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1 hour ago, Cyanic said:

He wasn't angry or filled with rage anymore, and he looked around if he could still find the phantom, but it wasn't there. He wanted to talk to the man in charge of defending the structure, but didn't want to go outside and get shot. When the man and his apprentice came back inside, he walked up to them, but stayed a ways off so that he wasn't threatening. "Turrets target me. A mistake?" He asked

"This is not a mistake. They target Hemalurgic Spikes and Chaos Marines. Are you a member of the Dark Alley? A rogue hemalurgist? Another ridiculous reason for hemalurgic knowledge?"


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Chocolate is good.

Damaya watched Mr Amber leave for the kitchen. Well, at least he wasn't dying anymore. Although a thank you would have been nice.

She then turned to Araha.

"Sorry, that I left you alone in there. But I wasn't sure if Mr Amber was dying or not and once you were free - the Girl next to him looked so frightened."

She stepped forward and hugged her.

"You're all right? You didn't get hurt?"


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"I'm alright, I wasn't hurt, and I totally understand." Araha said, giving her friend a smile, though tired and Damaya couldn't really see it either seeing how they were currently hugging. "I'm just exhausted. I still have to take care of some things before I can sleep though, you go'on ahead."

Araha let go. She wanted to sleep, but she knew no matter how sleepy she felt, she wouldn't be able to get any at all until she felt a bit safer, and for that, she'd have to wait on Mr. Amber's answer to her question. She knew about how some surgebinders used the cognitive realm to near-instantly arrive at different places, but she didn't know if the Waystop could even be cut off from that. What if they erected walls in the cognitive realm somehow? She'd have to actually talk with an experienced Elsecaller.


Ran came back in the form of some leaves, seeing as how Mr. Amber was fine now. Araha took some of the very few remaining infused spheres and took a small breath from one of them, it was tempting to down all of the stormlight, but she knew that wasn't a good idea. The small amount of stormlight managed to rejuvenate her as if she just woke up from a good night's sleep. She'd still have to go to sleep a bit later though.

She made her way back inside looking for the man who basically saved her. She found him near where they last were, speaking to some other people, and approached him. He was a hemalurgic construct judging from how he was almost devoid of colour, meaning he was probably Lifeless, and the amount of strength he exhibited was only seen in those Koloss she'd read about, and he wasn't even close to their size. She was reminded of the war again, but instead of pushing down those memories, she let them ride the waves in her mind, only briefly skimming them without really remembering what they were about.

This man seemed to be different from those hemalurgic abominations though, which helped. Just the fact that he could actually speak made him already leagues different from them. "Um, excuse me." She said.

The man turned and looked at her, recognizing her. He nodded "You're well?" He asked.

"I am. I just wanted to thank you."

"Understood." He nodded again. "Glad you're well." He said.

She was still curious about him, but her numerous questions can wait until morning. For now, she settled for just one: "What's y'name? I'm Araha." She introduced herself.

"Not know real. Call self Deras." He told her.

Deras. A bit similar to one of the historical figures from Scadrial, but it was likely just coincidental. "I see. Good to meet you, Deras." She smiled again another sincere one for tonight, smiling felt good. "I have to take care of some things first." She told him then walked off after he nodded.

"Err... Ran, can you find where the kitchen is again, I think that's where Mr. Amber was headed." She told the honorspren, Araha losing her way in the Waystop again.

Ran, in the form of a woman, but much smaller than her usual self sighed, then smiled. "Follow me,"


Araha arrived at the kitchen and saw Mr. Amber and the younger girl making some chocolates. She knocked on the wall just so they knew she was there. "Sorry to disturb again, Mr. Amber, but I really need my question answered. I can help you with preparing those if you can answer my question." She said with a chuckle. @Life&Death


Deras. A bit similar to one of the historical figures from Scadrial, but it was likely just coincidental.


don't worry, it really is just coincidental XD when I made his name, I forgot about Leras being a thing and when I realized, it was too late

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Pry opened her eyes just a crack. There was a woman kneeling beside her.

"You don't have to sleep on the floor. I can show you a place where you can sleep in a bed," she told Pry.

Probably doesn't want anyone tripping over me. she thought, but said, "that would be nice," to the woman.


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Damaya led Pry to the room she'd worked for to pay the rent for a night and opened the door. It looked like the other room of the Waystop, with a warm bed and a place to put personal belongings.

"Here you are. And thanks again for your drawing instructions. I'll definitly try them out."

She smiled and waited for Pry to enter, before walking away.


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“Thank you,” Pry said meekly, unsure what to say as the woman left.

She realized then that she didn’t even know who this person was, yet she was extending a bed a Pry. Nice people confused Pry. 

Setting her bag on the floor, she crawled onto the bed and fell fast asleep.


Because of the holidays coming up, I probably won’t be on much. Until further notice, Pry will simply be asleep.


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8 hours ago, Cyanic said:

Sorry to disturb again, Mr. Amber, but I really need my question answered. I can help you with preparing those if you can answer my question." She said with a chuckle. @Life&Death

“Ah yes, I understand why you would want this place cut off from the cognitive realm. That would make it much safer here.” Mr Amber said while crushing cocoa beans. “Unfortunately if it somehow was cut off, it would be much harder for regular customers to get here, and it might do something weird and dangerous for the spren in the area, including bonded spren. Perhaps there is a way to set up security in the cognitive realm, but I wouldn’t know how to do that. You would need to speak to an accomplished Elsecaller.” He paused. “Which if you manage to find one, would you mind telling me? I could use their help.”


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"I see..." Araha responded and lightly nodded, "and yeah, I'll tell you if I find one." She made her way over to where they were. Keeping her end of the 'bargain' by helping with a few of the chocolates. She wasn't that good with them, so she mostly just followed instructions and handled the less delicate processes, but it was good to relax to though, just doing something over and over helped. After a few batches, Araha, stepped backward. "I think I'm at my limit." She said, tired now that the small stormlight she breathed in was dwindling. "Thank you for letting me help though." She said as she left the kitchen.



It took a short while but she finally found Damaya, she wasn't asleep yet either apparently. "Hey," Araha greeted, "um, do you think we should sleep in one room for tonight? Just in case y'know. It'll feel safer at least." She asked, crossing her arms under her chest. This was the best she could think of right now if they couldn't find a way to secure the Waystop from the cognitive realm itself, the good thing was the defense contractor was actually here himself, which was likely to make a difference if another attack were to happen.

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Damaya left Pry to sleep and went back into the Hallway. The Waystop had gotten quieter, but there were sounds coming out of the kitchen. Slowly she collected her belongings and stuffed everything back into her bag. She had lost some spheres, but that had been expected. Her mind still ran in circles, so much had happened today, she was still trying to understand all of it. Unsure where to go, as she had just given her room away she went into the library and sat down with her back against the wall. It was quiet in here, peacefull.

The sorcerrer had looked for her. Told everybody, that she was the daughter of his enemy, that the world was doomed if he didn't find her. What did that mean? That the man was a good person in reality? Everything inside of her whined at that thought. He wasn't a good person. No chance at that.


She whispered and watched the walls until she could see him. It didn't take him long, her using his full name had turned into a code between them. Shaping himself into a mass of lines he hovered before her.


His voice was comforting, deep and relaxing.

"Do you know what this was about?"

Her voice shook, and she clawed her hands into the remains of her skirt.

"No. Such knowledge I do not posses."

Nodding she extended a hand towards him and felt a small spark when he encompassed it. Comforting her in his own way. She needed him, needed him as much as she needed air or water. He kept her sane, stayed with her when the darkness threatened to claim her. In the daylight she lied to herself, to the world, but it was in times like these that she needed his comfort. And she hated him even more for that. Hated the bond, the powers that led to suffering. Hated him for accepting an oath she didn't understand. And at the same time she craved him, ensured herself unconciously, that he was still around.

"I'm sorry."

She whispered and knew that he understood. Snatching her hand back she hugged herself and Coru dissolved again into cryptic syllables on the floor. Damaya stared at him, tried to get her thoughts ordered and without realizing, she nodded of.

//Damaya sat in a corner, her back pressed to the remaining wall of the ruin. She was hungry and exhausted, but the street didn't wait for you to sleep. It preyed upon those too weak to keep up, ripped them apart without mercy. She stumbled to her feet and started towards the closest Alley. Food, food and a place to sleep. Darkness covered the spots around her and she hurried, a strange feeling in her gut. Something lured here, waited for her. She ran around a corner and froze //

She awoke with a start when her head met the ground. Her heart pounded in her chest, sweat covered her brow. Her head hurt, and her muscles had clenched due to the uncomfortable position. It was dark in the library. Suddenly it felt too dark. Fear clenched her heart and she stumbled to her feet. It was silly to be afraid, she was safe here, but her mind screamed "run" and so she grabbed her bag and fled the room.


Araha. Damaya turned and stared at her, until she understood what her friend suggested. Sharing a room. Without thinking about it she replied:

"Sure. I'll follow you."

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Araha nodded at Damaya's reply, she seemed a bit out of it though, but she didn't want to push, not right now. She also considered inviting Dayne to sleep in the same room, but slightly blushed at the thought of sleeping that close to a man, and she decided to just not ask. Together, both women walked wordlessly to Araha's room, Araha was tired, and had what the sorcerer just said that they were looking for Damaya, who probably also had some things on her mind. She'd ask the more important questions tomorrow.

She wasn't really paying attention and found herself walking back to her room automatically, well at least that meant she knew her way to her room enough now. "I'm sorry, I wasn't paying attention and my feet just carried me here. Would you have preferred we sleep in your room?" She asked, her voice low and tired.

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"Your room is fine. I just gave mine to the girl, who fell asleep in the hallway."

Damaya opened the door and put her staff in a corner. Hesitating for a moment, she then changed out of the remaining rags of her dress into a simple one to sleep in. She brushed her hair and braided it, then used a small cloth to wash her face and hands. After she cleaned her teeth, she spread her blanket on the floor and lay down, waiting for Araha to finish her preparations.

"Sleep well Araha and good dreams."


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Tena realized something a little late. 

Klasten had called her Tena. But she'd never introduced herself. 

She shook her head and burned most of the steel in her stomach, then created a slight Push-bubble around herself. She climbed onto the roof and curled up next to a warm chimney, immediately falling asleep, Fang snuggling up next to her. 

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15 hours ago, Sorana said:

Damaya watched Mr Amber leave for the kitchen. Well, at least he wasn't dying anymore. Although a thank you would have been nice.

“Ski, take this to Damaya. She deserves a thank you.” Mr Amber ordered his niece, handing her a small plate full of different types of chocolate. “After that, you can do whatever you want, I can take if from here.”

”Okay, thanks uncle.” Grabbing the plate, Ski walked through the Waystop towards where she last saw Damaya.

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Tena woke up eight hours later. She got onto her knees and downed a vial of steel flakes and whiskey. Standing up, she stretched and walked lazily off the edge of the building, Steelpushing against one of the many scattered coins and spikes that were a result of the battle yesterday. She landed on her feet smoothly and Pushed herself into the Waystop via one of the holes in the wall.

"Y'know," she said to the open air and whoever happened to be awake, "I really wish something exciting would happen, like Klasten discovering who he is so that I can stop worrying about it." She huffed and waited for Klasten to appear and make a joke, which sounded like something only he would do.

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Somewhere, not here:

Klasten awoke in a cold sweat. A recent nightmare was fresh in his mind. His dreams were of monsters, and men acting like them. Around him,shadows danced, making up the layers of darkness. It was all very poetic. 

"Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow," Klasten said. He was getting a painful feeling. He tried to go back to sleep, but it kept buzzing in his ears. 

"Fine!" he said, throwing his hands up in frustration. "Let's get this over with." He felt the ground around him until his hands hit something hard. It felt like a box, so he opened it.

As he did, he talked to himself for no good reason. "I wouldn't mind if this is an info-dump. A convenient diary or letter from a relative would be nice. Or, is a exposition video too much to ask for? Maybe one with a cute scientist in it?" He reached and grasped the folded sheet of paper that lay at the bottom. It felt familiar.

"Hey! This is the paper I wrote my backstory on! All I have to do is read it and... oh. Right. Total darkness." At that very moment, he felt himself growing very weary. He was having trouble thinking. His words came out slurred. "Ah. Sho that wasss it. It wash all a-"

Klasten collapsed, and any insights gained from this sequence were rendered useless, for it was all a dream. 

Readers of this saga groaned in frustration, having wasted two minutes on their lives. The author shrugged apologetically.  


Maybe once I finish writing up my roast and Klasten finishes robbing visiting the Canton of Combat I'll make something that fixes his messy backstory and establishes his real identity. But for now, Tena's just going to have to be content with a disappointing interlude. Sorry. :D (Good catch with the knowing her name thing though)


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"Thank you." Deras nodded, then did as the man said, after about that time had passed, he went on to walk around the structure, getting himself familiar with the place as well as patrolling just in case there was more trouble afoot since he didn't need sleep anyway.


After her own hygiene routines, and asking Ran to keep a lookout, Araha laid herself on the bed, she was about to ask Damaya if she wanted to take her bed for now, but accidentally fell asleep. She didn't dream much in her sleep surprisingly. Waking up, she looked around trying to find if Damaya was still there.


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Damaya woke up early. She couldn't remember her dreams, and that was a good thing. Silently she left the room and went bathing. Her hair stank after fire and her body was still smeared with blond. The warm water was wonderful and afterwards she felt like a real person again.

She walked back to Araha's room and entered. Shorty afterwards Araha opened her eyes and Damaya smiled at her.

"Good Morning."

She quickly dressed and then sat down on the floor.

"What do you think of breakfast and then we can look for Mr Amber? He mentioned something about my illusions yesterday that I want to follow up with. And you still haven't trained either."


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Araha sighed, a bit relieved that her friend was still here. "Yeah, let's do that." She agreed and got up, washing her face in the bathroom that was close by.

Ran flitted close. Araha couldn't help but feel a nagging feeling about what happened yesterday, which almost just felt like all a dream, or nightmare. "Damaya," she begun, and hesitated before continuing. "About yesterday, I mean, why was he-- the name he said was similar to yours..." she trailed off, "Did you know anything about that? I dunno, I'm just worried, I guess."



time in the Waystop is currently around 8am

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