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An indirect Trell-Autonomy argument


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Not sure if this has been argued before, but:

  1. Magic systems are focused on different planets, except for the Shard without a world.
  2. Autonomy is the otherwise world-less Shard [complication: her Investiture in Taldain---but this might be an example of her Investment in different worlds].
  3. So her magic system is "autonomous" in that it is grounded in the plane of stars instead of only on a specific planet (relatively independent, i.e. of planets).
  4. Trell is correlated with the stars.
  5. If Scadrians ever used only the Metallic Arts, they would probably not achieve FTL (the Investiture would stop working correctly at least as soon as the ships left the Scadrian system) [complication: I feel like a WoB or two has indicated such things, but I'm not super-sure...].
  6. Scadrians will certainly develop FTL.
  7. Scadrians are interacting with Trell.
  8. Therefore, Scadrians are interacting with Autonomy.

Splinter away...

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19 minutes ago, Ripheus23 said:

If Scadrians ever used only the Metallic Arts, they would probably not achieve FTL (the Investiture would stop working correctly at least as soon as the ships left the Scadrian system) [complication: I feel like a WoB or two has indicated such things, but I'm not super-sure...].

The only location dependent magic is Sel's. All of the other magics will work anywhere as long as you have the proper access and fuel. 

Scadrians just need the Spiritual component, be it a medallion or their own sDNA, and metal. 

The Metallic Arts work anywhere. 

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Yeah I found a lot in the thread below that contraindicated my argument...

Although it seems to me that there is some correlation between magic systems and Shardworlds specifically, due to the focuses for example, maybe... IDK, it seems like it's not an automatic law but that there's something difficult about blending systems keyed to different worlds (in story-terms), like is Worldhopping particular to one system that then can be used to help breach those obstacles? (How do Perpendicularities relate to this question?)


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10 minutes ago, Ripheus23 said:

Although it seems to me that there is some correlation between magic systems and Shardworlds specifically, due to the focuses for example, maybe

The magic systems are the result of an interaction between a Shard and the world they Invest on, so if Devotion/Dominion and Honor/Cultivation had swapped planets, we wouldn't see Rosharans using AonDor and Elantrians using Surgebinding but we'd see something different. Numeric associations go with the planets and the Focus of a given system also appears tied to the world rather than the Shard, so Honor/Cultivation on Sel would probably have resulted in some variety of form-based 'programming' magic while D&D on Roshar would have involved bonds. I base the latter in large part on how we know that spren bonds were a part of Roshar's ecology even before the Shattering, so I'm convinced the Focus on Roshar is bonds.

Anyhow, there is a link between the form that magic will take when it manifests on a planet but in general the magic is not going to be limited to use only on that planet.


like is Worldhopping particular to one system that then can be used to help breach those obstacles? (How do Perpendicularities relate to this question?)

Worldhopping isn't really a magic system unto itself, it's just using the Cognitive Realm to shorten the travel time between worlds by making use of the way empty space is compressed there. You don't need to be Invested even to travel to the CR, though access to some is rather necessary to actually get around safely once you hit things like the bead seas on Roshar or the mists on Scadrial. But we've seen worldhoppers who aren't Invested (Baon for example) so it's not required as long as you have some assistance. Perpendicularities are the most convenient way of transiting between the Physical and the Cognitive, so once you get to the other side you just walk (or sail or whatever) to the Cognitive region that you want to be in and then transit back via the nearest Perpendicularity. Or if you've got other methods of bridging the gap between Realms (Elsecallers, the Oathgates in theory) you can use those instead.

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