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Server upgraded!


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Our server has been significantly upgraded. As far as I can tell, the site loads way the heck faster now. There's also significantly more memory, which should prevent site crashes.

Unfortunately the mysterious "fatal error" that appears at the bottom is still a thing which I need to figure out.

Let me know what you think of the new server :)

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Oh great! I'm a Luddite, so I assumed that fatal error message was just proof that my computer is terrible. Glad to see my excuse for a fancy new set up get shot down.

EDIT He said, before having a different problem. I thought the two were connected.

Whenever I make a post and it returns to the topic, the formatting is very... broken. Whenever I leave the topic and click back in, it appears fine, and I don't have the same problems in my PMs, but it's kind of common on-board. Board problem, or is my computer playing up?

Edited by Quiver
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Board problem; it might be related to the Fatal Error thing, as that has a tendency to appear in weird places, like even posts. So it might be the thing causing that weird formatting when the post happens.

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