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Awakener Szeth - Or Just Character Perception? (Warbreaker Spoilers Maybe)


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So I found this interesting gem:



Adolin cursed and lunged for the assassin, but a fluttering tarp - brushed by the assassin in passing - leaped toward Adolin. The monster could command inanimate objects! Adolin sliced through the tarp and then jumped forward to swing for the assassin.
-hardcover pg 1023, chapter 85 'Swallowed by the Sky"

Note that this is before Szeth has either met Nin or picked up Nightblood.



a)from Adolin's perspective, Szeth is Commanding objects.

b)It sounds awfully like Breath - in particular could command inanimate objects, and we all know how careful Brandon is with his wording. (Or at least, how careful we THINK he is. *ahem* Gibletish :) )



a)It could have just been the wind, and generally Adolin freaking out about the Assassin in White.

b ) Szeth wouldn't have had time to give a verbal command, even if he could use Stormlight to power and Awakening.

c) It seems a bit much to me that on top of Vasher and Nightblood, Brandon would then cross over an entire magic system from Nalthis - especially since we're not supposed to  need to have read any particular Cosmere book to understand the others.


IF however, Szeth can Awaken, the only way I think he could learn it is from Vasher.

99% chance he's not a worldhopper, since we KNOW he's from Shinovar, plus it would make flashbacks very messy. I'm not sure I can see Vasher teaching him anyway, unless he learned Awakening in his past, before or in his early days of being Truthless. Which is doubtful because flashbacks.


So I open the question to the rest of you theorisers and obssessors. What doth 17th Shard think?

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Really fun catch, but I'm almost positive this was just done by lashing, which would be just as incomprehensible to Adolin as awakening.  My guess would be Brandon just teasing, otherwise I think there would be some really obscure easy to miss reference about color draining from another object, and I haven't seen it.  

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I have thought--nay, hoped--that we will eventually see Awakening for certain in these books. After all, Vasher and Nightblood were planned as Stormlight characters long before Warbreaker. It stands to reason that Nalthis and Endowment are similarly involved in the Stormlight Archive's plot and background.

I wonder if Szeth will eventually learn how to Awaken objects, making this a minor foreshadowing. Perhaps Szeth will learn how to do it from a certain expert he has on hand. :)

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I have thought--nay, hoped--that we will eventually see Awakening for certain in these books. After all, Vasher and Nightblood were planned as Stormlight characters long before Warbreaker. It stands to reason that Nalthis and Endowment are similarly involved in the Stormlight Archive's plot and background.

I wonder if Szeth will eventually learn how to Awaken objects, making this a minor foreshadowing. Perhaps Szeth will learn how to do it from a certain expert he has on hand. :)

So Brandon planned the crossover before he planned the actual book? :o

I'm very curious now as to how Vasher and Nightblood will be significant in SA without being too Cosmere-spoilery or confusing.

Stones Unhallowed....why must you be over a year away?

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So Brandon planned the crossover before he planned the actual book? :o

I'm very curious now as to how Vasher and Nightblood will be significant in SA without being too Cosmere-spoilery or confusing.

Stones Unhallowed....why must you be over a year away?

Yes, Warbreaker was written as an introduction to their characters. I'll try to find a WoB for you (though I'm about to eat lunch so someone might beat me to it).

EDIT: Because I am a gentleman, I found the WoB before I go to get lunch. Yes, I am a wonderful person.

Q: When you were planning Zahel being Vasher, how long did you do that?

A: Vasher was in the 2002 version of WoK by name. I only changed him to the new name after I finished this entire draft. Because I was like, oh he'd probably go under a pseudonym. So he's been in Roshar 12 years our time.

According to Google, Warbreaker was released in 2009. So Vasher in Stormlight predates Warbreaker.

Edited by Kobold King
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Yes, Warbreaker was written as an introduction to their characters. I'll try to find a WoB for you (though I'm about to eat lunch so someone might beat me to it).

EDIT: Because I am a gentleman, I found the WoB before I go to get lunch. Yes, I am a wonderful person.

According to Google, Warbreaker was released in 2009. So Vasher in Stormlight predates Warbreaker.

Wow, thank you for that! I know you can't eat it, but take an upvote anyway. :)

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Both Zahel and NB must play some large roles going forward for them to have had their own book for an intro (I hope). You never know with Brandon. I guess we do already know BN is on the scene and it will probably take Zahel helping out to get him under control. 

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  • 4 months later...

Really fun catch, but I'm almost positive this was just done by lashing, which would be just as incomprehensible to Adolin as awakening.  My guess would be Brandon just teasing, otherwise I think there would be some really obscure easy to miss reference about color draining from another object, and I haven't seen it.

Although...he does wear all white (or gray at one point?) yeah....i still think were just reaching here.

Who knows with the Cosmere though.

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