringers, admit it. You didn’t even come here to ask about the sphere, did you? No. There’s something else. Tell him.

“James...” he began.

But Rob didn’t want to. He clutched the sphere in his palm, ready to leave, hovering by the doorframe... but he couldn’t get himself to depart without addressing the real issue. He hated having to open up in this way to James, but James was a Bondsmith. That’s why Rob had come. Because Bondsmiths were wise, and they always knew what to do when you didn’t. Like Doc.

Doc was a LIAR and you KNOW IT!

Yes, Doc was a liar. That’s why James was his only Bondsmith option left. Whether he liked it or not. And so far, James had a breadth of understanding far beyond what Rob had expected. Maybe this wouldn’t be as bad as Rob worried. He looked back up at James and continued.

“I... saw what you did with that door. That’s probably what you’re researching now, I’m guessing. Or, were researching before I came in. I noticed you didn’t replace the door, or make a new one. You fixed it, but without any lasting marks. Like it had never been broken in the first place. Do you...”

He looked down. “Do you think you could do the same for a person what you did to the door? Maybe not physically, but... cognitively?” It was healing in a way Regrowth could never touch, and if anyone had it, it was the Bondsmith.

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12 hours ago, I think I am here. said:

“That’s true,” Rob said, and fell silent.

You’re skirting around the main point, he told himself. You didn’t come here and disturb his research to ask him about wars and the Voidbringers, admit it. You didn’t even come here to ask about the sphere, did you? No. There’s something else. Tell him.

“James...” he began.

But Rob didn’t want to. He clutched the sphere in his palm, ready to leave, hovering by the doorframe... but he couldn’t get himself to depart without addressing the real issue. He hated having to open up in this way to James, but James was a Bondsmith. That’s why Rob had come. Because Bondsmiths were wise, and they always knew what to do when you didn’t. Like Doc.

Doc was a LIAR and you KNOW IT!

Yes, Doc was a liar. That’s why James was his only Bondsmith option left. Whether he liked it or not. And so far, James had a breadth of understanding far beyond what Rob had expected. Maybe this wouldn’t be as bad as Rob worried. He looked back up at James and continued.

“I... saw what you did with that door. That’s probably what you’re researching now, I’m guessing. Or, were researching before I came in. I noticed you didn’t replace the door, or make a new one. You fixed it, but without any lasting marks. Like it had never been broken in the first place. Do you...”

He looked down. “Do you think you could do the same for a person what you did to the door? Maybe not physically, but... cognitively?” It was healing in a way Regrowth could never touch, and if anyone had it, it was the Bondsmith.

Rob's second question had an almost tangible weight to it- like a weighted blanket falling onto a person from above. James opened his mouth to try and respond, but all that came out was a half voiced croak. James stood up, and strode confidently over to Rob, hoping desperately that in some way, this would help. He hugged Rob, and whispered "I don't know if that's something magic can fix, but I can't fix anything if you won't tell me what's wrong."

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6 hours ago, Wyndlerunner said:

Rob's second question had an almost tangible weight to it- like a weighted blanket falling onto a person from above. James opened his mouth to try and respond, but all that came out was a half voiced croak. James stood up, and strode confidently over to Rob, hoping desperately that in some way, this would help. He hugged Rob, and whispered "I don't know if that's something magic can fix, but I can't fix anything if you won't tell me what's wrong."

Rob couldn’t stop himself from tensing slightly when James hugged him. He stared blankly at the wall in front of him, unsure what to say or how to react. The experience was so... foreign. More so than even fighting Voidbringers. He had to admit it. He had to tell James what was bothering him.

“I’m slipping, James,” he said quickly and bluntly to get it over with. He continued staring at the blank drywall of James’ room, somehow finding it easier to talk that way than when facing someone.

“It was easier in the beginning. When I could feel whatever I wanted but keep a blank face. Be sad and not cry. Be angry but not yell. Be happy but not smile. That’s who I was when Doc let me in here, and that’s who I am now, and for most of my life it’s worked perfectly. Without fault.”

He paused to collect his thoughts.

“But these days... I don’t know what’s happening. I get... tired of school, and almost frown. I get happy at winning a battle and almost smile. I get angry and feel like a pressure cooker about to explode, barely under the surface. With Ashlyn... I feel happy, but it becomes so much harder to hide it when she’s around. Why can’t I hide it?”

His voice was still monotone. “I know to you, it probably doesn’t seem like much. And I want you know I never judged you, or Ben, or any of the other guys for expressing their feelings. This is just who I am, who I was raised to be. So why does it feel like it’s collapsing over me? The more time I’ve been here, the friends I’ve made, the battles I’ve fought... it’s all make it harder for me to keep it all in? Even now, speaking to you. It’s harder to stay impassive then it ever used to be. One of these days I’m... I’m...”

He forced himself to spit the word out. He’d already said to much to James.

“One of these days I’m scared I’m going to smile, or laugh or show something. And then everything’s going to flood out.”

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18 hours ago, I think I am here. said:

Rob couldn’t stop himself from tensing slightly when James hugged him. He stared blankly at the wall in front of him, unsure what to say or how to react. The experience was so... foreign. More so than even fighting Voidbringers. He had to admit it. He had to tell James what was bothering him.

“I’m slipping, James,” he said quickly and bluntly to get it over with. He continued staring at the blank drywall of James’ room, somehow finding it easier to talk that way than when facing someone.

“It was easier in the beginning. When I could feel whatever I wanted but keep a blank face. Be sad and not cry. Be angry but not yell. Be happy but not smile. That’s who I was when Doc let me in here, and that’s who I am now, and for most of my life it’s worked perfectly. Without fault.”

He paused to collect his thoughts.

“But these days... I don’t know what’s happening. I get... tired of school, and almost frown. I get happy at winning a battle and almost smile. I get angry and feel like a pressure cooker about to explode, barely under the surface. With Ashlyn... I feel happy, but it becomes so much harder to hide it when she’s around. Why can’t I hide it?”

His voice was still monotone. “I know to you, it probably doesn’t seem like much. And I want you know I never judged you, or Ben, or any of the other guys for expressing their feelings. This is just who I am, who I was raised to be. So why does it feel like it’s collapsing over me? The more time I’ve been here, the friends I’ve made, the battles I’ve fought... it’s all make it harder for me to keep it all in? Even now, speaking to you. It’s harder to stay impassive then it ever used to be. One of these days I’m... I’m...”

He forced himself to spit the word out. He’d already said to much to James.

“One of these days I’m scared I’m going to smile, or laugh or show something. And then everything’s going to flood out.”

Rob's words were like an awl to James' heart. Storms, was I wrong? he thought, shocked, I'd always interpreted Rob's demeanor as stoicism, but definitely not to this degree. James broke the hug, but left a hand on Rob's shoulder, as he prepared his next remark. James smiled, but not a gleeful grin, or a self-satisfied smirk, but a gentle smile, soft and full of empathy. "I understand." he said, softly, "I understand being scared of change, especially a change in ourselves, our identity." He drew back his hand, letting go of Rob- this next part might be hard for him to hear. "But sometimes, that change is for the better, Rob." he said, "Men are more trees than stones, and even a stone changes slowly over millennia of erosion." he continued, "The way you were raised wasn't wrong; there is a distinct value to being able to contain your emotions, and not act on them. But even the way you were raised is not the full scope of your identity- be willing to let yourself grow, for the strongest of trees can stand with the largest boulder when it comes to weathering a storm."

James spun his desk chair around, and sat in it, allowing a more playful smile to replace his earlier contemplative one, "as for Ashlyn", he noted, "It would seem you have a bit of a crush." 

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On 2/6/2021 at 4:26 AM, I think I am here. said:

With Ashlyn... I feel happy, but it becomes so much harder to hide it when she’s around. Why can’t I hide it?”


9 hours ago, Wyndlerunner said:

"as for Ashlyn", he noted, "It would seem you have a bit of a crush."


Ashlyn sneezes "Ah, sorry. I don't usually get allergies."



I had to do it :P


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On 07/02/2021 at 2:32 PM, Wyndlerunner said:

James spun his desk chair around, and sat in it, allowing a more playful smile to replace his earlier contemplative one, "as for Ashlyn", he noted, "It would seem you have a bit of a crush."

“A crush,” Rob repeated, then heard a sneeze from downstairs. Was Ashlyn here? Now?

He watched James sit back in his chair, the gentle smile, the hand that and been in his shoulder, the hug. It all seemed — for a moment — that he truly understood Rob, with the soft words about change, about how it could be good. Could it?

Maybe for others, but not for YOU, came the response, from somewhere within him. You’re a Stoneward. Shana fights for us because she is a Dustbringer. It is her role. And YOUR role is stability. If a STONEWARD cannot be trusted to be stable, what can? An eroded rock is a weak rock.

“An eroded rock is a weak rock,” he whispered to himself and shook his head, glancing back at James. “You care for me. And I appreciate your words.” He paused, and only now could his feelings, like a boiling ocean, be slightly visible underneath the surface. A slight shake in the voice. A light tremor in the hand.

“But, respectfully, James... I didn’t come here for words.”

If he’d wanted encouragement and support, he’d have gone to Shana. Instead, he was here because James was a Bondsmith, nothing more and nothing less. He stepped forward, tried desperately to hide the feelings despite how they seeped out of his every action.

“I came here for you to fix me. To... take it all away. You can do that, can’t you?”

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2 hours ago, I think I am here. said:

“A crush,” Rob repeated, then heard a sneeze from downstairs. Was Ashlyn here? Now? 


I love how he hears her and instantly goes THAT'S HER :P


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9 hours ago, I think I am here. said:

“A crush,” Rob repeated, then heard a sneeze from downstairs. Was Ashlyn here? Now?

He watched James sit back in his chair, the gentle smile, the hand that and been in his shoulder, the hug. It all seemed — for a moment — that he truly understood Rob, with the soft words about change, about how it could be good. Could it?

Maybe for others, but not for YOU, came the response, from somewhere within him. You’re a Stoneward. Shana fights for us because she is a Dustbringer. It is her role. And YOUR role is stability. If a STONEWARD cannot be trusted to be stable, what can? An eroded rock is a weak rock.

“An eroded rock is a weak rock,” he whispered to himself and shook his head, glancing back at James. “You care for me. And I appreciate your words.” He paused, and only now could his feelings, like a boiling ocean, be slightly visible underneath the surface. A slight shake in the voice. A light tremor in the hand.

“But, respectfully, James... I didn’t come here for words.”

If he’d wanted encouragement and support, he’d have gone to Shana. Instead, he was here because James was a Bondsmith, nothing more and nothing less. He stepped forward, tried desperately to hide the feelings despite how they seeped out of his every action.

“I came here for you to fix me. To... take it all away. You can do that, can’t you?”

James didn't know it was possible to be more broken by someone's request, yet here he was. Nightwatcher? he sent to the spren, Is there anything I can do for him? The spren sent no response, but James felt her sadness and pain mirroring his own anguish for Rob, like two voices in harmony, amplifying one another. "I can't." James said quietly, and then finding more firmness, he spoke again, "I cannot take your pain, Rob. Journey before Destination is a key element of the First Ideal." James stood up, his eyes just barely holding back his own tears, "Journeys are hard sometimes, filled with bumps in the road, unexpected flat tires, bad weather, but the important thing to know is that the journey never ends, and while it may be worth it, it's hard to take the road alone." James strode forward towards the young man once more, again placing his hand on Rob's shoulder, locking eyes with him. "Rob, you don't have to bear your burden alone. I'm here, Shana is here, Cassie is here, Ben is here. We all support each other, it's what friends and family do."

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15 hours ago, Wyndlerunner said:

James strode forward towards the young man once more, again placing his hand on Rob's shoulder, locking eyes with him. "Rob, you don't have to bear your burden alone. I'm here, Shana is here, Cassie is here, Ben is here. We all support each other, it's what friends and family do."

He couldn’t help him. James was his only hope and he couldn’t help him.

The the rest of the words blurred together and Rob only caught a few of them, the world seeming to spin. Journey, destination, support, friends. He felt like a knife had been rammed into his throat as James walked forward, placed a hand on his shoulder again. He saw the mouth move but all he could hear was a distinct buzzing in his ears. He felt weak, weaker than he’d ever felt before.

“James,” he whispered, trying so hard to remove the tremor in his voice but failing. He stared intensely at the Bondsmith, screams and cries all at once wanting to escape but being held back, visible only through a slight misting of the yes. He gestured to himself.

“James, look at me. Look at me.” He bowed his head, staring at the floor, wanting to ask again although he already knew what the answer was going to be. James would deny... but Rob had to ask again. Once more, for final. He was shaking ever so slightly.

“Please... please. I’ll do anything.”

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On 2/9/2021 at 6:56 AM, I think I am here. said:

He couldn’t help him. James was his only hope and he couldn’t help him.

The the rest of the words blurred together and Rob only caught a few of them, the world seeming to spin. Journey, destination, support, friends. He felt like a knife had been rammed into his throat as James walked forward, placed a hand on his shoulder again. He saw the mouth move but all he could hear was a distinct buzzing in his ears. He felt weak, weaker than he’d ever felt before.

“James,” he whispered, trying so hard to remove the tremor in his voice but failing. He stared intensely at the Bondsmith, screams and cries all at once wanting to escape but being held back, visible only through a slight misting of the yes. He gestured to himself.

“James, look at me. Look at me.” He bowed his head, staring at the floor, wanting to ask again although he already knew what the answer was going to be. James would deny... but Rob had to ask again. Once more, for final. He was shaking ever so slightly.

“Please... please. I’ll do anything.”

James' heart sank, as he heard Rob repeat his plea, and then twisted up into a knot of guilt and shame. I should be able to do something for him! You're pathetic, James. He thought to himself. As he slowly sank to his knees, those long held back tears began to slowly run down his face and he found himself whispering, repeating the same phrase over and over again, "I'm sorry, but I can't"

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9 hours ago, Wyndlerunner said:

James' heart sank, as he heard Rob repeat his plea, and then twisted up into a knot of guilt and shame. I should be able to do something for him! You're pathetic, James. He thought to himself. As he slowly sank to his knees, those long held back tears began to slowly run down his face and he found himself whispering, repeating the same phrase over and over again, "I'm sorry, but I can't"

James sank to the ground and Rob remained standing only through sheer force of will. He’d be weak if he collapsed, weak if he gave in. He’d risked that, looking weak, here, with James. He’d - barely - been able to open up to someone who was supposed to help him. Who was supposed to be able to help him grow, by removing his issues.

But James was on the floor and Rob felt a burst of emotions hitting him all at once. Desperation. Sadness. Anger. He’d helped out so many times, he’d helped fight Voidbringers, had even opened up and James couldn’t even do the one thing Rob asked of him? The thoughts swirled and boiled in his mind until —

James,” he spat out resentfully, preparing a yell.

YOU —”

And then it was gone, the anger ripped from him

Rob shot his eyes towards the dark sphere in his hand, which now was ice cold, painfully so. He raised it up and and saw a long crack running down its surface. His thoughts were in a mess, and his emotions still ran rampant... but something had happened. He still felt like a bucket full of emotions he didn’t want, but he didn’t feel like he was overflowing anymore. At least, not yet.

You’re welcome.

He regained his composure quickly, the hate he’d felt at James gone, the emotions no longer clouding his actions. He stared at James, the Bondsmith who’d warned him about his sphere. But it had helped him.

“I... am sorry,” he said, for once perfectly monotone. Now it was him who rested a hand on James’ shoulder. “I should not have disturbed you.”


These posts always accidentally end up so long... :unsure:


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