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Best use of Magic


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Name the series that, for you has the best use of magic. Also, does this series immerse this system of magic into the plot really well? For me, and this is going to be a popular one as this is a Sanderson fan site, it has to be by far the Wheel of Time (I know I'm guilty and this seems cliche) I just absolutely LOVED Aes Sedai, their politics, the white tower, channeling and the black tower!

Name your favorite magic system and why!

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I can't believe I'm the only one saying this, but Words of Radiance. Not only did it bring us closer to tying all the magic systems in Roshar and the Cosmere together, but the magic is so weaved into the story, it actually caused supporting characters to exist (Pattern and Syl). The magic is also what led all of the major battles, is the reason two of our main characters survived the fall that caused 100 pages of story to exist, and it is also a main component of most of the plot twists and is the thing slowly uniting all of our characters.

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  • 1 year later...

Im very fond of the Talent magic in the Night Angel and the magic in the Lightbringer Series Magic both by Brent Weeks.


The Auger abilities in the Licanius series is also very cool.

Edited by WEZ313
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Metalic Arts, Awakening and Forgery are some of the best magic-systems ever imho.

Malazan has it's ups and downs but still up there as well.

Brent Weeks is doing fine as well, especially in Lightbringer.

One that I can't see in this topic is Patrick Rothfuss and even if his magic-systems aren't as unique, the way they are executed and put into the world is phenomenal(yes I used that word :D).

Powder Mage Trilogy has good stuff as well.

I'm forgetting something here... :(

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Thanks to the Gleeman for reminding me of one of the greatest magic users that ever lived... Miracle Max. I was just considering which magic system would be best, and while I still can't decide, I do feel Miracle Max deserves at least a mention.


I mean, who else can revive someone from being mostly dead with a chocolate coated chestnut?

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Sanderson tends to be really good at this (and I'll cite Awakening, from Warbreaker as a favorite there).  for others:


The magic system in Ursula LeGuin's Earthsea books is pretty good, and one of the few times I've actually seen "magic Words" type magic make sense.  Specifically incatations and such are done in the language that that world's god used when creating and naming everything (as opposed to garbled Latin, say).  I also like the aspect of it where knowing the name of a thing allows you to wield power over it.


another I liked is the endowments system from David Farland's Runelords series, which works similar to Hemalurgy in some ways.


and finally, I'm a fan of L.E. Modesitt's Recluce books for the Order/Chaos magic, which, when I read it anyway, seemed rather unique among most of the systems I had seen.

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