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[OB] What's the matter in Herdaz?


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Hey guys, this may be a completely dumb post, but I'm mystified about the purpose of one of the Interludes in Oathbringer, taking place somewhere around the Alethi-Herdaz border (presumably). In case some of you have forgotten, here's a summary:


A man named Sheler (5th Dahn, Alethi officer) has been captured by some Herdazians, after being caught molesting multiple women. A Herdazian general, who seems to have a hobby of escaping manacles, gives Sheler three options for his execution: being killed by a sword wielded by the women he harassed, having limbs broken and strung out on the side of a cliff, or being left to wrestle the "hog."
The "hog" turns out to be a greatshell of some sort living in the ocean.

Now, why would this be included in the book?
Interludes so far have included:
Very important characters who don't have regular PoVs: Szeth, Eshonai, Venli, Lift, Taravangian, and Malata (okay she had one...).
Very interesting, recurring characters introducing us to brand new aspects of the world: Axies (we only had one PoV but he appeared in one of Rysn's interludes and also was mentioned in Edgedancer) and Rysn (unless you want to include her as "very important").
Non-recurring characters who introduce some important breakthrough or other new aspect: the ardents (discovering Spren quantum stuff, Dawnchant breakthrough, and Pai being executed), Kaza, Ym, and that purelake fisherman (what was his name again?)
(Okay i probably missed a few but you could likely categorize it into one of the above)

For every interview I've seen up to this one in Herdaz, I was able to see why it was included and appreciate the extra worldbuilding or other random little facts sprinkled in.
This one, however, is just bizarre: we don't gain any real revelations, meet new cultures/belief systems, or name any important new characters (Sheler was the only one named, and he's, like, 100% totally dead). However, it is my firm belief that *something* in here must have been significant, so here's several theories:

- The one I find most likely: This Herdazian general will be important. He'll end up popping up in the next book, negotiating some treaty with Dalinar for Herdaz, and this Interlude was just a way to see an interesting side of him and the way he deals with things (with justice) before we see him interact with characters that we know.

- Plausible: Sheler's execution turns into some scandal: a group of Alethi want to exact revenge on Herdaz and it becomes an important plot point. This could fit in nicely with the above theory and provide a reason for negotiations.

Theories that this was giving us a hidden detail:

- Sheler mentions that the Fused have been attacking the forces in Northern Alethkar and lots of refugees in Herdaz. This seems a little odd since most of the forces in Alethkar were moved to Kholinar, and active fighting in other areas was fairly low. Also, Sheler is under the command of Amaram, and their branch of the Alethi army was actually somewhat mobilized for some reason (unlike anything we've seen in the rest of Alethkar...). Could something be up with this? Maybe Amaram was planning to take Herdaz? Or perhaps Mourn's Vault (what's in the vault? We don't know... O_O), and the Fused are trying to get it? (CRACKPOT THEORY THAT ACTUALLY MAKES SENSE: it's a gemstone vault that contains another flawless gem, just like the King's Drop in the vault in Thaylen city, so the Fused are after it and Amaram ordered his forces to hold the vault.)

- Even more hidden than that: The greatshell is somehow significant. We know about several species, and there's an aquatic one off the coast of Marabethia (presumably in the Reshi sea) that prisoners are fed to. This could be similar maybe? The location of this Interlude is almost definitely on the cost in Northern Alethkar, close to Herdaz, so it's definitely not the same beast as the ones in Marabethia. Or maybe it's hinting at some migration? Perhaps the Everstorm caused climate shifts that are letting them spread, maybe leading to ecological collapse in some areas and habitat destruction for other species?

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He used to wrestle with Hog that is used for execution. That is radiant level weirdness. And we still have severe lack of potential stonwards not counting Talanel.

Edit: I'm talking about the general of course.

Edited by Szmit
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2 hours ago, Szmit said:

 That is radiant level weirdness.

Yeah, but Herdazian level normalcy. :P

Personally I'm much more interested in the Hog than I am the general.

37 minutes ago, Calderis said:

Tien died in "Brightlord Sheler's Company." 

love these little tie ins and wrap arounds that Brandon does.

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3 hours ago, Szmit said:

He used to wrestle with Hog that is used for execution. That is radiant level weirdness. And we still have severe lack of potential stonwards not counting Talanel.

Edit: I'm talking about the general of course.

I’m pretty sure it said that the general escaped from the situation rather than succesfully wrestling the creature. But if he turns out to be a proto-radiant than props to you!

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I think another purpose is to show how far the Singers have advanced. If they’ve pushed Sheler all the way to Herdaz, then it seems likely the Singers are occupying most of Alethkar at this point. That probably includes Hearthstone. Poor Lirin and Hesina and Oroden. I don’t know that Kaladin is going to get them out in time. :(

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