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Hey y'all. Been lurking for a while, but want to get more involved. So yeah. Oathbringer is my favorite Cosmere book. Dalinar is my favorite character. I'd probably be a Truthwatcher if I were a Radiant, though I wouldn't mind being a Skybreaker sworn to the ideal of art or something. If I were Twinborn, I'd want to be a Pewter-arm/iron ferring so I could throw a huge amount of weight and strength in my allomantically charged iron gauntlets.

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10 minutes ago, DjangotheKid said:

Hey y'all. Been lurking for a while, but want to get more involved. So yeah. Oathbringer is my favorite Cosmere book. Dalinar is my favorite character. I'd probably be a Truthwatcher if I were a Radiant, though I wouldn't mind being a Skybreaker sworn to the ideal of art or something. If I were Twinborn, I'd want to be a Pewter-arm/iron ferring so I could throw a huge amount of weight and strength in my allomantically charged iron gauntlets.

This was the 27000th post in the Introduce Yourself section. Congrats.

And welcome to the Shard!

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Hi and welcome to the shard!  Please accept this complementary cookie, curtesy of the DA.  

I would stay away from sub forums on books you haven't read, because they will undoubtedly be spoiled if you don't.  If you like RP, check out the alleyverse.  The Last Post Wins and The Longest Thread are good places to hang out in the community.  The general cosmere discussion area is good to propose theories, or speculate on the Cosmere.  

Again, welcome, and I hope you enjoy your time on the shard.

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Welcome! I would advise against the DA's cookie, as they usually have a few... shall we say... spikes, though I can offer you a Ferring charged Fortune Cookie.

And yeah, check out... well... anything about what you've read.

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6 hours ago, DjangotheKid said:

Hey y'all. Been lurking for a while, but want to get more involved. So yeah. Oathbringer is my favorite Cosmere book. Dalinar is my favorite character. I'd probably be a Truthwatcher if I were a Radiant, though I wouldn't mind being a Skybreaker sworn to the ideal of art or something. If I were Twinborn, I'd want to be a Pewter-arm/iron ferring so I could throw a huge amount of weight and strength in my allomantically charged iron gauntlets.

Don't take either of their cookies! It is dumb and dangerous. I have got a nice white van full of ice cream though and I welcome you to come over here and get in it...

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That said (and remedied), welcome to the Shard! Something tells me Elend's ice cream might be dangerous too.

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10 hours ago, Kidpen said:

This was the 27000th post in the Introduce Yourself section. Congrats.

And welcome to the Shard!

Waaaaaaaat. Do I win a prize? Or is the prize the van full of Ice Cream? 27 happens to be one of my personal "arc numbers". It's a sign!

9 hours ago, King Taravangian said:

Hi and welcome to the shard!  Please accept this complementary cookie, curtesy of the DA.  

I would stay away from sub forums on books you haven't read….

My thanks to the District Attorney. Hopefully not Harvey Dent…. Thanks for the heads up! I have read every published Cosmere book, and several extracosmere Sanderson's as well, but that is a very good piece of advice!

Thank you all for the warm, bizarre welcome! Those are the best kind!

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