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Long Game 49/Anonymous Game 3: Window to the Past

little wilson

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48 minutes ago, SE_Wit said:

I looked around, a bit panicked. "SHHHHHH" I hissed. "If these people know how competent I am, they'll expect more than just dull insults from me! They might expect me to be... productive. Yes I will come. Just, hush."

"Wit! sometimes you claim to be a competent Wit, then you say that you are only giving us "dull" insults?  Aren't you already expected to be productive in at least some senses of the word? Isn't that expected of everyone in the palace?"

Edited by SE_Liss
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6 minutes ago, SE_Liss said:

"Wit! sometimes you claim to be a competent Wit, then you say that you are only giving us "dull" insults?  Aren't you already expected to be productive in at least some senses of the word? Isn't that expected of everyone in the palace?"

I sighed. Of course someone had overheard. "I am competent compared to you. If I were to utilize the full extent of my wit, no one would appreciate it properly. So I am reduced to simple insults in order for you to understand me." 

53 minutes ago, SE_Jasnah_Kholin said:

"Oh wit, I was merely speaking of your travels through the horneater peaks. I know you've visited there, because you have brought back rare plants to Gavilar from those peaks on occasion. Would you keep calm a bit"

"Yes, I can keep calm just fine. And those mosses are highly entertaining. You all ooh and ahh over those mosses, but the horneaters consider it a weed. Goes to show how simple minded all of you are. Which makes me wonder if perhaps it is spreading to me." 

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13 minutes ago, SE_Wit said:

I sighed. Of course someone had overheard. "I am competent compared to you. If I were to utilize the full extent of my wit, no one would appreciate it properly. So I am reduced to simple insults in order for you to understand me." 

I am flattered! If you are merely "competent" compared to me, I must be competent compared to average folk.  As you said "How competent" previously. Implying that you are more than competent in general.

15 minutes ago, SE_Wit said:

"Yes, I can keep calm just fine. And those mosses are highly entertaining. You all ooh and ahh over those mosses, but the horneaters consider it a weed. Goes to show how simple minded all of you are. Which makes me wonder if perhaps it is spreading to me." 

You wonder if... What is spreading to you? The simple mindedness, or the weeds? *Cocks an eyebrow*

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Torol Sadeas knew there were plans brewing in the room. You couldn't get so many important Alethi in one palace without having schemes in the work quietly in the background. Indeed, each person there seemed to have their own goals. What concerned him, however, were those hoping to create instability in Gavilar's kingdom, or even in Sadeas' own princedom. So he watched, knowing the civility of the evening would only last so long before someone threw the first punch.

Some might call him a pessimist, thinking that a feast of this size would not end well. Sadeas, however, considered himself a realist. He knew the people in attendance, at least the Alethi. He knew what they were capable of accomplishing, if they felt it right. They, however, had nothing compared to Sadeas' drive. He would get what he needed, no matter what. He would protect Gavilar's kingdom.

He looked around for someone to speak with, but they all seemed too close at the moment to Wit. Sadeas did not have time for such inane chatter, so he found another glass of only lightly-intoxicating wine, walked over to his wife, Ialai.

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OOC: Alright guys, this is the first game I've ever played where no one is lynched in 2 cycles and no one is killed either. I've received multiple PM's from multiple people mentioning a kill, so I believe it's an option. That being the case, I think it's starting to be important to discuss some of the game mechanics to find out what's going on. I realize we all have secrets that we need to keep, but there is definitely stuff that I think we can all discuss. Perhaps something to discuss is whether you all think it's a free for all, or whether there are multiple factions, or whether it will end up being Elim/village by the end. Or we can discuss something generic about the Docs. I personally think I can name at least 6 docs that I've discovered from various parts. I am not sure about some of them actually existing though.

Does anyone else have opinions about sharing some information, or what information would be good to share?

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I think a lot of win conditions are going to be tied to the events of this time period within the books. The Parshendi probably want to kill Gavilar or find some way to stop the Sons of Honor from causing a Desolation. Some of the Kholins probably want to protect Gavilar from dying. The Sons of Honor probably have a vested interest in the Alethi-Parshendi Alliance. Nale might want to kill Jasnah if he discovers her abilities. I honestly don't know my win condition, but I think Gavilar was suspicious of Restares being his murderer, so I might benefit from Szeth succeeding, although I am one of the Sons of Honor apparently, so I don't know how that fits. I don't think anyone has enough information to make it worth making enemies just yet. Although if we ostracize somebody this cycle, they can just vote themselves back in next cycle since they will be all by themselves.

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I am going to again apologise for my lack of activity in thread. It has been enough of a chore to keep up with PMs and docs in my spare time, let alone the thread. That said, I will attempt to make one post a cycle here, to let everyone know that I am alive and kicking, and also to hopefully contribute something to the game. 

If we are beginning discussions for ostracisation, I believe throwing out the smelly beggar in the corner will help cleanse the palace of the stale odour of his musty, whisky-tainted breath. 

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Beggar sighed. Eshonai had not deigned to speak to him, presumably because he was a lowly beggar dressed in torn rags. He would have to look elsewhere to find alcohol. Perhaps the drummers would talk. Surely they would know the best alcohols; drumming was hard work and they would need refreshment. He was walking over to greet one of them when he heard an angry exclamation directed at him. Whoops. A lighteyes had discovered him in the main hall, which, as a darkeyes, was not somewhere Beggar was technically supposed to be. Perhaps it was merely the principle of enforcing class boundaries even on this night of unification, or perhaps the lighteyes just wanted to keep all the best alcohol for themselves. Either way, Beggar decided that he might want to leave this section of the palace before the guards came after him. Maybe he would reexamine the statues in the lesser feast hall. Beggar was sure he remembered there being ten Heralds, rather than nine. A curious absence, and one best investigated before he became too drunk to run away.

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1 hour ago, SE_Adolin_Kholin said:

If we are beginning discussions for ostracisation, I believe throwing out the smelly beggar in the corner will help cleanse the palace of the stale odour of his musty, whisky-tainted breath. 

"Adolin." Dalinar said, laying his hand on his son's shoulder, "That 'smelly beggar in the corner' is an old friend and I personally invited him here tonight. I would be much obliged if you didn't spend your time trying to get my friend kicked out of parties or I might just kick you out of here."

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12 minutes ago, SE_Dalinar_Kholin said:

"Adolin." Dalinar said, laying his hand on his son's shoulder, "That 'smelly beggar in the corner' is an old friend and I personally invited him here tonight. I would be much obliged if you didn't spend your time trying to get my friend kicked out of parties or I might just kick you out of here."

Adolin cast his eyes downward, attempting to look suitably chastened, but he could not prevent a wide grin from breaking out over his face as his father remonstrated him. “There you are, Father!” he said, seizing Dalinar in tight hug with a mixture of relief and joy. “You’re finally here! I’ve spent almost an hour looking around for you. I’m sorry for criticising your old friend, but I didn’t realise you’d brought him here. It’s great to see you up and about again! Look, come talk with these Parshendi, they’re very nice. I even got one to dance with me...” Adolin tugged his father’s sleeve, pulling him around the room. The youthful exuberance was only slightly faked. The happiness of seeing his father as he was in his younger days, without alcohol or guilt clouding his mind, was an enormous comfort to Adolin. Particularly, seeing his father issuing commands like the strong general he was supposed to be made Adolin grin even wider.

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3 hours ago, SE_Meridas_Amaram said:

Amaram approached his lord. “Torol, how goes the party?”

"Ah, Meridas. I am enjoying myself quite well, thank you. There is enough intrigue here to keep even the dull-minded entertained," Sadeas said with a subtle nod toward Wit. "How are things for you this evening?"

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2 minutes ago, SE_Torol_Sadeas said:

"Ah, Meridas. I am enjoying myself quite well, thank you. There is enough intrigue here to keep even the dull-minded entertained," Sadeas said with a subtle nod toward Wit. "How are things for you this evening?"

"Ah, I'm glad you're being entertained Sadeas! It always makes me happy to see your mind entirely engrossed by the politics. Oh, and do you want this mossy rock?" I proffered my purple mossy rock. 

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32 minutes ago, SE_Wit said:

"Ah, I'm glad you're being entertained Sadeas! It always makes me happy to see your mind entirely engrossed by the politics. Oh, and do you want this mossy rock?" I proffered my purple mossy rock. 

"And why exactly would I want a mossy rock? It seems the perfect thing to keep someone like you entertained. You should keep it."

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1 minute ago, SE_Torol_Sadeas said:

"And why exactly would I want a mossy rock? It seems the perfect thing to keep someone like you entertained. You should keep it."

I frowned. "Look at it, it looks like your face when I insult you. I thought you would feel a kinship to the rock. It also has the same amount of wit, proved by the fact that you do not understand all the subtle insults I have thrown at you. Just like how this moss continues to grow despite how little the horneaters like it." And then, before Sadeas could do anything about it, I put it on top of his head. 

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“Wit, while you and the king might think yourself a delight, don’t you think putting a rock on top of a Highprince might pushing things a little too far? I understand that this is all for the purpose of a some witty comment that you intend to prove that you are in fact still deserving of staying alive. The only problem is that your still comparing a highprince to a rock, and a power highprince at that.”

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7 minutes ago, SE_Wit said:

I frowned. "Look at it, it looks like your face when I insult you. I thought you would feel a kinship to the rock. It also has the same amount of wit, proved by the fact that you do not understand all the subtle insults I have thrown at you. Just like how this moss continues to grow despite how little the horneaters like it." And then, before Sadeas could do anything about it, I put it on top of his head. 

Sadeas grabbed the rock off his head and stared furiously at Wit. As much as he wanted to just kill the man, he knew there would be consequences. Instead, he dropped the rock to the floor, and turned to walk away.

OOC: I'm dying with laughter. Remind me when this game is through to give you an upvote or two for that.

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Ialai watched him leave and, frowning, bent over to pick the rock back up. “Wit, please be careful with who you insult. Should you continue to insult the Alethi elite...” She let the insult trail off, knowing full well that she could not touch him on this night of reverie. With disdain, she placed the moss-covered stone on a nearby table.


Getting very into character, I see. Well done, Wit. Very well done.

Edited by SE_Ialai_Sadeas
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Beggar examined the life-sized tributes to the warriors who had protected humanity for thousands of years. Only nine of them remained; a most inauspicious number. Beggar frowned and examined the statues more closely. There stood the ones the Alethi called Jezerezeh, Nalan, Chananarach, Vedeledev, Pailiah, Sha- no, that one was missing, as if it had never been there. The other four were present though: Battah, Kelek, Talanelat, and Ishi, all portrayed in the Vorin ideal. None of them showed the crushing weight of millennia spent fighting humanity's battles and absorbing their pain, followed by millennia more regretting their decisions, stripped of all that had once made them heroes. Looking at the statues staring back at him proudly and regally, Beggar almost understood the desire to smash and destroy their visages. Almost. Any thoughts of vandalism were overwhelmed by the far stronger desire to drink until he couldn't remember his name. That always pushed the pain down for a little while, and he fancied himself saner when his shattered psyche was replaced with drunken abandon. Beggar didn't hear any guards coming to kick him out, but he figured it was safer to stay in away from the lighteyed feast for the time being. His fellow beggars had plenty of alcohol strong enough to wipe away the memory of this moment, perhaps permanently. He staggered to the nearest table and grabbed a random bottle, spilling the contents equally down his throat and clothes. Beggar grabbed a second bottle. It was going to be a long night of drinking. 

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Aesudan sighed, approaching the gathering of the Sadeas princedom. She could not put off paying her respects to her friends any longer, despite the fact that Wit was still pestering them. She had no desire to speak with the man on such an otherwise lovely evening.

"A witless Wit and a stone as violet as the wine he is undoubtedly intoxicated with," Aesudan observed. "You should keep the moss; between you and Highprince Sadeas, I think you must bear the greater kinship to an unwanted weed tonight."

"In any case, I have no need of your vegitation," she added, procuring her bouquet of colored fingermoss. "I brought some of my own."

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