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Yelig-nar is affecting Szeth (somewhat spoilery)


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Contributory evidence.

Syl looked into the sky, then turned her head sharply over her shoulder. “Kaladin. Something is


“I know.”

Syl spun about, twisting this way, then that. Her small eyes opened wide. “He’s coming.”

“Who? The storm?”

“The one who hates,” she whispered. “The darkness inside. Kaladin, he’s watching. Something’s

going to happen. Something bad.”

Kaladin hesitated only a moment, then scrambled back into the room, pushing past Adolin and

entering the light. “Get the king. We’re leaving. Now.”

This is when Kaladin decides to get the hell out of the Pinnacle, taking his Charges with him. They ran into Szeth, but that is not what Sylphrena sensed. She detected the presence of Orium. Szeth if anything should feel closer to Honor due to all the investiture in the Honorbalde.


Remember what the Unmade are:


Our gods were born splinters of a soul,

Of one who seeks to take control,

Destroys all lands that he beholds, with spite.

They are his spren, his gift, his price.

So yeah, you are on to something with connecting Szeths screams to the Blightwind.

Edited by Bramble Thorn
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Why wouldn't Syl be referring to Szeth? He is a really hateful guy (which, by the way, may be why his Honorblade eats so much Light).


Yes Szeth hates, but what purpose would Syl have in naming him as such.  "The one who hates" is a title, Syl clearly uses it because she is afraid of naming the thing she is referring to, and describes him as "the darkness inside" this doesn't seem like something someone would say about a person.  Also she says that he is watching; Szeth is not watching he is the one acting.

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Why wouldn't Syl be referring to Szeth? He is a really hateful guy (which, by the way, may be why his Honorblade eats so much Light).


Throughout the book Kaladin was much, much more hateful than Szeth. Yet that scene was where she freaked out.  That was not normal hate. That was "the essence of Hatred" invested hate. Also, I do not even see Szeth as a hateful guy.


I cannot see what you are saying at all, sorry.

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He hates himself, not other people. I wouldn't be surprised if Odium makes / has made a move on him.


Ah, sorry. Yeah, plenty of self hate there. At least before Darkness told him it was all the Stone Shamans fault before pointing his denial righteous vengeance at them.


Still think OP is correct. The Brandons quote implied to me the screams are not just all in his head. I think those are Odiums move on him. Remember he is still on Braize currently. I see most of his influence as at a remove.


Also the Honorblade is still Honors Investment. I do not think if Szeth was heavily invested by Odium he would be able to use it as he does.

If it was that easy Odium could have just sent a Odium infused Sadeas equivalent to take the Honorblades where they abandoned 4,500 years ago, and gotten 10 more free anti heralds for little cost to himself, because they were being powered by Honor's Power.

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I don't know if I accept that its Yelig-nar, but there is certainly something that comes along with Szeth to the Shattered Plains during his first assassination attempt.


Further evidence:


Pattern also feels the approach in the same chapter:




Pattern's hums sounded almost like a whimper. Shallan frowned and leaned down close to him. Were those words?

"Bad . . . bad . . . so bad . . ."



(Unless he was just singing the NIckleback song.... :P)


The Stormfather also points to it:


AH, the Stormfather said. SO IT WILL END.

"What?" Kaladin shouted into the winds. "What changed? I feel-"


Something rose before Kaladin. A second storm, one of red lightning, so enormous as to make the continent - the world itself - into nothing by comparison. Everything fell into its shadow.

I AM SORRY, the Stormfather said. HE COMES.



So Szeth comes at the same time as all this disruption in the Cognitive realm, or at least in a way that the spren are aware of it.


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I like this theory. It makes a lot of sense.

However Szeth does hate everyone, himself included. He comments in both books " He hated his victims for being too weak to kill him." He hated the King of Jah Keved for having a feast; Szeth could blame him for all the deaths.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Props to the OP! I have been trying to figure out what the Szeth-Odium connection is. Those "everstorm approaching" premonitions as Szeth is about to arrive had me confused for a long time. I'd finally come up with a (bad) theory (about how the Honorblade made him aware of Braize and Taln's screams) and was about to post it when I found this thread. The Yelig-Nar idea fills in the holes for me and makes much more sense than what I came up with. 

Also, that WoB you quote also had me confused before, but reading it with the Unmade in mind makes it quite clear.

Consider me convinced!

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