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City of Oasis

Lord Meeker

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Lusk flinched as a bullet whizzed past him. He growled and stepped forward. "You think bullets are going to scare us? You clearly haven't seen enough of the Alleyverse or the Ghostbloods, boy. You might as well throw cupcakes at us, because it'll more or less have the same impact, you rustborn."

A bullet flew past Max's head and he instinctively summoned Sethramir. He looked to where the bullet had hit, and followed that line of sight all the way to the buildings around them, frowning. At least he knew the general direction of the sniper.

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Althea suppressed her annoyance. The bullents were harmless, for her at least, but not everybody here would be able to heal from a bullet wound. Sebastian was at least arrogant enough to remind her of Solace.


She reached out for him, all the while daring the moment should he really reply. She didn't even know where he was, hopefully he wouldn't even hear her. Her hand closed itself to a tight fist, but she forced herself to go on.

Who is this Sebastian? And why did you sent him, instead of coming yourself? Are you that scared of us?

@Lord Meeker

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7 hours ago, Lord Meeker said:

Several holes appeared next to everyone's head. "Questions?"


Thanks, that helps a bit.

Devaan divided the area around him into four quadrants, two of them would have enough of an open area to expose the council to nearby roofs. Judging from the bullet trajectories, that narrowed it down to 5 or 6 buildings 40 degrees to his right. He surveyed the room.

If the sniper starts shooting, dive left and turn that dining table on it's side. That should cover you from the sniper, another cover is the console area directly behind you, that would have a higher chance of stopping high-caliber bullets, but you have to be careful as If the sniper goes for you first you won't have enough time to leap over.

Mind if I take control of your hands quickly?

Go ahead.

Devaan began moving his hands subtly, angled towards Max in a way that only he could see, it was some time since they had used this system, but he taught it to all his students. A mixture of sign language and what seemed to be fidgets created a rudimentary method of communication. Hopefully Max noticed the message. He repeated it three times.

Watch Max's hands, don't turn your head, just your eyes.

Devaan signed the following three times:

//Sniper. 3/0 Deg. If fight, take Sebastian I take sniper//


@I think I am here.

Edited by Nohadon
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Sebastian walked into the room and man followed suit. The pair walked to the center of the room. The man, Myriad, unholstered two pistols. He had a sniper rifle slung over his back. The man had been shooting through the open door Sebastian had been standing it. 


Solace responded. The guy who killed me? Why would I send him? 

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7 minutes ago, Lord Meeker said:

Sebastian walked into the room and man followed suit. The pair walked to the center of the room. The man, Myriad, unholstered two pistols. He had a sniper rifle slung over his back. The man had been shooting through the open door Sebastian had been standing it. 


Solace responded. The guy who killed me? Why would I send him? 

Well there goes our sniper problem. I can’t get a read on the guy though. 

Devaan did a small hand-wave, signaling Max to ignore the last message.

Two pistols, already drawn, the sterrion is stronger, but his are already out, you’ll have to find cover fast if this devolves, although we may not need to help them. This is the Ghostblood council, after all. Here, have the hands back. I’ll focus on getting us out if this escalates 


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I have no idea. That's why I asked.

Althea replied, breathed in more stormlight and stepped towards Sebastian.

"Solace confirmed, that he didn't send you here. And I neither appreciate, that you try to fake documents, nor that you attempt to take over - and I won't let that happen."

She held out her hand, summoned Brashen. Max thought the halberd was scary, so she went with that one. Not that she could wield it any better than the staff she had used against Lusk.

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My turn!

Devaan, now in control winked at Max and walked out the door, down through the winding streets until he arrived next to a house. He knocked twice in quick succession and said.

”I had a brother once”

”And what happened to him?”

”He flew too close to the sun”

”Icarus? I always pictured him as a Heracles”

”More of a Daedalus. Isn’t that right?”

”I’ll prepare the ronin suit for you now”

The door swung open and in the hallway that followed was a mannequin, it was dressed in a long coat, gloves, a leather cord around the neck and black pants. Devaan ducked into a side room and hurriedly changed.

”The Daedalus lab has been a supporter of my actions, I keep the Chrysts flowing, after all.” Devaan flexed the gloves and lighting arched out of them. The Jacket created a forcefield. Stopping most damage, bullets would at the most bruise. The pants were taken from an epic with space manipulation, the pockets could hold an incredible amount of things without changing shape.

”motivator technology, it’s progressed well”

”There’s something else” the man at the door told Devaan.


A katana was given to Devaan, with a sheath that was magnetised to Devaan’s coat back. He merely needed to clip it on and it would stay locked there.

”And this is?”

“The Ronin blade, sir”

Perfectly balanced, the Katana shimmered when it moved, reflecting the light off of it.

”there is a harmonium core in the blade, a single cut will leech someone of their investiture, the aluminium alloy used lets it be immune to the effects of investiture as well”

You wanted an aresenal, now we have one. The cord when tapped forms a helmet that covers the face and provides a helpful HUD. This is the Ronin, and it will put us on par with our enemies.


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4 hours ago, Sorana said:

Will you have my back?

she asked quietly, without looking away from the intruders.

Max heard her voice over the bond, noting Devaan’s signs. The sniper wasn’t here anymore.

He steadied his stance, strengthened his grip on Sethramir. Ignore this place. Ignore Oasis.

Yes, he replied. Give the word.


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13 minutes ago, I think I am here. said:

Yes, he replied. Give the word.

Thank you.

she replied gratefully and took another step towards Sebastian and the other guy. Slowly she let her mind touch the air, the ground, the stools and tables. She never knew what she might need to use. And even more important, she softly touched Max as well.

"Leave, now."

she told Sebastian and the other one.

"This is our city. We won't let you take it over."
@Lord Meeker

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Sebastian just laughed.

"You are in my territory, literally." 

He didn't wear his armor. He needed as much wire surrounding the air as possible. The wires glinted as they moved ever so slightly in the chamber. One couldn't take a step with out brushing against a wire. Before he had come he had Myraid coat the wire in a poison called flameroot. First it would cause a slight burn and some rashing then given some time it would build into a raging fever that would kill the person who touched it.

"I am not fond of repeating myself."

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Althea touched the wire with her gloved hand. Metal. Metal was stubborn. It was lazy, it usually liked what it was. But then, she could be convincing. The wires around her dissipated into thin air, leaving nothing behind, but a fine powder. Althea focused again on Sebastian, wanted to talk to him again, and coughed. Fire burned her throat and she clutched at it with her left hand, tried to inhale again, only to feel the pain worsen. She fell to her knees, coughing again, stared at her right hand. Powder. Powder was easier. It already was light, moved around, it took only a thought to change it to a thin, harmless mist. The burn lessened, when the stormlight battled whatever the powder had been, but still, it hurt. Althea looked over at Max, this time she reached out first for the thing coating the wires and then the wire itself.

@Lord Meeker

@I think I am here.

Edited by Sorana
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Ciera tossed a shield up around her. To any other channelers, it would seem to be a normal hardened Air shield, but if anything hit it with enough force, it would transform into a sphere of pure steel two feet thick.

She summoned blades of Air and severed the threads around her, then lifted them with Air, opened a gateway, and tossed them through.

Then the burning started,

Shoulda brought the knife. she thought to herself.

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Voidmimes appeared and held up signs in protest. They read: Godmodding much? We would like to remind you that that isn't allowed. Would you like to edit? 

Another voidmime held up a different sign. Is that ability even possible?


As the air picked them up seb tied the lines to every secure holding. Preventing him and Myriad from being thrown.

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Deevaan was perched on a roof, looking at the events through a scope of a rifle, watching Myriad work.

With the Ronin, we can actually do something.

Kill Myriad and Sebastian?

No, if we bring them alive, we can interrogate them.

The wire is a problem

I wonder if they're metal?

I wonder if they conduct electricity.

I'll sit back for now, until they want to tangle.



(but I still want to fight Myriad)


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Fred blinked, clearing his head. He couldn't... see very well. Was that normal? He seemed to have trouble thinking. Was that normal? Yeah... that's how Fred'ss brain works, right? Nice and sloooooooooow..... That wins the race, right? No... that fast one wins the race. Then the fast one gets a bar of cho-co-lat-ay.

Fred giggled as a nioce person held the door open from him. Darn, why was his brain moving through slush right now? What was he missing? Was he missing anything?

Fred happened to glance at his arm stubs. Right. he wasn't burning Pewter.

He felt it inside of him and fared it, and the sluggishness went away.

"Alrighty, troops!" He suddenly shouted, running forward, "We have a meeting to attend, I think!"

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21 hours ago, Lord Meeker said:

Wires began binding people and dangling then in the air. It tossed the pizza delivery boy out the second story window. Myriad began shooting people who were not tangled, killing people with 100% accuracy.

Mr Amber broke the wires as the attempted to ensnare him. Scales quickly covered his body, protecting him from the bullets.

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