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Connection in people



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There are multiple degree of Connections between two entities, using the same subject Agent used.

Kelsier has a strong Connection to Ruin and a Strong connection to Preservation due his heritage and snapping into a Mistborn.

Sazed developed a strong Connection to Ruin during the events of HoA, before that moment Sazed was only mid Connected to Ruin for the Scadrial Standard.

To resume, two entities could have degree of Connections to each others. Probably beyond a certain threeshold this Connections are meaningfully and beyond another one is defined as "Strong Connected". But until the people don't start to investigate on this matter is mostly impossible to say something for sure

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The sort answer is that Yes, the levels of Connection between one person and another person/homeland/planet will vary in terms of Cosmere Connection, as evidenced by the varying degrees of significance and/or weight people view such things.  Now, whether it would translate into any practical difference is much harder to say; technically we all have varying degrees of gravity because we do not each have identical mass, but for all practical purposes we all feel the same pull.  For a more Cosmere example, standard, non-divine Breaths technically vary in power from person to person, but the variation is small enough that they can reasonably quantify the effects of Breaths and Heightening by counting a standard average. 

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