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OK, so basically, this is an RPG forum where you are a character from a fairy tale. You can be anyone from any tale you want with any of your own interpretations of their character. There are a couple of rules though:

1. They HAVE to be from (or connected to) some kind of fairy tale, if you have questions for if some random person from a folk tale counts, ask me.

2. No repeats of the same person. I don't want a million Sleeping Beauties running around

3. I don't know if any of the other RPGs do this, but I will suggest you change your character if they do not fit into the storyline that has already been established. If someone says that their character killed Sleeping Beauty before you came along with your awesome new interpretation of her, you've better have an explanation.

To join: put your character name up top and their bio (including what fairy tale they're from) in a spoiler box and tag me, then out of the spoiler box put in the intro to your character. Please put real life conversion in quote boxes from now on to relieve confusion.

Warning: I don't really do RPGs often, so I'm not entirely sure how they work. I guess I'm the DM, but I won't do much. It's not so much as dungeons and dragons as if we're writing a collective story. OK have fun, sorry if this was too long.

Ohhh, and my character: Rosaline "Briar" Reyn


Fairy Tale/ character in original story: Sleeping Beauty/ Sleeping Beauty

Age:15 (aka, the age right before the sleeping curse)

Bio: Since her birth, Rosaline had been many things: princess, gifted, important, but most of all, she was cursed. Some stupid fairy came on her birthday and curse her all because her stupid parents had been too high and mighty to invite her to a party. Great job guys, you just earned your daughter a quarter the lifespan she would have had if you hasn't let your pride blind you. Luckily, one last fairy was able to change her death into eternal sleep, at least until her "true love" comes to save her with a kiss (as if she believed in that kind of stuff). Anyway, now Rosaline (or as her friends call her, Briar) is stuck in the castle due to overprotective parents, and with her dreaded sixteenth birthday steadily coming closer day by day, Briar has to find a way to lift the spell or else she'll be stuck asleep forever.

Sorry if it was too long...

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so that really sounds intriguing. If I can think of a good character I'll join.

Would you be opposed to a character taken out of a children's book, that is a classical one, but not exactly a fairy tale?



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6 minutes ago, Bluest said:

@Sorana, since I don't really know that book, I'm going to say sure.

It's really famous here. And it's one of the few children's book I keep in my shelf and not in a box in the attic.

The little ghost is usually awake at night, and tired when they have to be awake during the day. They live in a castle and have a set of thirteen keys. They're friendly, but lonely as most people are scared of them. But during the book they find some friends and scare away an intruder.

So basically a typical ghost, incorporal, can talk, can turn invisible. Can concentrate to move objects and has a set of thirteen keys.

Edited by Sorana
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OK, so I'll start. Reminder to put all out of story conversation in quote boxes. Find a way to introduce and insert yourself into the story. I don't really know what I'm doing, so if I do something wrong or odd, please tell me. Sorry that this is a bit long, I like to write.

For the last fourteen and 3/4 years, Briar had been stuck in the castle, never allowed to go outside by her parents, the Queen and King of Toccelle. They posted guards around her chambers to protect her from any other malicious fairies that wanted to randomly decided to curse their child (as if that would happen again). However, all they succeeded in doing was keep their daughter from living. Briar had never even left the palace. At least, that's what they thought.

For years, ever since she was twelve, Briar had been sneaking out of the palace consistently. However, the places she would go would vary. Some days, she would escape to the marketplace where exotic traders would set up shop and display things from fried tube cakes (*think funnel cakes mixed with stuffed churros*) to caged dwarf phoenixes. Others, she would go to jousting tournaments and  compete. It was perfectly safe. Due to the curse, Briar was unable to die until her sixteenth birthday. The fairy had promised her fifteen years of life, and Briar intended to live them to the fullest before she slept forever. Sure, she could get hurt. In fact, she had gotten several broken ribs from the jousting tournaments, but nothing that wouldn't heal given time.

Today, Briar was sneaking off to her favorite place: a little lake in the middle of the forest. It was where she stashed all the things she got from her exploits, and has to go there whenever she needed money to spend. However, today she was just going there to relax. So she climbed out the window and into the night.

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Reamas Newblood


Fairy Tale/ character in original story: Native American legends/Coyote 

Bio: A sneaky, clever, man with a cruel sense of humor and few morals. He was a simple conman working in a casino for the biggest organized crime syndicate in the city. At one point, he tired of pulling off boring cons and tried something bigger. A lot bigger. He managed to steal the entire fortune of the syndicate's leader, leaving him destitute and unable to rule. Then, he gave the money to the second in command of the syndicate, getting himself promoted to righthand. He now leads a team committing supposedly impossible heists on various targets all over the city. 



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She sees a fox. (Me) The fox aks her who she is. The fox explains that the lake is her territory. She seems kind though. She explains that her name is Yls.


The fox's name is sly, backwards. B) Yls is NOT trustworthy. She loves to trick newcomers. She is extra desprate to shoo visitors now though, because she has a newborn pup. His name is Tsurt. Trust backwards.


Edited by Kelsier'sGodComplex
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Briar stares for a moment, baffled by the talking fox. As she can hardly leave the castle without getting caught, Briar has never left her kingdom where speaking animals are rare. She blushes slightly, embarrassed for staring, and says, "Oh, um, I'm sorry. I'll not bother you again. I guess I'll just grab my stuff and go then." Briar waves at Yls, collects her stuff, and starts to leave. I guess I'll have to get a new hideout then, she thinks to herself. Too bad, this place was beautiful.

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Bluest, maybe try to avoid double posting, the mods don't really like it. You can always edit some things in.

Solana (=the little ghost) woke up in the evening. The sun was still painting the sky in yellows and reds and she decided to take a look around. Leaving her castle, but taking her keys, she flew through the wood and arrived at a lake. A fox was sitting there and a girl packed some things together.


She greeted them excitedly, totally forgetting to turn visible.




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Reamas took a sip of coffee, lost deep in thought. This con was not going as well as it could. There were too many moving pieces, which, if given momentum, could cause the whole con to collapse like a citadel of cards. He needed to push some of the more crucial pieces in another direction. He scribbled a note in a gridpaper notebook full of plans.

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Big Bad Wolf:


Name/Original Fairy Tale Character: The Big Bad Wolf from the Three Little pigs.

Size: Quite large, about 7.5 feet tall when standing up. Has the capability to walk and run on two feet but commonly goes on all fours.

Appearance: A large grey wolf, donned in a ripped and torn grey suit with thin white stripes, which is ripped at the sleeves and in other places. It’s a mobster suit. Has a grey mobster hat with white stripes. (basically looks like a Russian mobster brute) Burn scars where fur doesn’t grow.

Bio: After he was severely burnt by the three little pigs, he killed them all and left, keeping his tattered suit and looking more animals to kill. The pigs were just the start.


Something moved through the forest. Something dark. And big.

“Hello,” came a deep, prowling voice.

Edited by I think I am here.
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I forgot to post Solona's Bio.


Name: Solona
Physical Characteristics: typical ghost, but black
Skills: can turn invisible, can walk through walls and the like, can move lighter objects
Equipment: 13 keys
Weakness: Solona forgets things
Character: Solona tries to find friends, but as she is a ghost, most people are afraid of her, she is friendly, but a bit naive
Backstory: Solona is a young ghost, only a bit over a hundred years old. She can't remember her previous life, or how she turned into a ghost, but she tries to find some clues. She always carries her keys, although she doesn't know what they might open.
Fighting Style: tries to scare her enemies



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Briar swiveled around, hearing the quiet greeting. She saw two figures in the warm darkness of sunset. The first and closest was a ghost. She wasn't too frightened by that, several ghosts inhabited the palace and she had even made friends with a few. No, what scared her was the big grey wolf. It was wearing a mobster suit of all things, and the hat could have been laughable if he didn't look like he sees about to eat her. Her eyes grew wide and Briar drew her sword. Sure, he may not be able to kill her until a month from then, but he could still swallow her whole or bite of a few limbs in the process.

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