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An Allomantic Bomb


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This is pretty much just a weird thought that crossed my mind.

But in South Scadrial they have magitek that can mimic the metallic arts.

So what if you created a pair of nicroburst components set up to nicroburst each other?

I imagine it would make a feedback loop, building up an insanely massive enhancement effect.

If you then used this to enhance another allomantic power, say, an omnidirectional steelpush outwards... The result would probably be pretty dramatic.

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I don't know about Allomancy, but potentially, using unkeyed metalminds, you could also create Heat waves that cause pretty dramatic effects. Those would most likely have to be suicide bombers though. Actually, IIRC, during LG44 signups in Sanderson Elimination, a Kitten was made in to a bomb in that same way.(That's where I got the idea)

Actually, using whatever device that the southern Scadrians used, it opens up the possibilities for many different types of Bombs. In a war, throw a chromium grenade, using the methods listed above, and wipe out an entire field's worth of allomantic powers, as each piece of the grenade is affected by chromium. A chromium bomb leaves the field powerless. What other types of bombs could be used?

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On Allomancy

Obviously a mass pulling or pushing bomb would be cool.

A soothing or rioting bomb may also come in handy.

A cadmium bomb to surround your enemies in slow time.

On Feruchemy

A reverse copper bomb to make the enemy forget why they're fighting.

A reverse steel bomb to make them slow.

A reverse pewter bomb to take away their strength, and a tin bomb to enhance their pain.

A brass heat bomb, or a reverse brass cold bomb.

A reverse bronze bomb to make them exhausted.

A reverse zinc bomb to make them dumb.

A reverse aluminium bomb to make them lose grip of who they are.

A reverse chromium bomb for bad luck.

A duralumin connection bomb to connect the two fighting parties, seizing the fighting.

Or a reverse duralumin bomb, making them enemy more detached from each other.

A reverse nicrosil bomb, to rid the enemy of ALL Investiture.

An atium bomb, to make them too old to fight. Or a reverse atium bomb, making them toddler age.

A reverse gold bomb, taking away their health.

A reverse electrum bomb to take away their determination.

A reverse cadmium bomb to literally take their breath away.

A reverse bendalloy bomb to starve them.

These were just some ones I thought from the top of my head.

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We've seen the "buzzing cubes" charge up with Allomancy, but I don't think we've seen them "charge up" with Feruchemical attributes.

In particular, we've seen the "grenades" get charged with a power that is then released from the cube after a time delay, but only powers with external effects: Leeching, Steelpushing, and time bubble forming. It's not clear what would happen if you charged a cube with an Allomantic power with an internal effect, like tin, bronze, or gold. Would it just affect the cube itself (to no obvious effect), or would it settle on the closest person in range and apply the internal effect to them (that doesn't seem reasonable to me)? Or all people within range (seems even less reasonable/more OP to me)?

Meanwhile, Feruchemy is all about internal effects - all the tapped attributes go directly to the Feruchemist, and no one else. So even if the cubes could charge with Feruchemy, I think whatever happens when you charge them with an internal Allomantic power would give some insight as to what happens with the Feruchemical charge.

Personally, I think if you charged a cube with A-gold, it would just end up having the cube see a second, alternate version of itself that nobody else could see where it was charged with a more useful power, and each would envy/despise the other :)

There have been other posts speculating on using these "grenades" to nest or to stack external Allomantic effects in an exponentially compounding way, like having time bubbles inside time bubbles inside time bubbles. Or "chaining" Nicroburst effects.

What I want to know is if A-nicrosil is applicable to other magic systems. Imagine tossing a nicrosil grenade at Kaladin just as he Lashed himself upwards to fly, causing him to put all of his Stormlight into his Lashing and sending him flying up with no more Stormlight to slow himself down when he reached the apex. Oh no.

Edited by robardin
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On 6/26/2018 at 0:06 AM, goody153 said:

Omnidirectional steelpush probably only works with uhm people with metal. You might need TLR levels of steelpushing to actually affect people.

That is what the nicroburst feedback loop is for.

What you connect it up to is almost irrelevant; at those levels of nicroburst enhancement basically any external allomancy could become dangerous.

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I can just imagine an immense nicroburst feedback loop and then focusing all that power on a Pulser. What would seem like mere moments to the Allomancer would be an incredibly amplified cadmium bubble, passing who-knows how many years in those moments. I can imagine a person seeing the Pulser really still, accidentally steeping into the bubble and travelling like 40 years into the future :).

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