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Transgender in the Cosmere


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For those confused about all this gender/biology stuff, I think this video by Hank Green will be very helpful in clearing up the kinds of things that we're talking about. It's an excellent resource and he does a great job of talking about it:


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Well if healing is mainly cognitive and the person truly thought they were the opposite sex. Could you just cut out/off their genitals then give them a divine breath to heal them?


Is healing mainly cognitive or is it a mixture of cognitive and spiritual?


Healing has to do with "how you see yourself". We don't have concrete answers on whether that is purely Cognitive, Spiritual or a blend. I personally think that its a blend of the Spiritual "ideal" and your Cognitive self. 

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Well if healing is mainly cognitive and the person truly thought they were the opposite sex. Could you just cut out/off their genitals then give them a divine breath to heal them?


Is healing mainly cognitive or is it a mixture of cognitive and spiritual?

I don't think it would work.

Even if a homosexual person sees himself of the different gender, he knows what his body looks like. he just wish he had a different one. Actually, from that point of view his condition is no different from a regular person who wish he would have a better physique. HE would like to be different, he feels that he should be different, but he knows that he is not. No matter how much you identify yourself with arnold schwarznegger, magical healing will never grow your muscles.


If that analogy holds, on the other hand, returned would have a pretty good chance of being able to change sex, since they appear how they think they look like. It is possible that there are already homosexual returned, they just returned as the gender they identify with, and since they don't know anything of their old lives (and in general people don't talk about them) they never know that they changed sex when returning.

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Thought this kind of topic was off limits in the forums.

I don't know what you're talking about. It totally is if you're kind and reasonable.

Say, you sound like someone I've seen before.

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Thought this kind of topic was off limits in the forums.


The topic is not off-limits so long as it is both relevant -- which yes, this is a discussion of transgender people in the cosmere -- and so long as the discussion stays civil and composed, which thus far, it has. I mean, we have transgender members of the fandom. Are we going to forbid them to talk about their lives and their experiences? Forbidding topics like this would be a very dangerous precident to set, if we say that only "normal" topics are allowed, then we immediately say that our transgender members are not normal, and are "too strange" to be talked about. We don't want to do that to them. In fact, we want them to feel welcome!


I think topics like this, where people are being understanding, there's a chance for learning. People are being exposed to new points of view and things that they haven't thought about before, and as they are learning more about this kind of topic, the forums become a more understanding and inclusive place! I'd say we want more topics like this, because this one's been doing pretty well thus far.


I'm wondering who told you these topics are off limits. You're pretty new around here, aren't you? 

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Oh, it's you. Hah. Thank you for misinterpreting the rules, as always. I'm sure I can always count on you for that, Alaxel.

Don't mind him. He has a vendetta against sensible discourse for some reason and continues to make accounts to cause trouble, instead of going away quietly.

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I don't think it would work.

Even if a homosexual person sees himself of the different gender, he knows what his body looks like. he just wish he had a different one. Actually, from that point of view his condition is no different from a regular person who wish he would have a better physique. HE would like to be different, he feels that he should be different, but he knows that he is not. No matter how much you identify yourself with arnold schwarznegger, magical healing will never grow your muscles.


so.... I'm assuming by 'homosexual' you mean 'transgender' (those are two different things; please don't treat them as interchangeable.)

I think this would really depend on the degree to which a person experiences body dysphoria.  (This is really variable between trans* individuals and also can vary from day to day.)  I think there are some trans* people for whom Feruchemical gold or Stormlight healing would lead to a sex change and some for whom it would not.


I imagine it would be possible to perform hormone replacement therapy on oneself by using Feruchemical bendalloy, though it probably requires knowledge of the biochemistry involved.

Edited by eshonai
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I think Feruchemical gold would only work for full-on body dismorphia, where on a fundamental level the person doesn't recognize their body as being theirs. Like people who feel pain in amputated limbs, or who feel like one of their limbs shouldn't be there and cut it off. I'm pretty sure that a gender-related variation on that isn't terribly common, but I guess it might happen.


Returned transform into their idealized self-image instead of how they actually perceived themselves in life,so it would be a lot easier for them

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Right, we get the sense that Stormlight certainly varies between individuals. Lopen started to regrow his arm when exposed to Stormlight, but Kaladin couldn't heal his scars. It's very, very much a personal perception issue, and as Esh said, levels of dysphoria vary from person to person, and even within people from day to day.

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so.... I'm assuming by 'homosexual' you mean 'transgender' (those are two different things; please don't treat them as interchangeable.)


I assume everyone can understand what I mean.

While I am fully aware that the transgender universe has lots of different shades (as nicely described by the video upped by featherwriter) I don't know the exact terms to refer to each of those shades, as well as which umbrella term applies to which sub-group of tendencies gender identities orientation whatever they are called.

Furthermore, there is a lot of controversial about several of those words. I assumed lgbt was a goood umbrella term, but then i read somewhere that some people get offended by it because they belong to some other minority that they feel is left excluded. and I''m not 100% sure about which of the less mainstream words are politically correct to use or not (I generally wouldn't care about political correctness, but in some cases it is needed because other people won't even take you seriously otherwise).

So, while I know that those words are different, and I know at least to some extent their different uses, I'm not fully aware of what would work better for some situations. In that case I just use a word that is close enough that people will hopefully understand what it means even if it's not the correct one, and that I'm sure is not considered offensive by anyone. So forgive me my buffyspeak. I feel like finding the right words to discuss those issues is like stepping on a minefield. especially in a foreign language.


P.S. i didn't knew about body dismorphia before. In that case, I believe that yes, changing gender would be entirely possible and relatively easy.

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Just be as respectful as you can be. As long as it's clear that you're being open-minded, willing to adapt, and trying, you should be fine. If, regardless of that, anybody's needling you, then I believe that that person needs to learn the difference between being insensitive and not having all the information.

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Just be as respectful as you can be. As long as it's clear that you're being open-minded, willing to adapt, and trying, you should be fine. If, regardless of that, anybody's needling you, then I believe that that person needs to learn the difference between being insensitive and not having all the information.

This is is exactly how I feel.  I'm glad to answer questions if they're asked respectfully.


(I just wanted to make sure no one was confusing transgender and homosexual, because that is something that happens a lot and it leads to people like me who are both** having our identities questioned because 'If you are attracted to women why not just stay a man?'*)


*The answer to that is, because I'm not a man, and my gender has nothing to do with who I'm attracted to.


**technically I'm closer to asexual homoromantic but that's not really relevant here.

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*coughs* For those keeping up with Splintercast, you might have heard me talk about "my" Eshonai, versus the canon Eshonai. And why I get upset when people use the wrong pronouns and misgender canon Eshonai. Because both of them are super awesome. (This would be "my" Eshonai over here. She is wonderful. Everyone say hi.)


For those looking for a good blanket term for these kinds of identities, GRSM is a pretty good one. (Gender, Romantic, and Sexual Minorities.) Many people within these communities use the word "queer" as a catch-all term as well, but you want to be careful with that one because it has often been used as a slur, and you want to make sure that the people you're talking to are okay with you using it.

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