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Turn 2: Blue Above, Blue Below
"This is ABC news, reporting live from NYC. The police have confirmed that we indeed have a new outbreak of the so-called 'Amnesia Wave.' The first victim died last night, as several individuals police have identified as being possibly 'waved' jumped on an individual known as Azure Mouse, a street vendor with your typical inedible street food. Her attackers seemed to be totally deaf to her screams, and kept trying to reach into her pockets for things. Parents are advised to not show children the following video, as it might be emotionally scarring. [Screaming and a mouse being beaten to death]. 
In other news, a missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints choked on a street hot dog and ended in critical condition in NYC general last night. Unfortunately, despite being from Utah, the young man refuses to talk in anything but spanish, and keeps talking about an 'el Libro de Mormon...'"
Azure Mouse was lynched! They were a Street Vendor! 


1.Amethyst Scorpion
2. Azure Mouse Street Vendor
3.Amber Vulture
4.Charcoal Hyena
5.Chartreuse Penguin
6.Coral Swan
7.Cream Tuatara
8.Emerald Falcon
9.Fuchsia Ostrich
10.Indigo Weasel
11.Ivory Dragonfly
12.Magenta Albatross
13.Mauve Crocodile
14.Melon Dingo
15.Mint Heron
16.Onyx Flamingo
17.Opal Lion
18.Oxblood Beagle
19.Pearl Chameleon
20.Plum Rhino
21.Quartz Zebra
22.Saffron Iguana
23.Sage Kangaroo
24.Salmon Meerkat
25.Sapphire Elephant
26.Scarlet Octopus
27.Sunburst Toucan
28.Taupe Gecko
29.Turquoise Gorilla
30.Violet Axolotl

Cream Tuatara (2): Charcoal Hyena, Melon Dingo
Azure Mouse (4): Oxblood Beagle, Saffron Iguana, Sage Kangaroo, Turquoise Gorilla
Amethyst Scorpion (2): Violet Axolotl, Magenta Albatross
Taupe Gecko (1): Coral Swan
The Turn will end in 23 hours, at 10:00 PM MST, 3/7/19
Please remember to vote and take actions, or it will be held against you. 

Edited by Steeldancer
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The new body has 10 fingers, 10 toes, and generally functioning organs, which is a good start. A little short on items, but that can't be helped. Maybe it isn't horrible. A sparrow flies past as I look around - this body reminds me of someone - I look up and down at myself, from my wide-brimmed hat down to my mud-encrusted boots, until I figure it out - they have exactly the same profession and item that one of my old feathered friends had. I give a little chuckle, and then get on with the mission.


Edited by Emerald Falcon
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Dorothy sighed. The puzzle in front of her had her completely stumped.


“If only I had a brain instead of a head full of straw.”


Glancing at her clock, Dorothy let out a gasp. She was late. Grabbing her purse and phone, she dashed out the door leaving the frustrating puzzle behind.


Two bluebirds flew past as Dorothy rushed down the path. They went up and around each other in an intricate dance as they slowly flew over the rainbow that covered half the sky.


When did it rain?


Shaking her head, Dorothy sped up. She had no time to wonder about rain. Her husk was late.

Edited by Sunburst Toucan
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Moving slowly through the crowd, protecting the bundle in his arms, he pushed his way to the train. Relief.

The loudest noises were cut off with a swish if the doors. He found a seat as the train rocked into motion.

He wasn't sure exactly where he was going, but he had to start somewhere.

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He had control of the body. He was running. Running fast. The street was closing in. Getting narrower. Cars pursued behind. Red and blue against his back. Sirens wailed. He’d been stupid. Didn’t have enough time. They had seen him. Their eyes had been on his back. He needed a weapon. They couldn’t switch fast. He could be faster. To the left. An alley, too small for their cars. A bit of time. The body was tired, exhausted. It would have to do. He continued down the alley, pushing body hard. The squeals of tires behind him. Car doors slammed. Yells erupted. They were nearly upon him. The body was giving out. Grabbing it had been a mistake. The alley dead ended. He pressed up against the wall, fingers scrabbling to find holds in the bricks. The footsteps behind stopped. He found purchaed, climbed up a step. A gunshot rang out and the body hit the ground. Another shot followed it.

The officer went up to the body, checked its vitals. “He’s down, we got him.” He said to the figure behind him. “Wonderful, add it to the tally. Let’s go back the HQ to get our new orders.” They both left just as quickly as they had arrived. From the shadows a beggar covered in rags, practically invisible in the darkness that covered him, let out a grin.

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Finally. He had done his research as thoroughly as possible; tailing, stalking, and reading the person's info online and in person was all he could do for now. If he was in a hurry, he could transfer to this vessel and make a quick escape. On the other hand, though, he should leave it as a backup--so he'd have to endure the music for now.

He couldn't see any suspicious looks around him, either at the station or on his way to the vessel's apartment, which was rather unfortunate. He was hoping for some action, forcing him to transfer vessels fairly soon. Maybe he should check out the center of all this commotion; no sane person stays in the action and risks death, so the only ones there would be temporary. They'd be a little less hostile, and more investigative.

It'd give him a better chance of escape, that's for sure.

Nellik called an Uber.

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{Redacted}, you may want to make that vote with your anonymous account.

Ivory Dragonfly has been online and was thus inhabited, but hasn't signed in this cycle. Has their body been abandoned? Is their player inactive? Will they provide free loot upon their death? Let's find out!

Edit by Alv: Please do not quote or @ accounts that aren't either the GM or IM.  Thank you.

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Perry sighed with relief at his choice of a husk to occupy. This one could run. Fast. Like the storming wind. And that was good. Perry blazed through the gathered throng as he caught up with the vehicle tumbling through the streets, musicians playing on its roof as if it were a parade float. At last it was within jumping distance. Charged by adrenaline, Perry took a leap of faith and successfully landed on the BandWagon.

Ivory Dragonfly.


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Turn 3: Death of a Street Salesman
"This is ABC news, bringing you all the news, live from NYC. We have just learned that the latest so called 'amnesia outbreak' has claimed yet another victim- Ivory Dragonfly. Like Azure Mouse, they were also a street vendor, although a much more respectable and successful one. We are unable to show any footage or audio of the attack, as it has been labeled as being too graphic. The mob stabbed the man to near unrecognizability with pipes and scrap metal. However, all suspects have evaded capture so far."
"As per usual, the news is pretty depressing, so we have found a new trending video of a cat attempting to play a cat sized trombone. Parents are advised to show this to their children."
Ivory Dragonfly (9)- Coral Swan, Amber Vulture, Mint Heron, Violet Axolotl, Saffron Iguana, Melon Dingo, Magenta Albatross, Mauve Crocodile, Oxblood Beagle
Amethyst Scorpion (1)- Turquoise Gorilla
Ivory Dragonfly has died! They were a Street Vendor! 


1.Amethyst Scorpion
2. Azure Mouse Street Vendor
3.Amber Vulture
4.Charcoal Hyena
5.Chartreuse Penguin
6.Coral Swan
7.Cream Tuatara
8.Emerald Falcon
9.Fuchsia Ostrich
10.Indigo Weasel
11.Ivory Dragonfly Street Vendor
12.Magenta Albatross
13.Mauve Crocodile
14.Melon Dingo
15.Mint Heron
16.Onyx Flamingo
17.Opal Lion
18.Oxblood Beagle
19.Pearl Chameleon
20.Plum Rhino
21.Quartz Zebra
22.Saffron Iguana
23.Sage Kangaroo
24.Salmon Meerkat
25.Sapphire Elephant
26.Scarlet Octopus
27.Sunburst Toucan
28.Taupe Gecko
29.Turquoise Gorilla
30.Violet Axolotl

The turn will end in about 23 hours, at 10:00 PM MST 3/8/19. Please remember to submit actions and vote, or it will be held against you on the activity filter. Also, I seem to have made a few small mistakes last rollover (nothing serious), so please let me know if you don't get feedback on an action. With all the bodyhopping, it's a lot to manage even with a Droughtbringer and a Master Sheet, so small things may be missed. 

Edited by Steeldancer
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A man made of tin fought against a monkey with wings.

The toys were old and had no moving or blinking parts but they served their purpose well enough. As long as the husk played with his toys the husks parents wouldn’t know that their child was dead and gone.

For several days the spirit had kept his head down and continued the charade that the boy was alive and well but now his time was approaching. He could sense it. It was time to make his move. He had picked out the perfect new host just the other day when they were at the park.

He made the husk pick up the tinman and weird monkey-bat-thing and put them away but just as he was about to turn around a sudden impulse struck him. Digging through the toys he found an old stuffed lion. Well half of it was stuffed, the other half lay sagging it’s stuffing having come out long before the husk had been taken over.

How fitting, the spirit thought. I could do with some courage.

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