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Adonalsium's issues


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So, Odium being a part of Adonalsium and "God's own wrath" and all that got me thinking. Odium trying his best to splinter the other shards is sort of like Adonalsium inflicting self-harm. 

Man, that god must have had some issues:P:P.

The original sixteen must have gotten real tired of his sh*t and probably decided to shatter him just to stop his edginess. 

Sorry for spoiling the cosmere endgame reveal folks and you're welcome!

** tips hat



Just to be crystal, this is a joke post and I mean no disrespect to people actually in depression, please get help!

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I think Odium is being influenced by his Shard, so in addition to personally wanting to be the only great power in the Cosmere, I think he wants to use this power (or, if the Shard devours his motivation too much, he will come to use it) so that he can impose a system like Braize on the entire Cosmere. He's not like Ruin, who would kill everyone simpliciter; Odium wants to kill everyone so that he can then resurrect everyone in hell, and kill them again and again, like with the Heralds. Or, again, he'll end up trying to do this if his Shard takes over.

(That might be part of the "secret" to how Odium is imprisoned, not by the Heralds directly, but in an important relation to them. I.e. the Heralds offered themselves to Rayse to suffer the torment he wants everyone to suffer, in Roshar's place; and this aligned somehow with Odium's "Purposes" or Intent or what, Connecting Rayse specifically to the spiritual "story" of Roshar, complementing his general seal, maybe.)


Maybe Rayse/Odium DOES accomplish something like this in the future, for a long time, even. Possible faction shenanigans might be people who just want to destroy the Cosmere to prevent everyone from being tortured forever, or something, and this leads to the stars-disappearing scenario foreseen. (Or, maybe there's a measure to protect planets from Odium but it's risky, and using it triggers an interstellar chain reaction, destroying the sky star by star, or whatever.)

Edited by Ripheus23
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