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Using Atium without Fighting?

A Joe in the Bush

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So in the books so far, all we have seen is Atium being used in fights, and I think it only affects Your Vision, IE; you see what will happen. But does using Atium Force you to kill? I know it's of Ruin, but Allomancy is of Preservation, so Shouldn't Atium be slighty 'good'? Is it just for Fighting, Or could a Lip reading Politician know what His Rivals were going to Say before they said? 


Basically, Can I use Atium to win at Chess, Politics and Other Non Violent Stuff?

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Yes, I believe it could be used to do non violent stuff. Atium allows you to see slightly in the future and doesn't require you to fight. I believe in the Final Empire, Kelsier gave Vin some atium to try out. She ended up not killing anything or feeling urged to be violent.

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I do not believe burning atium makes someone more agressive/violent/more likely to kill.  Whenever we are in Vin's head while she is burning it I don't remember her getting any hinky impulses, she could just see into the future.  I would also disagree with it just affecting one's vision.  I am reasonably sure that a blind person who burns gold is able to interpret the alternate persona without being able to see them, so I would expect the same to work for atium as well.  Atium expands the mental capabilities of the burner so they are able to process the precognitive information, for most this results in them "seeing" what is going to happen, but a non-sighted person would interpret in another way.

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atium is best used withh duraluminium (or nicrosil); it allows to see the ultimate consequences of your actions, and would be invaluable to politicians, but also good to random people before making important decisions.

atium alone is probably of little use probably. in chess it would at most allow you to see one move ahead, which is completely useless to skilled players. could be good in speed chess cause sometimes to move faster you start moving your arm before opponent makes his move, and if he make a different move than you expected you may be screwed. it also says that atium "expand your mind", but that is only to process the informations for the atium shadows (which would be too cconfusing to a normal person) and there's no indication that it would make you think better.

You could use atium to win at sports, but that would be cheating. you could use it to make sure you don't have car accidents, but it is way too expensive to keep burning all the time.

So I'd say atium alone would be nigh useless, atium+burst would be invaluable - but could also be very dangerous if only a small elite had access to it; then world domination plot would become much more realistic.

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Thanks for all the Feed back, I've been writing a Fan Fic, and Atium was involved in that Way. Also, If you Alloyed Atium with Lerasium, It would make a Metal that is of Preservation and Ruin, Correct? So would this Metal, on Burning, Grant Feruchemy?

Edited by The Only Joe
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Thanks for all the Feed back, I've been writing a Fan Fic, and Atium was involved in that Way. Also, If you Alloyed Atium with Lerasium, It would make a Metal that is of Preservation and Ruin, Correct? So would this Metal, on Burning, Grant Feruchemy?

It would be of both yes. That it would grant feruchemy is the most common theory.

There is some discussion of it in these threads. :)


And probably many others. But I need sleep and those were the ones I could find quickly.

Edited by lord Claincy Ffnord
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Guest Monster Energy

Only problem with using Atium for chess might be that it would only let you see one move ahead, but I don't see any reason why Atium couldn't be used for non-violent things.


I agree; it wouldn't work for chess.  It wouldn't only show you what chess move your opponent would make (which, for the life of me, I cannot imagine the advantage of knowing his move a few seconds before he makes it) but you'd be seeing a lot of inconsequential things - like your opponent scratching the side of their head moments before they actually do.  

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