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The Forge


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I'm not sure how helpful Thundershriek is going to be, as far as answering your question, but here goes. Also I was just about to submit when I saw Ark's response.

Thundershriek continued to stare the group of men down. Suddenly a man was there, asking stupid questions. 

"What do you think is going on, you dolt? These men decided it would be a good idea to step into my domain, and threaten me. I wouldn't recommend you follow suit." Feeling the flow of power continue to rage through him, Thundershriek began hovering a little higher above the ground, electricity running over his clenched fists.

The group of men began charging forward, howling. Thundershriek let out a laugh. "I see you don't value your lives. An opinion I share." After saying this he flew upward, and let out a blast of pent-up electric energy at one of the bonefist thugs.


I realize we didn't specify this ahead of time, but I feel like we should be fine to follow through on our attacks, considering that these guys are NPCs so it wouldn't be Godmodding. The one exception I think would be Drako. He is an NPC but he is being controlled specifically by Ark, so no one dictate his actions. Remember, we should win this fight. Just be responsible, and don't make it too easy.


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I will also act a bit as others, but it's fine to act as those, but yes, I'd prefer to not have Drako's actions dictated.

Tommy saw a Shardblade fly towards his head. But his bones weren't normal bones. They were Dahkor. It was so invested it barely cut, and regular blade couldn't cut Dahkor blades. Tommy lashed out with clawed fingers towards his stomach.

@The Grumpy Elantrian


Bob felt shock. He boiled, and died quickly. Everything went dark. I enter the endless sleep...



Drako stood there, smiling, and sprinted towards one of the weaklings. He would save the big one for last. He could sense something strange from this one, but it wouldn't affect him. He had more power then normal, normal investiture didn't affect him. He attacked.

@I think I am here.

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Alask looked in shock. Who was the good guy again. Shuffling behind the shipping container, he tried having some sort of cover.

He promptly began hyperventilating. “Oh, Shadows,” He said. On one side, was the crazy gangsters with this weird mesh of bones as a hand, and on the other was Ishek and Laonin, though Laonin appeared different.

The answer hit him. Of course! Laonin was a Forger, it made sense he’d make an Essence stamp every now and then. This form, then, this electric being, must have been the result of an Essense mark for defense. Which means that it was not real, and the real Laonin would return. That relieved Alask.

Looking back, Alask looked to Ishek and the electric Laonin. “How do I help?” He said, still a bit scared to go too close to the flying being who shot lightning at people.


Suddenly, the leader appeared to charge for Alask. “Stop!” he yelled, unsure what to do. So he just held his hands in front of him in a terrible defensive position and made a few attempted punches towards the leader’s direction.

Edited by I think I am here.
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"Do something! Defend yourself, attack them, anything that comes to mind!" Thundershriek yelled out at the man, who continued to ask stupid questions. Seeing his first target fry, as expected, he then blasted the motorcycles they had ridden in on. Hopefully some of them were still close enough to get caught in the blast, and if not, it should at least irritate them.

Thundershriek smiled as the bikes exploded, then looked at what he was holding in his hand. What need do I have of a staff? Oh yes, the Forger decided to get fancy. Let's change things up then. Pulling one of the stamps out the pocket on the jacket he was wearing, Thundershriek pressed it into the bottom. He didn't know, or care, what each stamp did, as long as it was better than this. Suddenly the staff changed to a greataxe, and he smiled. He flew down closer to some of the thugs, and channeling electricity into the axe, swung it into the man's gut.

Edited by Karnatheon
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Didn't Alask get... experimented on while at alleyzon?

Aeodin stared down the gang that arrived.  Their leader seemed particularly cocky.  Foolish, Aeodin thought, never underestimate your enemy.  There really wasn't anything huge going on, so Aeodin drew.  His finger sliced through the air, trailing glowing lines of pure power.  It was as if his finger was a blade, and a massive river of pent-up energy was straining to get through the wound.  The Aon he drew was more complicated than any he had ever seen.  He got caught up in the beauty of it, the flowing lines of power that surrounded him.  He closed his eyes and entered a sort of trance.  It was like a cata, or an incredibly intricate dance.  When at last he was done, the glowing lines flashed with brilliant power, and a glowing blade appeared.  He had started with Aon Edo, and drawn so many modifiers that the original Aon was almost obscured.  The result was a broadsword made completely of energy.  He'd heard that it was possible, but never attempted something so detailed.  The blade was so invested, it would probably slice through Dahkor bones like butter.  

Aeodin opened his eyes, and noticed with a start that Laonin was hovering a few inches of the ground, crackling with electricity.  Of course, he thought, an essence mark.  He had heard of such things when he had traveled to the Rose Empire.  He seized that brilliant blade before him, and raising it over his head, charged towards the monks.

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Ishek started momentarily at the fact that the creatures bones stopped a shardblade. Rust that's annoying. Tapping zinc he recovered. If a shardblade won't fo it, maybe this will. Ishek filled iron to a point where he was almosg weightless, he tapped pewter to a point where he was ten times his regular strength. He tapped steel and thanks to the lightness of his body was able to accelerate his arm ludicrously. Jut before impact he tapped iron making his hand as heavy as a building. The combined speed, strength, and momentum made for a punch that cracked with a sound like thunder upon impact, hurling the bonefist backwards through a brick wall. 

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Just to clarify, highly Invested materials are resistant to Investiture. It's harder to affect Invested material with Allomancy, Surgebinding, etc. The bones of Dakhor Monks are Invested, as it's the source of their power, kind of like Aons in their bodies. So, they will be resistant to Shardblades, but not immune. At least if I'm looking at things the right way here.


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Alask was experimented on a while ago. The Shade only actually came out at Alleyzon, though it was still there before.

Alask nodded, trying to run from the gang leader. But if he wanted to be useful...

Steeling himself, Alask stopped, and then charged at the gang leader, trying his hardest to appear threatening and punch them.

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I agree. I just wanted to make sure we were all going to be on the same page here, since we'll be fighting them. Their bones are Indestructable, but only as far as normal weapons are concerned. So they will be affected by Shardblades, just not as much as someone normal. Think of it like a Lightsaber trying to cut through 3 foot thick steel. It will eventually happen, but not as quick as cutting through something else.

Also, ShardBreaker. The fight just started. We've only taken like one out so far, but are fighting several, each individually.


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Aeodin slammed into the group of dahkor monks.  A battle was about momentum.  The Aon had included two Aons in that crystal, one for battle knowledge, one for battle ability.  He swung the resplendent blade about with the precision of one who had trained his entire life.  Almost instantly, three monks surrounded him.  He began spinning to not have his backed turned on any of them.  He swung his blade with the power and accuracy of a blade master, and took off one of the monks' arms off at the shoulder.  He kicked another in the chest with an Aon inhanced foot, and it flew across the street.  It recovered almost immediately, and scrambled over to resume the fight.  These things are tough, Aeodin thought, but then, I'm not exactly a delicate flower.  He gritted his teeth as more monks came to fight him, and fought on.  He stabbed one through the chest, but it took a while to die.  He turned and cut another through at the waist.  He was quickly becoming overwhelmed...

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Yeah, you won't beat them normally. Most have weak points though.

Drako smiled, slipping by the punch, then grabbed Alask's arm as he did. He attempted to flip Alask backwards, claws drawing blood as he did.

@I think I am here.


Tommy flew backwards through the wall. Grumbling, he stood up, bleeding some, and bruised in a ew places. He smiled, looking around. And pulled out a blowtorch to the nearest burnable object. "Bye bye..."

@The Grumpy Elantrian


Zeke felt slight pain.He had been hit by a blade, glowing. It was invested, and it had done some damage. But he was alive. And the man was attacking the others, some of who died. He jumped towards the mans back.

@King Taravangian


Jeff felt his motorcycle explode. He was launched through the air, and everything went dark. He would never awake.


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Veil smiled as they rushed forward. Fools. Reaching into hid quiver, he knocked an arrow, drew back, and fired. The arrow hit true, piercing the monks eye. Veil rarely missed with his eye uncovered. Not caring to see if he was dead, Veil moved on to his next target. He continued this until he was out of arrows, estimating about 25 monks hit in all. Jumping off the building and performing a quarter lashing to soften his landing, Veil rolled to his feet. Canceling all his existing lashings, Veil launched himself into the battle, the bow that he had been holding now a strange weapon. It looked like a spear, but replacing the spearhead was a double edged blade about the size of a longsword. Veil swept through the crowd of monks with his shard-weapon, weilding it in a smooth, flowing fashion, knocking monks off their feet with one side while stabbing with the other end. This was where Veil thrived. Protecting others. Bringing justice. 


Edited by ShardBreaker
This was from the start of the fight to where we are now.
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Thundershriek pulled his electric axe out of the gut of one of the monks. The man's brain had been fried by the electricity, even if the blade hadn't done all that much damage to his bones. Thundershriek flew upward quickly, and surveyed the field. 

The fool had decided to charge their leader unarmed. The Radiant was taking them out from afar. The Feruchemist was holding his own, and it seemed the Elantrian was being overwhelmed. Might as well help him out. Thundershriek sent a blast into one of the monks that had been about to stab Aeodin from behind, then flew down to another that was running up to him, and aimed an electric-charged swing into the man's neck.

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Alask flipped over and smashed into the ground. His sides burnt, and his head shook back and forth. “Oaaah,” he groaned, rocking on the floor. He was in so much pain, it hurt even to concentrate.

He looked at his hand, which was bleeding. He looked to the side, and saw another person kindling flame through a flame thrower. He saw another person kindling flame by blowing up a motorbike. He saw another person shed blood by shooting an arrow in their eye.

Alask groaned in agony. And that groan turned into a growl. Shade, he thought inside. Shade, you there?

Two pulses, from his spikes. Ever since Alleyzon, he’d been experimenting if he could communicate with the Shade. One pulse meant no, two meant yes.

And you’re angry now, right?

Two pulses.

And you’re going to take control?

Two pulses.

...Alright then.

Slowly, Alask’s skin began to waver to translucent black, and tendrils begun to circle, his body beginning to skip from his control. Again. The transformation was beginning, but due to the extent of Alask’s injuries, it was taking slightly longer than normal.

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Ishek turned from the wreckage of the wall whih the monk was thrown through. He turned to find three more monks running for him. He tapped steel and dashed between the three impossibly fast, his shardblade carried by his momentum and hacking into the three opponents, he got a few hits off on each, none killing but several managing to sever limbs with assistance from his pewter enhancwd muscles. He stopped and assessed his enemies... how to go about this. 

As a monk dashed for him he dropped his shardblade and tapped pewter massively, the most he'd tapped in a while. He grabbed the mans torso in one hand and his legs in the other, with a shout of defiance he wripped the gangster in half, hurling the remnants at the other two monks.


I was betting on the fact that while their bones may be very strong, their joints would be a weak point.


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Aeodin felt the heat of an electric bolt passing just over his head.  Storms, he though, that monk almost had me.  He realized it was time to stop playing around with the sword.  He let his guard down momentarily, and he was quickly covered with monks.  They covered him, and began slicing him to ribbons.  He reached a bloody hand up to the Aon hanging around his neck and activated it.  Instantly, the air around him wavered, and a pulse of brilliant energy burst from the cognitive realm.  It twisted outward in all directions, warping the air and frying the monks to a crisp.  He stood up, his wounds healing, and noted eight dead monks, with five or six badly wounded.  He'd forgotten how much damage a good Aon Daa could do.  He took several rings from his pockets and fastened them to his fingers.  With the rings, each carved with a miniature Aon Daa, he could throw blasts of energy at will.  He began hunting down straggling bonefists.

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Well, yeah, the tendons holding them together would break. But don't rely on it always hitting right, Dahkor bones are warped from normal shapes.

Drako smiled, looming over the man as he changed. He loomed, grimly. It was taking to long. He punched the man in the stomach.

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Xino, you said you wanted Nekorb to fight the Shade? Here’s your chance.

Alask was not Alask.


Healing from the wounds and the kick, the Shade got up, and screamed. It was loud enough to put a chill in every malalligned bone the Dakhor had, and as it surveyed the field, it only got more enraged.

As a regular Dakhor charged the Shade turned and in a instant was beside the man. Immediatly, the man’s flesh rotted, and all that was left was the abomination of a skeleton in his place. It tumbled to the ground.

Turning around with crimson red eyes, flaming like bonfires, the Shade searched for its next target. The leader. It had hurt it.

It charged for Drako, inhumanly fast.

Edited by I think I am here.
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