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Advice for a Mistborn Board Newbie?


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Hello all! I've gotten onto these boards relatively recently with the big build up to the WoR debut, and now I'm totally hooked. It's been fun hearing all the Cosmere discussion and theorizing as it's happening on the WoR board, and now I want to start branching out!

Maybe this is a silly post, but what I'm looking for is some sort of "Previously on Lost" for the Mistborn boards. I'm certainly no stranger to the trilogy or AoL (I've read both 3 times), and I've read every book Sanderson has written, so it's not story stuff I need updates on. What I'm looking for is an update on the most popular theories, what the most popular conversations are, what little tidbits that non-17th Sharders would have probably missed, etc. This is partly just to save time trying to do back reading, but it's so I also don't start a thread that has been done to death/is already well established (I won't post a Twinborn powers thread, for instance).

Thanks everyone, I hope that this wasn't too awkward/too vague of a request! (-:

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Well, I don't know exactly how much you know about the cosmere, but I'll assume you know the fundamentals about adonalsium, so I'll just say a few random facts and speculations that come to my mind


- sazed/harmony, bearing two shards, is potentially the most powerful being in the cosmere. Odium knows of harmony, and plans to splinter him too. it is unknown if plans for it are already in motion, and if odium hass the power to splinter harmony in the first place. some argue that the intent of the shard is more important than the number of shards one has.


- while the four books dealt with events in the northern emisphere, there were people in the southern emisphere too, who survived the ashworld near the pole. they never got any lerasium (the metal that turned elend into a mistborn, aka solidified power of preservation) so mistborn are unheard and mistings very rare, but they have a different, more "technological" use of allomancy. Much speculation on what that "technological" meant, as it is the only tidbit brandon gave.


- allomancy makes faster-than-light travel possible. many theories have been proposed, but none seems particularly convincing. we probably miss some particular bit of allomancy that is crucial to that.


- the allomantic metals are much more than 16+ the 2 god metals. for every metal, there is an alloy of both god metals with it. metal+lerasium turn you into a misting of that metal, no idea what metal+atium does (some speculation says that it makes the metal influence other people, as that was what malatium did to gold, but it's pure speculation). it has been speculated (and is considered almost certain) that an alloy of atium and lerasium (commonly referred as sazedium) would turn you into a full feruchemist, and metal+atium+lerasium into a ferring of that metal. There's much speculation on the subject of the exact number of god metal alloys and what they do.


- the feruchemical table give some pretty strange effects for metals, like the spinner feruchemist who can store and tap luck, or the one that let you store connection. we don't know exactly how those metal works.


Those are all the topics I can think of for now.

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Small tidbits:

Hoid appears in every single Mistborn novel. In the second, he's the old leader of the Terris people that Elend speaks with, and in Alloy he's speaking with some people at the wedding.


Wax's earring is a Hemalurgic spike.


Ati and Leras are the names of the original Shardholders. Ati is mentioned in The Way of Kings' epigraphs.


Hemalurgy is not necessarily fatal. An example can be found in the epigraphs of the first trilogy with someone stabbed with a dagger who is never quite the same.


There's speculation that Spook burned a lot of cadmium while burning duralumin and will pop up at some point.


The Set plans to use their kidnapped women to breed a Mistborn.


Feruchemists can make their metalminds accessible to Allomancers and other Feruchemists with aluminum shenanigans. Gold Mistings rejoice.


Ruin had a lake similar to the Well of Ascension. It was later put into many little pools in the Pits of Hathsin.





How did Bloody Tan block Wax's shot? It's been confirmed he did not use atium.


Why do Allomancers have all 16 powers or else only one power?


How do you use Hemalurgy to take more than one power from a Mistborn?


How does one trap the mists in metal? We have WoB that it can be done, much like Stormlight is trapped in gems.


What happens when you burn metal infused by Stormlight? A Shardblade? What about metal with Breath in it?


How did Hoid get Feruchemy/Allomancy? Does he have spikes?


How much weaker are the children of Allomancers? Can they have children stronger than them?


How do Allomancers worldhop? We have reason to believe they can get into the Cognitive Realm/Shadesmar.


Did Ruin set up any last-minute plans like another Shard did?


What do the alloys of atium and lerasium do Feruchemically?


Sazed has an excess of Ruin. What's he doing with it? (Current consensus is that he used it to make the koloss blooded, I believe?)


How does FTL travel work?


Can you burn metals on other planets that were mined there, or do you have to bring them from Scadrial?


All magic users can power their abilities with any kind of Investiture with "jury-rigging" according to WoB. How do you power Allomancy with Stormlight? It seems like it'd be similar to Vin's use of the mists.



Mistborn's first trilogy is really all finished up, and the Wax and Wayne novels are fairly light, so we don't have much in the way of theories on the upcoming stories unfortunately. Stormlight is the most active board for a reason. Mainly, most discussion is centered around the Realmatics of metal use and using that to create broad frameworks of magic in the Cosmere. Hopefully you find that sort of thing interesting.

Edited by Moogle
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How does one trap the mists in metal? We have WoB that it can be done, much like Stormlight is trapped in gems.


One stipulation in regards to this.  When Brandon said metal can be infused with mist he then when on to say this is essentially what happens when you charge a Hemalurgic spike.

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