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Long Game 49/Anonymous Game 3: Window to the Past

little wilson

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There's been a lot of posts in a short time, and I'm a little bit lost, but let me just say that I was spying on Liss last cycle, and I can very easily prove it:

  • Liss can confirm that this is what I was doing, because we ended up spying on each other on the same cycle.
  • Ash can also confirm this, because she helped me spy on Liss last cycle.
    • Elhokar can confirm that I enlisted Ash's help, because I asked Elhokar to do a favor for Ash when I found myself unable to repay Ash personally.
  • Ialai can confirm that I expressed interest in whether or not she had a bonus to the spy action last cycle.
  • I might have misread the rules, but I thought a failed action had consequences. If somebody attempted murder and it failed, I would sort of expect the failed attack to be announced in-thread, or at least that the target of the attack was informed of a failed attempt on their life.
  • The Parshendi have literally nothing to do with my win condition.

I don't really get why I am being accused of attacking someone.

Also, my other win condition is to not get voted on for two consecutive round of voting, so unless you have additional reasons to vote upon me, I would appreciate if you did not prevent me from reaching my win condition.


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"Adolin did have the idea to kill Dalinar, but I have been spending large amounts of time convincing him that that is a truly bad idea. And it appears that Adolin and I were deceived in our information. Aesudan, I still don't like you, but Liss lied about the result of her action in order to use us to kill you. And so I apologize for that. Treasure that, because it won't happen again." 

Edited by SE_Wit
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"My intentions were not to kill her... Just make it easier to find allies in case I decided to persue that route... There is a huge distinction there..."


...No, there really isn't... Sorry Wit, Adolin...

"Though... Wit... Do you really like anyone here?" :P 

Edited by SE_Liss
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1 minute ago, SE_Liss said:

"My intentions were not to kill her... Just make it easier to find allies in case I decided to persue that route... There is a huge distinction there..."


I grimaced, and my face became hard as stone. "Sadeas may be a cremling, Aesudan might be a political disaster waiting to happen, but you have betrayed me. And I have no greater insult to offer other than to entirely ignore you." 
I turned away, walked back over to the place where the herald statue was missing, and proceeded to pose once again as Ash. 

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Just now, SE_Wit said:

I grimaced, and my face became hard as stone. "Sadeas may be a cremling, Aesudan might be a political disaster waiting to happen, but you have betrayed me. And I have no greater insult to offer other than to entirely ignore you." 
I turned away, walked back over to the place where the herald statue was missing, and proceeded to pose once again as Ash. 

*I hand over the dress I had found earlier*

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20 minutes ago, SE_Liss said:

Then Adolin asked Wit and me to attack @SE_Dalinar_Kholin .  I do not know how the rumor that he was attempting to attack Sadeas got out... I am sorry Sadeas, but it seems you have not caught the person targetting you.

"I find this a disturbing," Sadeas said. "Though I don't like the idea of myself being a target, it is inexcusable to even contemplate patricide. It is a poor sign indeed when the King's Wit has to provide a voice of reason against such an action."

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That is an incredibly interesting way in which you attempted to manipulate me, Liss. It would have worked too, if you hadn’t just outed yourself. Personally, I find liars distasteful, particularly when those liars feed me false promises to assure my help, take that help, and then disseminate implicitly personal information to my supposed enemies, attempting to turn me against my family in the process, all while giving me false information about what I helped them with. 

I will accept my ostracisation if I must, as I have little chance of executing any of the previous plans I laid regardless, but I will not go gentle into that good night. Liss is permanently on a list from which her name shall never be erased. 

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3 minutes ago, SE_Torol_Sadeas said:

"I find this a disturbing," Sadeas said. "Though I don't like the idea of myself being a target, it is inexcusable to even contemplate patricide. It is a poor sign indeed when the King's Wit has to provide a voice of reason against such an action."

"Dear Adolin thought that he could prevent Dalinar drinking by killing dalinar. While the logic makes a perverse sense, I pointed out that there were better ways to prevent dalinar from drinking besides killing him. We had already come to that aimable conclusion by the time Liss's treachery was exposed. Note that while Adolin considered a heinous action, it was Liss who really took a heinous action. I don't see this as being a reason to ostracize Adolin, because all of us have bad ideas occasionally. I mean, just look at how your parents had a bad idea, and you turned out- well despicably, but you did some nice things. Adolin has been disabused of his notion, and so I vote we move on from his brashness." 
I then leaned over to Adolin. "You are going to owe me big for this. You're going to be the butt of all my jokes for the next year."  

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Just now, SE_Wit said:

I then leaned over to Adolin. "You are going to owe me big for this. You're going to be the butt of all my jokes for the next year."  

Adolin smiled at Wit, though there was a trace of misery in it. A haggard expression rested over his youthful face. “I could be the butt of every joke you make from now on, Wit,” he said, “so long as laughter is still heard after tonight.”

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Just now, SE_Adolin_Kholin said:

Adolin smiled at Wit, though there was a trace of misery in it. A haggard expression rested over his youthful face. “I could be the butt of every joke you make from now on, Wit,” he said, “so long as laughter is still heard after tonight.”

"Adolin, Adolin! Your face! There will be plenty of laughter once Terim finally slips on the oil I left outside of his room, I assure you."

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20 minutes ago, SE_Wit said:

"Adolin, Adolin! Your face! There will be plenty of laughter once Terim finally slips on the oil I left outside of his room, I assure you."

"Wit! I heard that!" Tearim glared. "Adolin, you and I are going to have words over this. However, Liss, plotting to murder under my nose is not acceptable."

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"I will be honest with all of you, the reason Liss is here[canonically] is because I hired her to spy on Aesudan. I know that what she is up to is far beyond what I was paying for her to do, and, threatened the treaty with the parshendi. I have heard through private conversations that some people want to assassinate her, which is ironic, because that is her primary occupation. I would like to suggest instead that we just just her for a few minutes so all of us can calm down, then eventually allow her to return. 

Also, ninjad  by Liss 

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"This comes as a bit of a surprise to me, but I have a few words," Aesudan spoke up.

"I do not like liars. The impudent servant girl has slandered my name and falsely accused me of attempted murder. Not only murder, but the murder of one of our guests. Of all of you gathered here today, it is clear that Liss has offended none more than myself. I would see her duplicitly punished with ostracism."

"And yet, she confessed. Liss might have gotten away with her betrayal, if only she had remained silent. I do not believe in punishing somebody for attempting to fix the mess that they have created. It is only logical to spare somebody who comes clean, as it encourages others to do so in the future."

"And so, I find myself advocating that Liss be spared."

"That said," Aesudan glared at Liss. "We will be having words about why you were spreading these rumors in the first place."

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“Tearim,” said Ialai, “I think you should find it more concerning that Adolin may have been plotting to kill either Torol, one of Gavilar’s closest allies, or his own father. We should put Alethkar’s safety first, and the fact that Adolin has been confirmed to be planning for so long to kill his target instead of using diplomacy shows that he is a threat to all of us. We have no proof that his group changed their mind about the attack - in fact, we have opposite proof from a member of their own. I will therefore continue to hold my vote against Adolin.”

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3 minutes ago, SE_Ash said:

Ash walked towards Nale, hoping to understand why he seemed so upset. She glanced sideways at the spot where her statue used to be. A strange man stood in a strange pose. She briefly wondered what that was about.

I winked at Ash, and waved the dress that Liss had grabbed about. “Do you think I would look like you if I put this on?” I whispered. 

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3 hours ago, SE_Adolin_Kholin said:

My supposed murders were confined to mere speculation, and I have no intention of removing [Drunk Beggar] from the game, which he himself can confirm from our PM. I will instead be looking to further my win condition in other ways. 

I can confirm that Adolin at one point considered killing me, and has since apparently reconsidered this decision after a PM conversation. I'll post again when I figure out what happened these past few hours and why.


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To those people who started RP with me, I might go back and do a quick flashback, but I want to deal with the elephants in the room first, and I only have a limited amount of time right now. Sorry.

...Get it? Elephant in the room? Our icons are animals?

...I'm funny too, I swear.

When Nale returned to the hall where the feast was, there was pandemonium.

What in the storms now...

He called over a servant. "Explain to me what's going on, and how this all began. Quickly."

The servant, bumbling and tripping over his words, just barely managed to get a sense of the string of accusations that had unfolded. So the highprinces have begun to reveal their true colors, as squabbling children. Part of me is surprised they took so long.

Slowly, Nale stood up on the table, to make himself be better heard. Better he be seen as the voice of justice now, so that people would turn to him as such later in the evening if it came to it.

"It appears to me that we have one party - those who are accusing Adolin Kholin, who seem legitimately aggrieved by Kholin's actions last night. The other group, on the other hand, seems less interested in the execution of justice, and more interested in saving their Adolin Kholin from ostracism. As such, I am more inclined to trust the stories of Aesudan and her compatriots."


However, I believe it is quite hypocritical of Aesudan to criticise me of attempted murder, as I learned from the action I cooperated with Wit on last night that she was not only thinking about murdering one of our Parshendi guests, but actually attempted to commit the deed.


"Further," I added, "Adolin has also appeared to lie about the action he performed last night. He claimed he performed an action - in collaboration with Wit - which proves Aesudan tried to kill Klade. However, this lie was exposed by Liss - at significant risk to herself, I should add - and so, I'd like to know why Adolin Kholin lied, and what action he performed in the last half hour."

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