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Guess That Cosmere Character! Forum Edition!


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6 hours ago, Marukka said:

The Stormfather?


5 hours ago, Kingsdaughter613 said:



5 hours ago, ElMonoEstupendo said:



3 hours ago, AceBassMan said:

General Khal

None of them

1. Is considered the best option to inherit someone’s Shards, if the current Shardbearer were to fall

2. Opposes new ideas and dramatic change

3. Fought at the Shattered Plains
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2 minutes ago, Chinkoln said:




None of them

1. Is considered the best option to inherit someone’s Shards, if the current Shardbearer were to fall

2. Opposes new ideas and dramatic change

3. Fought at the Shattered Plains


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38 minutes ago, mathiau said:



32 minutes ago, Kingsdaughter613 said:



1. Is considered the best option to inherit someone’s Shards, if the current Shardbearer were to fall

2. Opposes new ideas and dramatic change

3. Fought at the Shattered Plains

4. Fought as part of a warpair 

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29 minutes ago, Chinkoln said:



1. Is considered the best option to inherit someone’s Shards, if the current Shardbearer were to fall

2. Opposes new ideas and dramatic change

3. Fought at the Shattered Plains

4. Fought as part of a warpair 


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2 minutes ago, AceBassMan said:



Not Father Binn
Not Roial
Not Camon

1. This character was brutally murdered.
2. This character was very perceptive.
3. This characters death was motivational in a very specific way.
4. This character was married.

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18 minutes ago, ElMonoEstupendo said:


Nice one, but nope. :)

Not Father Binn
Not Roial
Not Camon
Not Shashara

1. This character was brutally murdered.
2. This character was very perceptive.
3. This characters death was motivational in a very specific way.
4. This character was married.
5. This character was innocent.

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4 minutes ago, Marukka said:

Nice one, but nope. :)

Not Father Binn
Not Roial
Not Camon
Not Shashara

1. This character was brutally murdered.
2. This character was very perceptive.
3. This characters death was motivational in a very specific way.
4. This character was married.
5. This character was innocent.

Goradel? No, he wasn't noted for his perception.
Evi? No, same problem.
Kelsier? No, he's far from innocent.

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3 minutes ago, Chinkoln said:


Nope but close!

3 minutes ago, ElMonoEstupendo said:

Goradel? No, he wasn't noted for his perception.
Evi? No, same problem.
Kelsier? No, he's far from innocent.

Absolutely right on all accounts!

1. This character was brutally murdered.
2. This character was very perceptive.
3. This characters death was motivational in a very specific way.
4. This character was married.
5. This character was innocent.


This character loved flowers despite never seing a real one.

Three, two, one...GO!

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