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Cosmere Etymology


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So, according to Brandon, the similarity of names between the Worldbringers (Mistborn) and the Worldsingers (Stormlight Archive) isn't coincidental- though the only reference I could find for it on the Coppermind was a redirect back to one of Chaos' posts on this forum. 


But looking at it made me wonder about other odd quirks in the cosmere.


We know Devotion was named Aona, and it seems likely that the AonDor magic of Sel is connected to her (because of the similarity in names). The focus of the magic system were Aons, which share that link even more.


Dominion was named Skai, and coppermind speculation connects them to Skaze.


Preservation was named Leras, and the bead that transforms Scadrians into Mistborn is Lerasium, while Ruin (Ati) works through Atium.


Who was responsible for these similarities? Lerasium isn't named in the books(as far as I can recall), but everyone knows what atium is. I considered that maybe the Lord Ruler found out about Ati (rather than just Ruin) when he held the power at the well then decide to stick -um at the end, but that doesn't really explain the Aona-Aon connection.


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Its worth noting as well, that languages are somewhat similar - shash in SA means 'dangerous', and is also a letter of the alphabet on Nalthis.

Maybe people all came from Yolen (excepting those of Scadrial), and over a long period of time their prior knowledge was forgotten, leaving them with similar words like shash or the worldsinger/world bringer connection, without remembering how those came to be. Although admittedly, that doesn't explain humanity on Scadrial which we know was created by Ruin/Preservation. Hmmm...

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There's a comment on the Coppermind relating the Worldbr/singers to Hoid, but it doesn't have any citations. I think I also remember a WoB saying that there was some sort of a connection between Ati(the aon) and Ati(the shard).


I think the most obvious answer is that these are Yolenese languages- a similarity between them would explain why worldhoppers like Hoid and Zahel don't seem to have any trouble communicating across worlds. I kind of like the idea of Shards unconciously influencing the planets, since that might affect how languages would develop on those worlds, and if all the Shards come from a common homeworld, it would be reasonable to expect the words to be similar.


But it still makes me wonder how atium came to be named after Ati. Atium and Lerasium are both the physical components of their respective Shards, and I believe the tears of Edgil are connected to Endowment some way, but I can't see how they (or the other focuses) would be named after the Shardholders, unless it was by concious design. 

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Its worth noting as well, that languages are somewhat similar - shash in SA means 'dangerous', and is also a letter of the alphabet on Nalthis.

Maybe people all came from Yolen (excepting those of Scadrial), and over a long period of time their prior knowledge was forgotten, leaving them with similar words like shash or the worldsinger/world bringer connection, without remembering how those came to be. Although admittedly, that doesn't explain humanity on Scadrial which we know was created by Ruin/Preservation. Hmmm...


We know from this Q&A that ultimately there was a single source of humans in the Cosmere. How those spread pre-Shattering is unclear, but we also know that Shard's can create/did create the humans on their worlds (Scadrial 100% sure, other planets like Roshar pretty sure, Nalthis not so sure how long Endowment has been there.) So shared etymology and language on Shardworlds (which is all we're really seeing) seems natural to me since the original Shard holders were all from the same world and knew each other. 


it would be interesting to me to see a non-Shardworld populated by humans and see if there is any shared language there with Shardworlds, and if so, how divergent are they at this point since the non-Shardworld humans would have (again presumably) migrated/traveled to that world pre-Shattering. 

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There's a comment on the Coppermind relating the Worldbr/singers to Hoid, but it doesn't have any citations. I think I also remember a WoB saying that there was some sort of a connection between Ati(the aon) and Ati(the shard).


I'm pretty sure I read it in the database.  Actually Brandon has said there is no connection between Ati the shardholer and Aon Ati,  that they aren't even pronounced the same.

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I'm quite sure there's a WoB saying that the languages in the cosmere derive from one source, thus some similaries. Unfortunately I can't find the quote. Even after searching for the most part of an hour I only found this:


Interview: Sep, 2012

Cosmere Q&A - 17th Shard (Verbatim)


My question is in regards to the writing system. In Warbreaker, when Siri is teaching Susebron to read, she mentions the letter "shash," which we now know better as a Glyphair from WoK.

so onto the questions:

Are the two writing systems related, or is this a chance coincidence of names? If they are related, did they stem from the same source? (i.e., do the people of Nalthis and Roshar both descend from a more ancient group of people?) If I haven't gotten a RAFO yet, did the separation from these other people create the legends of being cast out of the Tranquiline Halls?

Brandon Sanderson

There are interesting connections around the cosmere between linguistics and some cultures. Though different groups of humans were created on different planets, the Shards all share a single point of origin. However, the Tranquiline Halls legends are not related to a Nalthis/Roshar connection.

(emphazises mine)

PS @Weiry: May I ask for the source of this Ati =|= (Seon) Ati WoB? Thanks in advance.

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PS @Weiry: May I ask for the source of this Ati =|= (Seon) Ati WoB? Thanks in advance.


It's from quite a while back, I don't know where the WoB is. It is definite that they are pronounced differently, Ruin Ati is probably pronounced like "ah-tee" or "a-tee" but Aon Ati is pronounced "ay-teye".  Both Joe and Windy have mentioned have mentioned them being pronounced differently.

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It's from quite a while back, I don't know where the WoB is. It is definite that they are pronounced differently, Ruin Ati is probably pronounced like "ah-tee" or "a-tee" but Aon Ati is pronounced "ay-teye".  Both Joe and Windy have mentioned have mentioned them being pronounced differently.


Maybe Windy can help (I asked him for the source in this thread, but got no answer).

It's not that I don't believe you (or Joe or Windy) but I love to have a source. :) That there are different pronounciations is not the evidence because it seems naturally to me that different people may pronounce the same words not in the same way.

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