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Do they get to bring any resources with them? If not it will probably come down to whatever beings are able to fight and survive without access to magic. I'd put Dallinar and Adolin up there, and I think Kelseir could survive quite a while off trickery and fighting dirty. If awakeners can survive long enough to out last Radiants and allomancers, they'll make it to the finals so to speak. My bet would honestly be on feruchemists though, and specifically full keepers like Sazed.

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16 minutes ago, HSuperLee said:

Do they get to bring any resources with them? If not it will probably come down to whatever beings are able to fight and survive without access to magic. I'd put Dallinar and Adolin up there, and I think Kelseir could survive quite a while off trickery and fighting dirty. If awakeners can survive long enough to out last Radiants and allomancers, they'll make it to the finals so to speak. My bet would honestly be on feruchemists though, and specifically full keepers like Sazed.

The Surgebinders get 5 perfect gems apiece with Stormlight in them, Allomancers get their metal vials and cloaks and knives and stuff (including a bag of coins), Feruchemists get their metalminds, basically everyone has whatever they need for their magic and no one needs to eat/drink at all during it.

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2 hours ago, Nathrangking said:

The tag team of Elend and Vin take on all takers.

My money's on Vin and Elend being in at least the last few people

Think about it~ Mistborn are pretty overpowered. I mean they're no Fullborn but think about it

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I would imagine Vasher would - he has all the experience, access to a ton of breaths, and is super wily.

If not him, then a mistborn... and Vin is the best, even if Elend it technically stronger. Mistborn would have the advantage over Radiants because of their mobility and their longer range options for causing harm.

Edited by Calyx
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18 minutes ago, beantheboy12 said:

Susebron would probably defeat the Lord Ruler.

That is a very old, very long thread. Lord Ruler's speed and strength would make awakening pointless and kill Susebron quickly. There is also a limitation that came up that I am blanking on. Oh yeah, I think Susebron still has to learn the commands in order to use them. 


I think Jasnah would have a hard time of it, but she could potentially come out on top. Shardblade, potentially shardplate, transformation and transportation is a very potent combination. Can't shoot coins if they are turned to smoke. Can't cut you with nightblood if you teleport away. Though still Lord Ruler is overpowered so he would crush her lol

Edited by Pathfinder
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My money’s on szeth for, a not a very long time really, but a hell of a show. His STUPIDLY good mobility that completely stomp any mistborn’s and nightblood. Just nightblood.



yo. But imagine if Vin or another mistborn picks up NIGHTBLOOD.

Edited by Housedunn
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5 minutes ago, beantheboy12 said:

Susebron awakened that whole sea of cloth at the end of warbreaker. The Lord Ruler May be an overpowered full born, but he can’t break through a swarm of cloth

Assuming there's a ton of cloth available... It really depends on the environment when two OP characters are in a fight.

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43 minutes ago, beantheboy12 said:

Susebron awakened that whole sea of cloth at the end of warbreaker. The Lord Ruler May be an overpowered full born, but he can’t break through a swarm of cloth

I have a hard time imagining, not just a fullborn, but the Lord Ruler himself, being stopped by any amount of fabric. 

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29 minutes ago, beantheboy12 said:

If Rasheck can have metal vials and minds along with coins, susebron gets some cloth. Plus, he could awaken other things he finds

the lord ruler just with the base 8 metals

1. unlimited speed

2. unlimited strength

3. unlimited mental speed

4. unlimited regeneration

5. howitzer strength metal pushing and pulling (also not limited to metal because can push on even trace metals in any object or body)


so, you are basically saying a "weak" green lantern can fight a full powered superman with no compunctions about killing. the moment the fight begins the lord ruler compounds speed to run up on susebron, compounds strength and crushes susebron's skull. Or compounds weight, and pushes pieces of metal into susebron's head.

And that is not counting the other metals, such as the metal that wipes out all investiture. oh the clothes are touching me? breaths go poof. all the breaths susebron has? poof. lord ruler crushes him. or susebron plain and simple dies because he is out of breath. 

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If they can access the Dor, Elantrians. Otherwise, Kelsier or any other Fullborn. I'd give Kel an edge over other Fullborn because he's older than any of the others excluding Rashek, and Rashek got owned by a Mistborn. If the Honor Blades are in play then Dalinar MIGHT be able to hang in there. He would need to have Radiant Plate, and he would need to have bonded all 10 blades. Assuming all that is true he could form a perpendicularity and go ham with all of the Surges.

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49 minutes ago, Pathfinder said:

the lord ruler just with the base 8 metals

1. unlimited speed

2. unlimited strength

3. unlimited mental speed

4. unlimited regeneration

5. howitzer strength metal pushing and pulling (also not limited to metal because can push on even trace metals in any object or body)


so, you are basically saying a "weak" green lantern can fight a full powered superman with no compunctions about killing. the moment the fight begins the lord ruler compounds speed to run up on susebron, compounds strength and crushes susebron's skull. Or compounds weight, and pushes pieces of metal into susebron's head.

And that is not counting the other metals, such as the metal that wipes out all investiture. oh the clothes are touching me? breaths go poof. all the breaths susebron has? poof. lord ruler crushes him. or susebron plain and simple dies because he is out of breath. 

Good point 

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46 minutes ago, SwordNimiForPresident said:

If they can access the Dor, Elantrians. Otherwise, Kelsier or any other Fullborn. I'd give Kel an edge over other Fullborn because he's older than any of the others excluding Rashek, and Rashek got owned by a Mistborn. If the Honor Blades are in play then Dalinar MIGHT be able to hang in there. He would need to have Radiant Plate, and he would need to have bonded all 10 blades. Assuming all that is true he could form a perpendicularity and go ham with all of the Surges.

I think if a herald had access to an honorblade back when they were as they used to be, as in fueled directly by honor, I think they could potentially defeat the lord ruler or a full born. Key word potentially. So Battar could in fact turn rashek to smoke even with all his compounding because the surge of transformation would be fulled directly by a shard. So game start, all enemies go poof. 

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2 hours ago, SwordNimiForPresident said:

and Rashek got owned by a Mistborn.

No he didnt. He was wiping the floor with a mistborn until she drew directly on the power of a shard to do something that would otherwise be impossible. Cut the guy some slack.

As for Elantrians, access to the dor or no, there is no world in which they beat a fullborn or prepared feruchemist in an arena style situation. They're just not fast enough.

The f-steel is the issue. Mistborn, awakeners, surgebinders, elantrians, none of them are fast enough to kill or survive against someone with enough f-steel.

If Elantrians have access to the Dor and Dalinar has honorblades then the Lord Ruler and Mistborn have atium, which gives them a huge advantage.

Atium falls in the same category as F-steel, it breaks games.

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