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I'm back, and I have a LOT to catch up on

Senor Feesh

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Hi everyone; I don't know if I ever made enough of an impact that my absence was noticed, but I dropped out of the site when the Words of Radiance spoilers started landing so I could preserve the experience for release.


Well, now I've finished WoR (and Shadows for Silence) and I'm back! Before I left I considered myself pretty up-to-speed on current interpretations of Realmatic Theory, but with all the months I've missed I expect I'm going to be feeling like a newly-bonded Spren all over again.


If anyone has any suggestions for good threads to help get me up to speed, I'd really appreciate ;)


Looking forward to being a part of this wonderful community again :D

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Hey, Feesh!  Welcome back.  I think things have been fairly quiet on the realmatics front.  Obviously, there is a some new info on the cognitive realm.  But, I haven't seen much come across that is major realmatics discussion.

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No, nothing really major Realmatically. No one has done a big mondo-everything thread in a while.


I've been getting my friends pregnant interested in the cosmere lately and wondering how I would go about doing it... The Intro 101 thread is solid, but out of date, and it's not structured the way I think about things. I've been considering writing one on my own.

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I've been getting my friends pregnant interested in the cosmere lately and wondering how I would go about doing it... The Intro 101 thread is solid, but out of date, and it's not structured the way I think about things. I've been considering writing one on my own.

Argent, that's how I get my friends hooked too! First, I get them Pregnant, then I  hand them a stack of books. They can't go out partying anymore, so they start reading. Quite devious if you ask me.

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Fresh! Welcome back. :)

No, nothing really major Realmatically. No one has done a big mondo-everything thread in a while.

Fresh? Wow, I feel like I'm in the 80s :P

Thanks guys, I've already had my mind popped a bit by some of the things I'd missing in WoR which others didn't (won't post here because spoilers).

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