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Manifestation of Surges

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I was wondering, do the surges always present themselves the same in each order of knight? For example, Dustbringers can use the surge of division to burn carvings. Would the Skbreakers, who also have the surge of division, use it the same way, or would it be different? 

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13 hours ago, ShardBreaker said:

I was wondering, do the surges always present themselves the same in each order of knight? For example, Dustbringers can use the surge of division to burn carvings. Would the Skbreakers, who also have the surge of division, use it the same way, or would it be different? 

The Surges work slightly differently, but to what extent seems to vary(and/or we don't know)


We know that Surges can work differently for different Orders, but we've also seen the Skybreakers and Windrunners with flight, and the Truthwatchers and Edgedancers, they both can do Regrowth, so is there some way that those actually work differently?

Brandon Sanderson [PENDING REVIEW]
Each of them works a little differently for each Order. There are slight variations, but they are each drawing upon the same source concept.

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good examples of this include 

-Kal's control of the wind

-bondsmith's ability to use spiritual cohesion to learn languages 

-Renarin's ability to heal faster than other radiants (this may just be a side effect of regrowth) 

-Shallan needing to draw something before lightweaving it 

Edited by NoBrandonBookIsTooLong
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Yes, they manifest differently. In some of the surges at least. Maybe not always. I’m not sure. I had a really good example of how one surge manifests differently, and I had it all typed up...., but then I realized it had OB spoilers. And now I can’t think of another example. Oh well.

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