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Can anyone move a planet if they have ascended and are on that planet?



Rashek, Vin, and Sazed were all able to manipulate Scadrial's placement, geography, and life when they Ascended. Is everyone who Ascends able to do something similar with the planet they Ascend on, or was that just because Scadrial was entirely composed of Preservation and Ruin's power?

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35 minutes ago, Calderis said:

That probably made it easier, but a Shard wielding all of its power unopposed should be able to do just about anything it wants to short of the outright creation of sapient life.

do we even have evidence that that restriction is universal?  I thought it applied to ruin and preservation due to their specific intents.  seems like Cultivation or Ambition, say, may be less restricted in that regard

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58 minutes ago, Dunkum said:

do we even have evidence that that restriction is universal?  I thought it applied to ruin and preservation due to their specific intents.  seems like Cultivation or Ambition, say, may be less restricted in that regard

It probably is more a question of their Intents not being good at independent creation. Brandon's response to a question about planets with Earthlike ecosystems makes it clear that he envisions more than one world that was created (or at least partially terraformed by) a Shard. Taldain might be another example given the unique characteristics of that system pretty much requiring that a wizard did it, we just don't know if it was Bavadin or Adonalsium who set it up.

Khriss mentions in AU that Scadrial is one of two planets she knows where humanity did not predate the arrival of the Shards so there must be at least one more out there where a Shard either (re)created sapient life or brought humans with it.

1 hour ago, Niteshado said:

You also have to note that during Sazed ascension, he holds 2 shards.

And? So? Rashek was able to move the entire planet, physically shift Ruin and Preservation's Perpendicularities and alter the biology of everything on the planet (including creating the ash-eating bacteria) while only holding a fraction of Preservation's power. Sazed has a lot more raw power than any other Shard but that's not required for anything we saw him do.

Edited by Weltall
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18 hours ago, Dunkum said:

do we even have evidence that that restriction is universal?  I thought it applied to ruin and preservation due to their specific intents.  seems like Cultivation or Ambition, say, may be less restricted in that regard

No, but looking at what the intents are I  don't believe any of them are. It's admittedly opinion, but look at your example of Cultivation. 

Cultivation is improvement and/or direction, not creation. To cultivate life you still need a seed. 

Endowment requires a recipient. Ambition, like Cultivation is about goals and gains. 

I don't believe that any Shard, of itself, can outright create sapient life that is not purely investiture based. Just splinters. 

Edited by Calderis
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1 hour ago, Calderis said:

No, but looking at what the intents are I  don't believe any of them are. It's admittedly opinion, but look at your example of Cultivation.

This WoB is short on specifics but it could be argued that Shards do have a drive to create and so it shouldn't be impossible for one of them at least to be able to create sapient life on its own, provided that it's got a sufficiently flexible Intent.



Do all the shards have a 'secondary' imperative of some degree, to create?

Brandon Sanderson

You could say this.


And there's Khriss' comment that Scadrial is one of two worlds where humanity didn't predate the arrival of the Shards. Admittedly this doesn't state that the humans on this unknown other world were created by a Shard (the obvious alternative being that the humans were brought there from another world) but there's a chance that it's the case and we can probably rule out all of the planets we've seen directly as this second one. Khriss doesn't mention this detail in the other essays even though she does make cross-Cosmere references in others, like mentioning the Rosharan System in the essay on Drominad or Taldain in the essay on Sel. So unless there's a fourth dishardic planet out there, we've got a possibility that a single Shard created sapient life somewhere in the Cosmere.

Edited by Weltall
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