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Can you Drop a Shard?

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Can you drop a shard?


The first time we've seen a shard be passed is When Leras died, and Vin absorbed all of her Power, becoming Preservation. The second time, both Vin and Ati got killed, and Sazed took up both of their Powers. Eventually, the Shard molds people into following their Intent. Ati was a Nice guy, but became Ruinous. Why couldn't Ati have seen what was happening and just dropped the Shard for a While to Recover, then Picked it back up before it gained Sentience?


If it's impossible to drop a Shard except by dieing, Couldn't the shards have been forced on People? Vin didn't want the Shard, she was going to Kill Marsh when it was forced upon her, she couldn't say no.  What if some of the 16 Didn't want their shards?


EDIT: Aether of Night is Non-Cannon, so Evidence from there will not be accepted. Just saying. Especially seeing as it can't be discusssed here.

Edited by The Only Joe
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Shards seem to have a symbiotic relationship not only does the shards intent affect you both you affect the Shard.. This is why its mention that Ati was not a terrible person before he was affected by Ruin unlike Rayse and Odiums relationship. So just from reference I would assume it diffictult to drop.. But I do believe you can tasnfer the power- much like containing the power in a Shardpool or spilntering a shard.. (energy cannot be created or destroyed) - but tranfersing it directly is more plausible than just dropping it for someone else to come along and pick up

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This whole dropping a shard idea lines up with how I think Odium beats other shards.  I think he corrupts the opposing shard's followers, which then corrupt's the shard holders intent, changing it enough to be incompatible with their current shard forcing them to drop it.  We have seen that things go both ways with Syl and Kal when he gets all vengeful.  It hurts her and nearly breaks their bond.  Now imagine what that on a larger scale would do to a shard.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Bavadin gave up his shard. We don't know how long he held it, but it doesn't really sound like he just picked it up for the day.



Here's a link to the wiki, although it doesn't mention him dropping it.http://coppermind.net/wiki/Bavadin's_Shard

  I'm pretty sure there's a  WoB around somewhere but I don't know where. I'm offering two upvotes to the person who finds it.

I have never heard anything to this effect. I think it's very likely he's just a Shard on Taldain. I would have to see a quote for me to believe it. I think you're making that up :P

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Huh....I believed it was true. I thought I'd heard that ages ago. I guess my memory of this is kind of hazy, it was when I was just learning 'bout the cosmere. Sorry folks.

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