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Kaladin's relationship



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  1. 1. Who will Kaladin end up with?

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Shaggai, it only means she's 14 instead of 13, since a Rosharan year is 1.1 Earth year.


Which makes Lift as old as Sansa when she married Tyrion, so there's a precedent...


They're quite alike Lift and Kaladin - both caring for those nobody else spears even a glance. If Kal had taken the path of the surgeon, he could have been an Edgedancer. 

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IMHO, taking Song of Ice and Fire as a precedent for this kind of things is not a good thing.... It doesn't matter that it was OK in the middle ages, it still feel weird for us, in the modern age. (I'm pretty sure 14 is considered pedophilia, or at least some other kind of chronophilia).

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I don't know much about the middle ages, but I think 14 was acceptable age to get married then. Wasn't Laral 15 when Roshone made her his betrothed and Lirin said it was common for lighteyes men to marry very young girls?


Not that I think Kal would such a thing. But he and Lift could be a nice match in later books, may be at the end of the first half depending how much time is between WoR and SA 5. I'm not a Kalift shipper, just saying it ain't off the table.

Edited by Aleksiel
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Liftarin for ever!

As for the (massively thread derailing) topic of non-straight protagonists... I would not be surprised to find out that the reason Jasnah never married is because she's not interested in men, either because she's homosexual or asexual. Thus, if/when we get a viewpoint book for her, it'd be a non-straight protagonist in a Brandon Sanderson work...

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Which makes Lift as old as Sansa when she married Tyrion, so there's a precedent...


They're quite alike Lift and Kaladin - both caring for those nobody else spears even a glance. If Kal had taken the path of the surgeon, he could have been an Edgedancer. 


oh storms, I never thought of that! That kinda makes me laugh. How different would life have been if there had been a slight tweak in each person's life! The issue being the "ring" as Wyndle calls it only really sent Wyndle out so it'd've either been Lift OR Kaladin as far as I know.

Also, I think 14 is still too young regardless of Laral/Roshone's relationship. That wasn't done out of love and having such a large age gap (especially with a girl who obviously hasn't matured and a guy who is mature beyond his years...) just seems out of place. I vote for Shallan first because she is a balance of maturity and whimsical imagination, though I understand the reason for disliking it (and in my second read-through I'm begrudgedly agreeing that Adolin and Shallan ARE cute together. I still prefer Shallan and Kaladin). My second vote would be with Jasnah and Kaladin because they're both mature beyond their years, Jasnah being 30 since she was born and Kaladin taking up the role of leader quickly despite being darkeyes and young. While being a leader doesn't necessarily prove maturity, he's a leader in soul as much as in name.

As for Kaladin being with Adolin... I have to agree with the person who said it'd be awkward to switch his preferences. I have no qualms against homosexual relationships but neither guy has even shown a remote interest in men that way. While they both struggle with their own relationships (Kaladin's two failed ones and Adolin's every-girl-in-the-camp-of-light-eyes) we do get a good peak into their minds and it's never "ah he looks attractive" or anything equivalent. It's a "how can I use this guy tactically or what is this guy's personality." I... don't think I'm explaining this well but basically the mind set of the two hasn't been even remotely towards liking them so much as thinking of their use in the grand scheme of things. Kaladin has never given a damnation about Adolin's smile as much as he has Shallan's voice.

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Yeah, to no one's surprise I'm on Abalidoth's side here. I mean, during WoK I was never much of a person to pair Kaladin up at all. I wasn't interested in any of the options there. Much as I adored Kaladin, he didn't really seem to fit well with the rest of the group, even speculatively. After WoR though? Kalarin and Kadolin all the way! I'm sure I've extolled the virtues of both of those ships elsewhere, but if y'all really want me to repeat them here, I can. Let's be honest though, Kaladin's chemistry with both of the Kholin brothers is fantastic and outshines any of his other relationships, in my opinion.


However, I would be fine with any other character being gay. Somebody mentioned one of the bridge 4 guy. That sounds perfect. Or even Renarin. We haven't seen him with any women interest and we know most of them think he is creepy (not just Shallan). The character has not been fleshed out so much, therefore if he did turned out being gay, I would be fine with it. In fact, the more I think of it, the more I like the idea.


Though, while we're on the topic of Renarin (though who are we kidding, I'm always on the topic of Renarin), I think it sets kind of a bad precident the idea that he would be gay just because girls don't like him. I mean, that's kind of the exact opposite of how this thing works, isn't it? Romantic orientation is about who you like and who likes you, not about who doesn't like you. Also Renarin has been fleshed out quite a bit, as someone like me -- who is obsessed with him -- will tell you. I was pretty much the captain of the Shallarin ship for the longest time, though after WoR I've started flitting between both Kalarin and Shallarin depending on the mood. They'd both be good matches for him.

And for Drehy... I will get the Lopen/Drehy ship off the ground, you just watch me. They would be adorable and I will ship this ship you can't even stop me.

As for Kaladin being with Adolin... I have to agree with the person who said it'd be awkward to switch his preferences. I have no qualms against homosexual relationships but neither guy has even shown a remote interest in men that way. While they both struggle with their own relationships (Kaladin's two failed ones and Adolin's every-girl-in-the-camp-of-light-eyes) we do get a good peak into their minds and it's never "ah he looks attractive" or anything equivalent. It's a "how can I use this guy tactically or what is this guy's personality." I... don't think I'm explaining this well but basically the mind set of the two hasn't been even remotely towards liking them so much as thinking of their use in the grand scheme of things. Kaladin has never given a damnation about Adolin's smile as much as he has Shallan's voice.


...I'm actually giggling a bit over here. I'm guessing that you'd forgotten that the very first time Kaladin ever sees Adolin, back in WoK, he describes him as "handsome"?


“We have legitimate business,” said the officer in blue. He had light golden hair, speckled with Alethi black, and a handsome face.

-Ch. 46, The Way of Kings


Okay Kaladin, we see where your priorities are, ha. Also, Kaladin and Adolin's bickery friendship is seriously perfect. It's petty, it's witty, and they take every opportunity to poke at each other... but when it comes down to it, they've got each others' backs. That teamwork and bonding in the dueling ring? Adolin sitting in the cell while Kaladin served his time? And then the two of them trying to go back to "oh yes we are rivals, bicker, bicker, definitely not friends here nope." Like, quit it you two. Stop being so adorable this instant. After a while you just get the feeling that they're trying a little too hard to keep up the insults and the jibes, you know?


As for Renarin, Kaladin definitely describes him with some fairly positive terms as well. "Slender limbs and delicate fingers" anyone? (I'm pretty sure that's Kogiopsis's favorite line right there, and she's been captain of the Kalarin ship for years.) And you can't deny that Kaladin's the person who has managed to understand and connect with Renarin the closest out of all of the characters thus far. That joining Bridge 4 scene (Chapter 41 of WoR) was so amazing. Kaladin just handled everything perfectly, like wow.


Kadolin and Kalarin forever, y'all.


As for Lift shipping... can we try to stay away from pedophilic shipping? Kaladin, Renarin, and Adolin are all over 20 and she's 13. That's way too young to be considering for at least another 10 years, please. And yeah, the years are slightly longer, yeah, but still. 

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Feather, as other said in this thread before me, the biggest problem with shipping Kaladin in a gay relationship is simply the fact that he didn't expressed any romantic or sexual interest in men, while he definitely showed interest in women (there is Tarah, who most likely had something romantic with him, before he did something that ruined the relationship, and not to mention his thoughts about Shallan after the chasm scene, I mean, he his daydreaming about her voice). Also, a man describing another man handsome doesn't mean he is gay... I mean, I know more than one men who are *definitely* not gay, but doesn't have problems describing some actors as "handsome", it doesn't mean they are in the closet.

I think that both Kalarin and Kadolin ships' only hope is as a bromance ships, which is great on its own. Not every relationship a charcter have need to be romantic, after all. There are some bromantic relationships that are even stronger than normal relationships (à la JD and Turk from Scrubs), thous kind of relationships can express care without anything sexual in it.

Also, regarding they sort of denial, both Adolin and Kaladin are in a desperate need for a friend, Adolin just discovering that anyone he thought was his fried didn't really cared for him in any way (one of his "best friends" fought against him in an obviously unfair fight), and Kaladin needing someone who didn't see him as his commander (like his friends in Bridge 4). They both started the relationship with some kind of a prejudice, Kaladin hating lighteyes and thinking Adolin is a spoiled brat, while Adolin thinks that Kaladin is way over his head and is just a darkeye who shouldn't have bossed him around in the Tower. They both later discovered that they did like each other, but like good males, were stubborn about admitting it.

To me, it all look like great setting for a great bromance, with nothing romantic or sexual in it, that is, if Adolin won't lose himself after the murder and the fact that they are both obvious smitten by Shallan won't get in the way.

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...I'm actually giggling a bit over here. I'm guessing that you'd forgotten that the very first time Kaladin ever sees Adolin, back in WoK, he describes him as "handsome"?


I can see men as being handsome, and I'm not gay. Or even bi. It's more like... knowing someone is attractive by certain standards without having a boner for them. And in a way, that perhaps expresses how much Kaladin hates lighteyes; he sees them as prancing dandies and fops before he sees them as a soldier. 



As for Renarin, Kaladin definitely describes him with some fairly positive terms as well. "Slender limbs and delicate fingers" anyone? 


This time, he was observing him from the perspective of a soldier/bodyguard, assessing his threat level. Those are words from a warrior's monologue, not a homosexual man's.


It could just be me, but it does seem like you're trying to ship this a tad too hard. I agree with Athas, this is more a bromance than a potential gay relationship.

Edited by Ketek
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I think Kaladin is going to have a very hard time finding someone to be with. 

1) he is going to be very busy. He is not going to stay in one place long anymore, he can fly afterall.

2) if he gets too close to someone he will feel compelled to protect them above anyone else. That kind of smothering pushes people away. It also will interfere with his oaths. Perhaps it will become an ideal he has to speak...He gets close to someone, that person is threatened and he has to choose between saving that person and saving a schoolbus full of children group of orphans (there are probably going to be a lot of orphans made in the world soon).

3) His wretch will continue to come out, he may start to get close to someone, but will inevitably push them away for fear of losing them.


As far as his relationship with other PoV characters I believe: Jasnah will be difficult, shallan will get better, dalinar will be fatherly, renarin will be like a new recruit, Lift will be like a little sister, szeth will alway be a thorn, adolin will become a strong ally probably saving kal's life at some point.

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Look, I'm not over here trying to definitively prove "Kaladin is attracted to guys and if you think otherwise you're 100% wrong." The purpose of puling the "handsome" quote was just to disprove the idea that "Kaladin never talks about how attractive other guys are." You're right, it's not 100% canon proof that Kaladin likes Adolin that way, and it wasn't meant to be. 


You can headcanon Kaladin as straight. It's probably more likely to be endgame, yes. But that doesn't mean that it's not valid for another person to think that he's not. You don't need "evidence" to assume that a character is not het or cis or whatever. You don't need it any more than to assume that a character is straight. 


Here's what I see here: chemistry. Y'all can write it off as bromance if you want, but I don't mind taking it to a romantic level. But the Kalarin and Kadolin relationships have a lot of dynamic and are incredibly interesting to explore. I mean, I'm a multi-shipper, like I said. There really isn't any ship for me that's a be-all-end-all anymore. I still like Shallarin as I'm sure surprises no one, I can appreciate some of the dynamics of Shasnah and Shadolin. (Don't get me started on Shalladin, but that's pretty much the one exception. Not a fan of the Kaladin/Shallan dynamic over here.) 


I mean, I'm het. I prefer het pairings. There's a reason I went for Shallarin over Kalarin for the longest time. I'm a girl who likes guys. The pairings that I enjoy reading the most about are guy/girl pairings. But... like abalidoth said, there's already an inundation of straight couples in the genre. So when I find a dynamic that's good and can give my friends some possible representation, heck yeah, I'm gonna appreciate that. There's fun ideas to explore there and I'm going to have fun exploring them.


If it's not your cup of tea though, that's fine. Just, don't be surprised to find out that your way is not the only way to read and interpret these characters.

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I get where the non straight shippers are coming from. It sucks not having protoganists that you can relate to. That being said, Kaladin is a main viewpoint character. In fact we know more about him arguably than any other character. That he is straight is pretty much undeniable. His attraction to Shallan and jealousy of Adolin is explicitly mentioned as is his heartbreak over Tarah. His budding attraction to Laral was also alluded to.


By contrast there hasn’t been a single instance of anything like that towards Adolin or another male character. Claiming he is bi or will be involved in a same sex romance is more than a stretch, it is flat out ridiculous.


Adolin, Renarin, Jasnah or any other character without a lot of POVs turning out to be non straight is more plausible because we’ve not really seen much of their thoughts or feelings up until now.


Anyways on this topic, Syl really should have been an option! I hope Kaladin’s story ends with him turning into a honorspren and riding off into the winds with her. Sorry I'm a sucker for cheesy cliched endings.

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Feather, I am struggling to understand your dislike of the Shallan/Kaladin ship.  The main objections I have seen raised to this elsewhere are:

  1. Some people simply don't like Shallan as a character  (a viewpoint I can respect, although I do not share it)
  2. Dislike love triangles and don't want Shallan/Kaladin/Adolin to develop into Twilight  (valid point, but I think worrying too much about this underestimates Brandon by a considerable amount - I trust him to handle this well wherever it goes)
  3. Don't like the idea of main male and female lead characters becoming romantically involved  (I don't understand this objection at all - for me it's about the details of any specific pairing rather than the surrounding structure of where each character is placed within the story)

Your dislike of this pairing seems more visceral than I've seen from others, but you don't appear to be in the "dislike Shallan entirely" camp.  As a Kaladin/Shallon shipper, I would love to understand where this is coming from?

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I think people are too limited in their shipping. Everyone focuses on the crowd pleasers--Kaladin, Shallan, Jasnah, and the Kholin brothers. But where are the Eshonai shippers? Where is the concern for Szeth's love life? Why has no one rallied around the banner of Taravantagia, the heartwarming union between two lifelong friends who have jointly sacrificed their souls for the fate of Roshar?

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Feather, I am struggling to understand your dislike of the Shallan/Kaladin ship.  The main objections I have seen raised to this elsewhere are:

  1. Some people simply don't like Shallan as a character  (a viewpoint I can respect, although I do not share it)
  2. Dislike love triangles and don't want Shallan/Kaladin/Adolin to develop into Twilight  (valid point, but I think worrying too much about this underestimates Brandon by a considerable amount - I trust him to handle this well wherever it goes)
  3. Don't like the idea of main male and female lead characters becoming romantically involved  (I don't understand this objection at all - for me it's about the details of any specific pairing rather than the surrounding structure of where each character is placed within the story)

Your dislike of this pairing seems more visceral than I've seen from others, but you don't appear to be in the "dislike Shallan entirely" camp.  As a Kaladin/Shallon shipper, I would love to understand where this is coming from?


Sure, I can explain! (Sorry that I don't ship your ship, I always feel like I should apologize for that.) I actually did a meme thing on tumblr a little while ago where people could ask me about different relationships and I had two people ask me about Kaladin and Shallan, so if you want my full take on their dynamic and that ship, you can find that here. Listen to me talk about my issues with it and why I'm not really fond of it. (http://renarinkholin.tumblr.com/post/81151007731/shalladin-for-kaladamn-you-fine-and-an-anon)


I can tell you here though, it's mostly Reason #3. Though I used to be very angry with Shallan that was more her treatment of Renarin than anything else, and I have since managed to heal from that hurt, so that's not it. I don't have too much of a problem with love triangles so long as something interesting is done with them -- though I'm wary and the idea that Kaladin's crush on Shallan will mess with his relationship with Adolin is cringe-inducing -- but I trust Brandon to handle a love triangle if he really wants to do it.


I find it... boring and obvious, to tell the truth. I didn't see enough set up within them as individuals to make the pairing intriguing and the fact that they seem to be walking lock-step through every really overdone kind of romance plot thing is... vaguely annoyng more than it is interesting. I have hope that this ship will end up in a subversion of some sort actually, because that would redeem this plot for me.


I know it seems a little strange to have a metatextual issue with a pairing, but well... it's just feels like I've read this before. It's the "prophecied hero" of relationship arcs. And I associate Brandon with taking those kinds of obvious arcs and twisting them around into something new and unexpected. (He twisted the prophecied hero for Mistborn, remember?) So I'm hoping he'll make something cool out of all of this stereotypical setup. But if he doesn't and this just plays out as a straightforward crush thing? I'm gonna be annoyed.


To give you a different example: It's a little bit like Skye and Ward shipping from Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. I didn't like that pairing because it was really obvious. Basically it hit the same buttons that Kaladin and Shallan do: main attractive male lead, main attractive female lead, stereotypical differences that they then bond through and learn to overcome... and a cast of characters around them that would make for much more interesting pairings.


(And now I'm going into spoilers. Because I like what they did with this pairing, but it's spoilery to discuss.)

So the first wrench in this little pairing that I liked was that Ward started sleeping with one of the other crewmembers, Agent May. It was a purely physical relationship between them, and they didn't fall for each other, but it was a twist in that he's kind of falling for Skye but is sleeping with May.


But... then that fell through and the Skyward shipping was back full force. With the added bonus of "I could sleep with May because I could keep things compartmentalized with her, but there's no way I could do that with you, Skye, because I care too much." That's basically the exact line Ward gives her. And I was back in "this is boring and obvious and lame can we not?" land. They even have a "if we get through this dangerous situation we'll meet up and finally talk together" chat before he rushes off into danger, and then share a quick kiss because they both might die.


Yeah. I was rolling my eyes.


Ohohoh, but theeeeeeeeeen, at the end of that episode... Ward gets revealed as a traitor who has been working against the team the whole time. WELL THEN. THAT'S QUITE A TWIST. Suddenly, the Skyward ship is interesting. He's abandoned his team... but these lingering feelings for Skye seem like they might be compromising his loyalty to the dark side a bit. He says it's all just a part that he's playing but it sounds like that's maybe not quite true. He's going to try to use her possible feelings for him against her to manipulate her into doing what his boss wants... but he's definitely feeling something for her.


Bam. Stereotypical ship, turned into something absolutely fascinating. I don't know if I want them to get together in the end, but I will say that I'm VERY invested in how their relationship and interactions are going, as opposed to "oh really this is not interesting at all."


That's the kind of thing that would make me interested in the Kaladin/Shallan ship. But until something like that happens and so long as there's no indication that this is anything other than a straight, classic set-up... I'll busy myself with other pairings.

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He's obviously going to end up with Gaz.



I voted for Shallan, but I wish that Kaladin ends up with someone else. I used to like the idea of Shallan and Kaladin together until I read the chapters after the chasm scenes. Shallan thought about Kaladin just once as a love interest after they spent an intimate time together. She never seemed to be in awe of Kaladin and his abilities (I mean, he glows in the dark and flies--who else does that??). She seems more in awe of Adolin's face than anything. After the chasm scene, I'm convinced that Kaladin is smitten by Shallan, but Shallan just did not seem that into him. I hope this relationship is more convincing in the future books.


I don't think Adolin and Shallan will last. Something is going to happen to Adolin, and I think what he did at the end of WoR would not sit well with Shallan. He might alter so much to cause a major strain in their relationship. Also, I wonder if he will be one of the people who dies. (That's why there will be a Renarin book in the future and not an Adolin book. Renarin may be the future Highprince)


Shallan is like Navani. Both of them were kind of scared by the intensity of their "real" love interests, Kaladin and Dalinar (who are often described as being much alike as well). Dalinar did not decide to kiss Navani until she was truly vulnerable and open to him. He never trusted her that much before. Shallan doesn't seem very trustworthy, either. Maybe that would hold Kaladin back. So maybe Navani will talk some sense into Shallan and tell her not to make the same mistake she made by choosing Gavilar over Dalinar.


I like Shallan a lot, but I really don't like her when she is with either Kaladin (banter was too acerbic with him) OR Adolin (always thinking about how handsome he is but not much else). I loved it when Kaladin told her, "I just feel like you try too hard" when she just kept on talking and talking. And I was thinking, "yeah, stop trying too hard, Shallan."


I would love to see Kaladin with an Edgedancer. He needs someone lighthearted. And it would be nice to see him partner up in battle with an Edgedancer. I think that would be so cool. I don't think getting Lift and Kaladin together is crazy. They can get together in the 2nd story arc when she is 23 and he is in his early 30's. That's not so bad, right? And plus, Syl does not like cryptics. She would like Wyndle better, I think. Wyndle can impress Syl with his crystals (which, per Wyndle, attracted "cryptics and honorspren alike")

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I'm guessing that Brandon will devote fewer words to Kaladins ship then we have in this topic but in WoT fashion I predict he will end married to three.


So at this point I guess Jasnah as the princess and Eshonai as the savage. Sly I guess might serve for the dedicate supportive partner.

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(Sorry that I don't ship your ship, I always feel like I should apologize for that.)


The Internet would collapse from boredom if everybody agreed about stuff like this  :-)



I can tell you here though, it's mostly Reason #3. Though I used to be very angry with Shallan that was more her treatment of Renarin than anything else, and I have since managed to heal from that hurt, so that's not it.


Phew.  If anything I'd say Shallan pretty much ignored (or at least failed to significantly notice) Renarin, rather than treating him particularly badly.   Which was understandably disappointing to those who had hoped for more, but I think not really fair to hold a grudge against Shallan for!  She was pretty distracted with other goings on, and Renarin didn't exactly put himself out there or try to initiate anything.

This is the catch-22 with getting to know introverted people: no matter how great someone is once you break through their walls, the signs of that potential can be pretty subtle prior to putting in enough relationship building effort, and if you miss those signs, how to know that it's going to be worth your while to put in the effort in the first place?

I'm looking forward to the moment (I fear several books down the line) when Renarin's awesome finally becomes evident for all to see, but in the meantime I don't think we can blame everyone who fails to notice him.



I find it... boring and obvious, to tell the truth. I didn't see enough set up within them as individuals to make the pairing intriguing and the fact that they seem to be walking lock-step through every really overdone kind of romance plot thing is... vaguely annoyng more than it is interesting. I have hope that this ship will end up in a subversion of some sort actually, because that would redeem this plot for me.


I know it seems a little strange to have a metatextual issue with a pairing, but well... it's just feels like I've read this before.


Interesting.   Yeah...   I don't agree but can see where you are coming from.

In a book with a more explicit romance focus I would totally agree that the metastructure of this pairing is too obvious, but what makes this work for me is that it ISN'T the focus of Stormlight.  Neither Kaladin or Shallan is looking for a relationship at all  (well, Shallon kinda was with Adolin, but really she just wanted a way to save her brothers).   They spend relatively little screen time talking or thinking about each other (in the context of a VERY long book no less) and the main thrust of the story is about their personal, inward looking character development.  I guess what I would find cloying as a main entree works for me as seasoning on top of a story that's primarily about something else.

And leaving aside the meta aspect to look at specific interactions, what can I say, the chasm scene just felt right to me.  Real people acting like grownups, opening up to each other, starting to trust.  I found it touching and real.

Versus the Shallan/Adolin interactions, which I thought were also real and cute but more like a fun teenage crush than foundation of something that could actually last.

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I actually like the way the Shallan/Adolin/Kaladin dynamic is developing. I think Feather makes a lot of good points about what makes a love triangle work/not work, but I don't think it is applicable in this case, as I think the current dynamic will not last for the following reasons:


  • As elcee8 pointed out, Kaladin is the only one of the three who really seems to be developing any true feelings here. But even that seems currently more like a crush than anything else. She is currently the only available and accessible female character he knows, and she reminds him somewhat of his mother. He might lose interest if he is ever introduced to another strong female character for any longer period of time (book?) than a passing chapter (looking at you, Jenet)
  • Shallan is by the end of Words of Radiance still in the process of finding herself, and while she is physically attracted to Adolin, she recognizes that their relationship is (at least currently) rather shallow. She seems to prefer the challenge of Kaladin's wit and intensity, but she isn't physically or emotionally attracted to him. As it was with Kabsal, she seems to be attracted to/in love with the idea of being in a relationship with either of them more than she is with the actual characters.
  • Adolin seems to be very much physically attracted to Shallan, and she finds her to be of a refreshingly different temperament than the girls/women he is used to. But I doubt he has developed any deep seated feelings for her at this point. He seems to be more in awe of her at this point than anything else.

I like how the current triangle is put up. As opposed to the badly written, chaotic mess that is the love triangle that makes up the whole Twilight-saga - where everyone is completely in love with and devoted to everyone else - Shallan/Adolin is light-hearted and currently more exploratory that anything else, and Shallan/Kaladin seems to be made up of mutual intellectual curiosity and quite possibly unrequited love on Kaladin's behalf. Adolin/Kaladin seemed to be developing into an unrequited bromance for a while, but Kaladin gained a measure of respect for Adolin towards the end of the book.


In any of the aforementioned instances, I do not think any romantic involvement (at least not in their current incarnation) will survive the next book.

Edited by Aether
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There are some hints that Shallan is developing a physical attraction to Kaladin, as at one point she breaks off contemplating Adolin to think about how attractive Kaladin is in a strong, dark, brooding sort of way. I think it has more significance that she is thinking about this long after she first saw him, when his attractiveness doesn't even seem to have registered with her, as opposed to her attraction to Adolin which starts out really strong.


I agree with you otherwise, and I'm curious to see how everything develops.

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There are some hints that Shallan is developing a physical attraction to Kaladin, as at one point she breaks off contemplating Adolin to think about how attractive Kaladin is in a strong, dark, brooding sort of way. I think it has more significance that she is thinking about this long after she first saw him, when his attractiveness doesn't even seem to have registered with her, as opposed to her attraction to Adolin which starts out really strong.


I agree with you otherwise, and I'm curious to see how everything develops.

I interpreted that as her really just grasping at straws. At this point in the series, she is still in the process of discovering who she is/wants to be, and she seems to be really unsure of what she wants in a man. The whole love triangle isn't as much "oh, I can't decide who I love the most" as "I can't decide what I want in life", which is a huge difference. Kind of. Well, not really. An important nuance, though, which makes it more interesting. And even if it doesn't, it's still a better love story than Twilight.

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