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Possible Error On Hemalurgic Metals Listing

Aon Ati

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Hello 17th shard. I was recently looking at the Coppermind's listing of the Metallic arts and noticed a pattern about Hemalurgy. All metals that belong on the periodic table( iron, tin, copper, etc.) only steal human traits: strength, senses, mental fortitude. Only alloys seem to steal Allomancy and Feruchemy. However, on the Coppermind's list of what each metal steals it has gold and aluminum, two periodic table elements, stealing Feruchemical and Allomantic powers. Now gold is only listed like this because of the Mistborn Adventure Game, on the actual wiki page of gold it is listed as unknown. But aluminum is listed in the Ars Arcanum of Hero of Ages as stealing Allomantic Enhancement powers. This breaks the apparent pattern of the metals. Is this an intentional divergences or is it like when brass and electrum's Feruchemical powers were mistakenly switched? Thanks.

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1 hour ago, Aon Ati said:

Is this an intentional divergences or is it like when brass and electrum's Feruchemical powers were mistakenly switched? Thanks.

To quote the Coppermind Wiki, 'Brandon made a mistake while writing The Well of Ascension. The Feruchemical effects of brass and electrum were to be swapped. By the time he realized this was forgotten, however, the book was already in print. Brandon didn't want to retcon this, so the effect of brass was canonized.' Here's the WOB source for reference:



How is heat a mental attribute in Feruchemy?

Brandon Sanderson

Because I messed up. I don't know if I've mentioned this before, but that power was supposed to be swapped with another one. (You might be able to guess which one.) However, by the time I realized my mistake, it had already been canonized in print in the trilogy, so I was stuck with it. I've been tempted to go back and correct the error, but it reaches pretty far back. People drawing upon warmth is mentioned in the first book. One thing to keep in mind, however, is that in general the 'physical, mental, etc' things are applied by people--they are boxes that people investigating the magic have used to describe it.



Brandon makes mistakes sometimes. Very very rarely, but it does happen on occasion. I blame Ruin. :ph34r:


Edited by Archer
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