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Long Game 49/Anonymous Game 3: Window to the Past

little wilson

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I was reading through yesterday’s thread and it appears I misunderstood some things. Not enough to wish I’d changed my vote, but there are certainly questions that have been left unanswered. Whether Adolin would have gone ahead with the attack and the whole Liss situation are both touchy questions, and probably ones that can’t be safely answered without fear of someone lying.

Ialai scowled at a passing chull, as if her piercing gaze would somehow drop it dead. The animal bleated and began to shamble in a different direction, trampling a chair. The wood cracked beneath a massive foot.

“Great,” she said. “Wit brought some of his friends.”

But, for all her pretended concern about the chaos within the hall, she knew that it was her inner turmoil that made her on edge. They had received faulty information - that meant someone was lying to them. And, amongst it all, people had been planning to murder. Now, Ialai was not above such things, but never had she tried to kill someone herself. She got other people to do it.

And, to further muddy the waters, someone else appeared to be lying as well. How much of what they said could be trusted from now on? How much of anything anyone said could be trusted?

Ialai hoped to get to the bottom of it soon. Because when everyone was lying, you couldn’t be sure of who was planning to stab you in the back.

Edited by SE_Ialai_Sadeas
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I heard my King's command, and stood up on my chull. 
"AHEM. So here's what REALLY happened."
"I met with Liss during the night, as we decided to trade win conditions. I, being me, found myself highly unthreatening, and so figured everyone would LOVE to work with me. Other than Sadeas, obviously he never wants to work with me. I also talked to Adolin, a big fan of mine, who also traded win conditions with me. We decided to help Liss spy upon Aesudan, who obviously was quite suspicious. I mean, just look at that dress. Very suspicious. In return, we would help Adolin achieve his win condition, and in the process I would achieve mine!" 
"But then, Liss leaked out the fact that Adolin wanted to kill someone. He had gotten it in his head that killing the boozy people would save his father from drink. At the same time, she told us that Aesudan had attempted to kill Klade. I am still not sure why she did this. I mean, I wouldn't have cared if she told Adolin that, but told me that Aesudan had actually spied upon Liss. At the same time, the Sadeas's thought that Adolin was after them. I knew he was not, so I assured them as such. Then, Aesudan posted, leading to the accusation coming out that she had tried to kill Klade. But then Gavilar questioned whether my source was correct, so I began to dig. And at that same time, Aesudan revealed that Liss had lied. Then, everyone finished piling upon Adolin despite his- and my- many explanations, and the fact that Liss and her apparent allies caused this entire mess. I'm fairly certain that this means the Sadeas's have it out for the Kholins, although why they would want that makes no sense. Then, to finish up the night, I went with Adolin and released all the chulls into the palace! And now Adolin is out. You are welcome for the explanation." 
I then sat back down on my chull. 

Edited by SE_Wit
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Aesudan navigated around a chull that was sleeping between tables, and towards the other Kholins.

"@SE_Dalinar_Kholin, considering the fact that you were paying attention around the time that I cleared my name, and it was common knowledge that continuing to falsely accuse me would seriously set back my objective, I have to say it was rather unkind of you to leave your vote on me.

I did not think we had any kind of quarrel with each other. Could you explain yourself?"

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Klade looked at the chulls bemusedly. Wit was up to some more mischief. Regretfully, Adolin had been ostracized. Though Adolin was inclined to flirting to any female regardless of species, Wit had liked him, and Wit's judgement was surprisingly sound. He walked over to Wit. "Hello. Thank you for that lovely summary and for the chulls. I do believe Ialai is mad at you now. Wonderful job."

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5 minutes ago, SE_Klade said:

Klade looked at the chulls bemusedly. Wit was up to some more mischief. Regretfully, Adolin had been ostracized. Though Adolin was inclined to flirting to any female regardless of species, Wit had liked him, and Wit's judgement was surprisingly sound. He walked over to Wit. "Hello. Thank you for that lovely summary and for the chulls. I do believe Ialai is mad at you now. Wonderful job."

I leaned down from my chull, and whispered to Klade. "It's really not that hard to made Ialai mad. She hasn't forgiven me ever since I compared her to a rockbud."

Edited by SE_Wit
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@SE_Wit I admit that you version of events (though slightly less summarized :) ) is far more accurate than I assumed you would post.  However, you got one thing wrong.  Aesudan did not reveal that I lied (unless you read her post first.  In that case, she did).  But I revealed that I lied to try and fix this whole mess.  I can go back and check, but I am pretty sure I revealed my lie before Aesudan.

@SE_Klade, Imagine how Gavilar must feel... This is his castle after all...

Edited by SE_Liss
added response to Klade to prevent double posting.
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5 minutes ago, SE_Liss said:

@SE_Wit I admit that you version of events (though slightly less summarized :) ) is far more accurate than I assumed you would post.  However, you got one thing wrong.  Aesudan did not reveal that I lied (unless you read her post first.  In that case, she did).  But I revealed that I lied to try and fix this whole mess.  I can go back and check, but I am pretty sure I revealed my lie before Aesudan.

@SE_Klade, Imagine how Gavilar must feel... This is his castle after all...

"Hm, I'll admit something. I heard Aesudan first. And I was already suspicious of you due to a conversation with Navani. I was bouncing around private conversations at the time, trying to figure out what the storms was going on. This makes me feel slightly better about you, but not much better, because you still felt like lying to me was a better solution than telling me the truth. You risked destabilizing a treaty that can have repercussions on the entire world, just for the fear of a few women. Oh, and Gavilar is fine. I think he might actually be enjoying all of this." 

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17 minutes ago, SE_Wit said:

Oh, and Gavilar is fine. I think he might actually be enjoying all of this." 

Yeah, you wish Wit. With the chulls tearing up the place... Lol

17 minutes ago, SE_Wit said:

"Hm, I'll admit something. I heard Aesudan first. And I was already suspicious of you due to a conversation with Navani. I was bouncing around private conversations at the time, trying to figure out what the storms was going on. This makes me feel slightly better about you, but not much better, because you still felt like lying to me was a better solution than telling me the truth. You risked destabilizing a treaty that can have repercussions on the entire world, just for the fear of a few women. Oh, and Gavilar is fine. I think he might actually be enjoying all of this." 

Hm, I believe you exaggerate.  I told 2 people in Gavilar's court.  If something was to be done about it, the proper way of going about it would be to have Gavilar order her thrown out.  This could be done discreetly enough not to startle anyone.  Instead what happens? We get people trying to escalate the issue to get their own agendas across.  I am so glad that you are helping to calm down the guests Wit. 

Honestly, we are both escalating this issue at the moment... Would you accept a white flag?

Edited by SE_Liss
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I think you misunderstand me.  Let me rephrase what I said in my previous post:

"Hm, I believe you exaggerate." -this is me responding to Wit. As I believe, he exaggerated this issue.

"I told 2 people in Gavilar's court." -These to people are Wit and Adolin.  What I told them was the Lie. (I am getting a bit tired of talking about this : )  )

"If something was to be done about it, the proper way of going about it would be to have Gavilar order her thrown out.  This could be done discreetly enough not to startle anyone." - This is me RPing what they should have done in world.  Nothing to do with game mechanics

"We get people trying to escalate the issue to get their own agendas across." -This is me insulting Wit

"I am so glad that you are helping to calm down the guests Wit. " - This is me insulting Wit again

"Honestly, we are both escalating this issue at the moment... Would you accept a white flag? " - This is me, trying to admit my own fault, and trying to calm down the situation?


If any of this does not resolve whatever misunderstanding there was, I will be quite surprised...

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49 minutes ago, SE_Wit said:

I'm fairly certain that this means the Sadeas's have it out for the Kholins, although why they would want that makes no sense.

Sadeas listened to Wit, for once actually believing what he said. But there was something he needed to clear up.

"I can promise you, I do not harbor any I'll feelings for or motives against the Kholins. Gavilar is a good friend, and I respect him enough to respect his family. I do regret, somewhat, having Adolin ostracized. However, I could not quite allow myself to believe your words, considering you compared me to a moss-covered rock in that same half-hour. I still cannot be sure that you do not hold a desire to see me dead.

"In order to show that I will not harm the Kholins, allow me to work with you towards your goal."

1 minute ago, SE_Meridas_Amaram said:

Liss this is spiraling out of control.

(Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't believe there are votes to ostracize this turn, as this would be a 'night' turn in a regular game.)

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Ialai frowned. “We have both been close friends with many of the Kholins. Our accusation of Adolin was in self defence when we realised that he was plotting to kill someone, and we were mistakenly told it was Torol.”


There are only ostracizations on whole-numbered rounds (ie the ‘day’ cycles).

And yeah, I didn’t fully understand the situation at the time. Now that I’ve wrapped my head around it, I admit I might have acted differently. I still think Wit is acting like he convinced Adolin to back out in order to try and protect him - now that he’s been kicked out, he’s trying to keep your story straight and shift the blame. But Liss has did something wrong with lying to them, although I’m less sure about what’s going on about that.


Edited by SE_Ialai_Sadeas
Pronoun correction
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"Honestly, this constant cycle of re-explaining what happened is wearing down on my wit. I feel as though your insistence upon getting rid of Adolin was driven by some other sort of factor. Perhaps you really did feel he was the greater threat than Liss. I don't really care at this point. Adolin will come back eventually, and I will continue to be annoyed by Liss." 
Next, he turned to Sadeas. "Sadeas, did you just offer to help me? How kind of you. Thankfully I have something to do in the next half hour that will be tough to do without a bit of help. I'll refrain from insulting you as I talk to you privately." 

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21 minutes ago, SE_Tearim said:

Tearim successfully (but tediously) led another chull out of the dining hall. The storming beasts were everywhere. He'd have Wit's head after this is all over...

I noticed poor Tearim trying to remove the chulls from the dining hall. I wondered when someone would tell him about the ones in all the other rooms, as well as a few in the hallways, bedrooms, and at least one in a bathroom. That one even had little baby chulls. It would be highly entertaining to see him try and pull that off. 

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Szeth resisted the urge to clutch his head. The recent debacle was a riddle, obfuscated by the constant tellings and retellings of what had transpired between Adolin, Liss, Aesudan, Wit, and the rest. He was sure he could solve it. He just needed to decide if he cared. Most of it did not involve his masters, except for Liss's false accusation of Aesudan, and thus Szeth did not need to care.

And yet, he wanted to care, to ponder over the exact timeline of events and compare it to the claims of what had happened. The situation reminded Szeth of puzzles he'd done in his youth, from a better time. He placed an extra neutral expression on his face, trying to hide the sudden turmoil between his internal desires and his masters' orders. If he let himself pursue this mystery for his own purposes, what else might he do?

Ensure the treaty-signing celebration runs smoothly. Szeth looked around the hall. It was a mess, with chulls slowly scuttling from place to place, blocking pathways from table to table, and generally filling up the room. The King's Wit even rode on top of a chull! This would help distract him from his riddle. Szeth refixed the neutral expression on his face, and walked up to Wit to offer him a drink.

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Fascinating creatures, chulls. Beggar sometimes felt that the only difference between him and a chull was that he accepted the consequences of his actions. The chulls currently exploring the palace had been raised from birth to help humans, but Beggar and his fellow chulls had all chosen domestication. They had decided that yes, it is Good and Right and Honourable to place the burdens of humanity upon their backs. To have their tough shells altered to better serve. To allow those wiser and more clear sighted to hold their reins and direct their movements. To lumber on and endure, even as their shells cracked and shattered. This was their duty, their obligation. They stumbled at times, but they could not break their deepest oaths any more than these wandering chulls could shed their carapaces and live out the rest of their lives exposed to the elements. It was impossible, unthinkable. Until the day came when it wasn't.

Leaving was not the only choice Beggar and his companions could have made. He imagined it would hurt less if it had been. The fact that any other decision would have utterly destroyed them did nothing to assuage the guilt and shame. Many times over the years, Beggar wished he could hide under his shell, or pupate and become immobile as a senescent chull would. That privilege had been lost to him when he had cast away his shell with the others. Alcohol was a poor and fleeting substitute, and even constant drinking failed to mend the scars where his shell had proved to be inadequate protection. Drinking with a friend helped slightly more, so Beggar walked up to the nearest chull.

"Thank you for everything you do, little one," Beggar whispered, sitting down besides the creature. "Your hard work will not go unnoticed." Draining a bottle of yellow wine, Beggar leaned against the comfortable shell to rest.

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35 minutes ago, SE_Szeth said:

Szeth resisted the urge to clutch his head. The recent debacle was a riddle, obfuscated by the constant tellings and retellings of what had transpired between Adolin, Liss, Aesudan, Wit, and the rest. He was sure he could solve it. He just needed to decide if he cared. Most of it did not involve his masters, except for Liss's false accusation of Aesudan, and thus Szeth did not need to care.

And yet, he wanted to care, to ponder over the exact timeline of events and compare it to the claims of what had happened. The situation reminded Szeth of puzzles he'd done in his youth, from a better time. He placed an extra neutral expression on his face, trying to hide the sudden turmoil between his internal desires and his masters' orders. If he let himself pursue this mystery for his own purposes, what else might he do?

Ensure the treaty-signing celebration runs smoothly. Szeth looked around the hall. It was a mess, with chulls slowly scuttling from place to place, blocking pathways from table to table, and generally filling up the room. The King's Wit even rode on top of a chull! This would help distract him from his riddle. Szeth refixed the neutral expression on his face, and walked up to Wit to offer him a drink.

"Excellent! Thank you, truthless. Chull, would you like a drink?"
The chull bleated, and I raised an eyebrow. "Well then. I will refrain from giving you drink."

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Okay. I've been a bit busier than I thought I would be, and when I come back, adolin's been ostracized, liss has been accused of muckraking, and 'someone' has released dozens of chull into the palace.

Perfect! Everything is still typical for an Alethi feast. We wouldn't want the parshendi to get a bad impression of us, after all.

Ahoy! Servant! It should be about time to start the light shows! Let's get those fabrials moving! 


I don't like how liss has been acting. I assume it has to do with someone's win condition. However, due to the way ostracizing works, kicking liss out means that it is less likely for Adolin to get back in, so I'll hold off on voting for now. Should someone else be ostracized, I plan to vote out liss.


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9 hours ago, SE_Venli said:

Venli, wondering what best to do, wandered the room. She decided to talk to Jasnah. She walked up, attuning the rhythm of happiness. "Hello, how are you?"


"Ah yes, Hello!" Jasnah responded. "You must think us crazy after all of what has happened this evening, however, I must assure you, even though my father insists that this is typical of an Alethi feast, it has never gone this far out of control. I'm certain it won't happen again." Tell me, Venli, what do you think of Alethi Politics, apart from what you've seen tonight of course. And how do you compare that to your kind's politics?"

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