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Adolin talking to his sword.


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Sorry if this has been talked about befor. Im new, I feel with Adolin talking to his sword before every duel he is going to awak his spren inside the blade somthing that has not happend befor. With reading Sanderson's book I don't think he ever puts things like this in his books that dont have foreshadowing factor. I don't know if this will make him a KR I think like most of you he will not become one and that will put a strain on his relationship with all the other KR

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While it's a decent theory, I think a better theory would be the number of Kohlin's running around surge binding.  My first guess is he's a Skybreaker, and second guess is a Dustbringer.   I don't buy that it was really Nalan giving the Nightblood to Seth. 

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Welcome to the forums, bdoble97!


I don't think this has been discussed in detail (I could be wrong; I didnt finish the book until a few weeks ago so missed thousands of posts about the book).  You're right, Brandon doesn't often put in little details without reason. There have been some theories that Adolin is a Surgebinder, which if that's the case he may sense the dead spren in his Blade in a different way than normal people do and without knowing it be trying to reach out to it. IIRC, he doesn't talk to it before going into battle or while fighting, but your idea is still good. If he does turn out to be a Surgebinder, then this will merely be placed with the evidence of that retroactively. This could lead to a theory that Surgebinders can sense the spren in dead Shardblades. Interestingly enough, since we have WoB that Dalinar has been a Surgebinder since before he formally bonded the Stormfather, it could be that he would have begun to sense something as well if he hadn't given up his Shardblade at the end of WoK.



While it's a decent theory, I think a better theory would be the number of Kohlin's running around surge binding.  My first guess is he's a Skybreaker, and second guess is a Dustbringer.   I don't buy that it was really Nalan giving the Nightblood to Seth. 


You don't believe that it was actually Nale, or that it was actually Nightblood? Because I'm pretty sure we have confirmation of both now.

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i realy hope its just one of thouse quirks.

like with the food he eats before duels.


it would be kind of odd if we only get the super hero povs.

if you ask me, it would aid the series alot more, if he does not become a KR.



when Dalinar eventually steps down to do his real KR job, Andolin will be needed as highprince.



but hey i thought about him awakening his sword too.

however i think the ideals/oath of the Spreen are much more importand then speaking with it.

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I think that this may be a case in which superstition is based in reality. The superstition that talking to your shardblade helps before a fight...as shallan and kaladin talk to theirs. Thousands of years ago every shardholder talked to their shardblades. It would be great if the superstition simply stems from that. It would be like in the past saying the devils name actually did summon him while now it is just a superstition.

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So far, I suspect Adolin talking to his sword is just one of those quirks to make characters more interesting/rounded.


However, I did have this idea: Adolin deliberately did not name his sword because he doesn't know it's original name and doesn't want to make up something wrong for it. So, once he finds out all "old" Shardblades are basically dead-ish spren maybe he asks Shallan if she can figure anything out (probably when he doesn't know about the screaming KR hear when touching a dead Shardblade) and that kicks off a series of things that eventually allows the spren to be restored, and Adolin becomes a KR in the process.


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Thanks GrayPilrim.  I was also thinking that if Adolin  does wake his spren up from the sword it would be different from all other spren bc it had died and has come back to life and it would have a grudge towards all the other spren and the KR  I don't want this to happen bc I want Adolin to become a KR, but I cant see Sanderson having all the good guys have northing but good stuff happen to them.

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I know at one point in WoR Adolin loses the thrill that he and dalinar used to get in battle. He remarks during one of his fights that he no longer feels the thrill. I think this is a foreshadowing of something to come for Adolin as well. Dustbringer or stonewarden would be my guess. Stonewarden makes sense too because hes very inclined to the soldier in him. Also, skybreaker doesnt make sense, because when he had himself locked up with kaladin, he said he did it because it didn't feel right. Skybreakers are not likely to concern themselves with what feels right and there conscience.

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I think that there is a WoB somewhere, where he said that it would be almost impossible to re-awaken a dead-spren shardblade without the original bearer... 


I think...


Here you go.

Q: Is it possible then to reawaken a Shardblade if that blade is wielded by someone who speaks the oaths of a Knights Radiant?

A: (Thinking)...Yes, but it would be extremely difficult. The spren in a Shardblade are not trapped in a state of mid-transformation like the Elantrians. They are stuck in an agony cycle after having a significant portion of their consciousnesses ripped out of them. The Nahel bond is what allows Spren to think on [the] material plane and that has been torn away. It would be like having a data jack installed and then having someone come up to your head and rip it out of your head.

Q: So you would basically have to replace the part that was lost to wake them up?

A: Exactly.

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I think the thrill left because the unmade are starting to affect the parshendi now. They seem to get the thrill now. 


The thrill left because Nergaoul (is that the right spelling?) moved from Alethkar to Jah Keved.  Also, it's just a lot weaker.  Not quite gone.


The Parshendi feel "The Thrill" because their minds have been taken over by Odium, so Nergaoul doesn't need to influence them.

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While it's a decent theory, I think a better theory would be the number of Kohlin's running around surge binding.  My first guess is he's a Skybreaker, and second guess is a Dustbringer.   I don't buy that it was really Nalan giving the Nightblood to Seth.

I saw a WoB somewhere that said that the Skybreakers would be upset with what Adolin did by killing Sadeas since it broke the law, but he gave a knowing look to someone who asked if the Dustbringers would be okay with it.
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Well, I yell at my slow computer a lot. Does that make me a surgebinder? :D


But seriously, I'm in the camp who thinks that talking to his sword thing is more than a quirk. Shardblades are too important in this world. It's a different level than eating a special dish.

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The second time Adolin meets Szeth, he hears a voice telling him to duck. Was it his sword or just self talk?

I noticed that as well, but I think it might have just been his instincts talking. The chaotic and fast pace of combat can typically be difficult to write faithfully, and I think the most difficult think to convey is instinctual behaviour. Imagine Adolin only barely noticing in the corner of his eye the shadow of Szeth's Shardblade through the cloth. His brain doesn't really have time to consider what it is ("Hey! A Shardblade is coming from that direction! Better duck!"), but his combat reflexes permits him to react instinctively. At least that is how I interpret that particular group of italic letters.


But then again, Dalinar had similar experiences (though not really related to combat movements) during the Way of Kings, and he was at this point probably communicating with Stormfather to some extent. Maybe we should look for similar happenings to Adolin?


     He found nothing to fight.


     He threw himself to the ground as something passed over his head, the assassin flying through the air.

- From the Words of Radiance, chapter 85: "Swallowed by the sky", page 1024 of the Tor hard-cover.

Edited by Aether
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Here you go.


Q: Is it possible then to reawaken a Shardblade if that blade is wielded by someone who speaks the oaths of a Knights Radiant?

A: (Thinking)...Yes, but it would be extremely difficult. The spren in a Shardblade are not trapped in a state of mid-transformation like the Elantrians. They are stuck in an agony cycle after having a significant portion of their consciousnesses ripped out of them. The Nahel bond is what allows Spren to think on [the] material plane and that has been torn away. It would be like having a data jack installed and then having someone come up to your head and rip it out of your head.

Q: So you would basically have to replace the part that was lost to wake them up?

A: Exactly.

- If this interview is true then that seals it,  Adolin will become a Knight Radiant. 

I have this posted in another forum about the possibility of Adolin becoming a Knight Radiant. 


"In my opinion, what Adolin did  was both serving justice and self-defense though it could be more described as summary execution. Sadeas was guilty for the death of thousands of soldiers, that alone is reason enough for him to die. Apart from that, he threatened the destruction of the Kholin family. I believe Adolin has enough ground to execute Sadeas. It wasn't because of political maneuvering or a so called belief of a better end that would justify the means. I think it was justice, plain and simple. On the other hand, if he did it out of pure revenge and not because of a sense of justice then it would be no different from Kaladin wanting to kill Amaram. If Adolin did it to protect then he can still be a radiant but if he did it because of revenge then that might disqualify him.   

I think the reason the skybreakers were added last was because there was already an existing order that serve justice basing it on wisdom instead of laws and legalities. Laws and legalities can be twisted and someone guilty can actually escape justice or can be the other way around, an innocent person being framed and falsely executed. Probably the Skybreakers were  formed due the demand of different kingdoms that their legal bureaucracies be respected by the Radiants."

I agree that Adolin might a potential Dustbringer. He sees injustice and act upon it like when he protected the whore against Sadea's thug soldiers and when he demands that he be imprisoned as well when Kaladin was thrown into prison. He has a sense of justice. And this might attract a certain kind of spren. Probably a Dustbringer oath is something like... 'I will fight injustice or I will serve justice'... something along that line....          

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