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Long Game 49/Anonymous Game 3: Window to the Past

little wilson

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4 minutes ago, SE_Aesudan_Kholin said:

“I am, in fact, equally brilliant without words. But your willingness to agree with Wit is nothing short of flattering.”

Amaram, in realizing error, becomes suddenly very flustered.”Ah, yes Brightness, I of course meant no disrespect. Wit on the other hand, seems to be disrespecting all of us.”

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59 minutes ago, SE_Meridas_Amaram said:

Amaram, in realizing error, becomes suddenly very flustered.”Ah, yes Brightness, I of course meant no disrespect. Wit on the other hand, seems to be disrespecting all of us.”

"Well spotted Amaram! I'm glad you're not disrespecting yourself by being ENTIRELY unobservant."

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Luckily for Beggar, none of the guards noticed him carrying his sack of wine bottles. He left the main feast hall without incident, and headed towards the Beggar's Porch. Along the way, he decided that he would probably just put the wine back in its original hiding place in the rafters. The eavesdropper was surely long gone by now, and the search concluded. After all that effort to retrieve the wine though, Beggar wasn't about to turn right back around. No, he would enjoy a few bottles of wine first, hopefully share some with anyone he happened to meet at his destination. The wine was heavy, but Beggar was able to carry it without needing to stop and rest. He quickly reached the Beggar's Porch, sat down, and pulled out a random bottle of wine. A red, evidently. Beggar began to drink, ears pricked in case any prospective wine drinkers ventured near.

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"Yes, brother, timespren are what make these fabrials. The difficulty is in the obtaining the timespren, as they rarely ever manifest themselves. I would go into more detail, but I'm afraid I don't think you'd understand. 

"And, unfortunately, they don't work as we had hoped. They were supposed to slow down everyone except the user. Instead, they merely slow down the passing of time, but no one actually slows down. Also, one of the chulls took them. Unless we find the timespren soon, this will be a long night."


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17 minutes ago, SE_Aesudan_Kholin said:

Alas, politics and parties do not always mix as well as you intend them to :P

"Brightness Aesudan, the point of having a party with the Alethi is to engage in politics," said Sadeas as he found her talking with one of the Parshendi.

Really, if you couldn't enjoy some political maneuvering, what was the point of even attending. It surely wasn't the company.

Edited by SE_Torol_Sadeas
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Ialai experimentally tossed a sphere in the air and watched it slow as it left her hand, worming upwards at a much more sluggish rate. An interesting phenomenon. Perhaps she was drunk, hallucinating. A rare occurrence for her. It hadn’t happened often, even during nights of reverie. And Ialai hadn’t drunk that much - had she?

Nevertheless, she considered throwing something at Wit, as it would make less of a spectacle while achieving the same effect, and decided against it. Instead, she plucked the now falling sphere out of the air and began to stride towards the others.

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Ivory stepped from Shadesmar back into the palace, and promptly fell down. It was as if he'd stepped form a fast-flowing river into a slow-flowing one. He looked around in shock and surprise, and noticed the many things that where just wrong. The humans where moving  around at an accelerated rate, as if time had sped up for them. He could barely follow their conversations, the human voices having become nearly unrecognizable, but he heard enough. 'time-spren', 'fabrial' and 'chull' told him all he needed to know.

'Now they've really gone too far', he though as eh stepped back into Shadesmar. He was going to have to find the chull and break whatever infernal contraption the humans had built that allowed them to change the flow of time itself.

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Well, I was really good at checking for updates on the thread for the day it was closed, then bad for the past two days so, morale of the story, I'm bad at this game.


Dalinar hated these new Fabrials. the wibbiley wobbely, timey wimey, mess that it caused was useless, it did not even seem as if it was truly having an affect on the world as a whole, didn't seem to have any practical combat uses, and did not even let him get more drunk. All in all, it was horrible.

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I woke up from the nap I had been taking. "Clearly this party got a bit boring for me. How about we add a bit more spice?" I put down a fabrial, which suddenly drew all the alcohol in the room towards it, smashing most of the bottles, and causing several lighteyes to give me dirty looks.

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Klade stared at the new ruckus. There obviously had been some fabrial that could attract alcohol, though how they would work was a question of interest. Alcoholspren were only rumors. He walked over to the cause of the shattered glass all over. "Hello Wit. The Alethi nobility might actually hire someone to assassinate you now."

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Torol Sadeas tried to hold onto his glass of wine, but all he accomplished was to keep the glass while the wine flowed out of the top.

"What in damnation?" He watched as his wine fell to the floor and moved across the room. It seemed all the wine in the room was doing the same thing. All of it was headed to one place: Wit.

Sadeas called out to the infernal man. "I hope you can drink all that. Then maybe you'll finally be a pleasant feast companion, passed out faster than dear Dalinar.

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