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Autonomy is creating Splinters which by definition cannot be Vessels. Lots of things can have Connection to a Shard but aren't considered a Vessel. Here's a selection of WoBs on the subject.



We've seen people Ascend. If it were in the position to do so, could Nightblood take up a Shard?

Brandon Sanderson

This is a RAFO, as I'm not specifically willing to comment on whether or not power that has become self-aware (Seons, Nightblood, Spren) can Ascend or not.


Brandon later was more direct and said that it's 'probably impossible'.


Chris White

Could a sentient Invested object take up a Shard?

Brandon Sanderson

Highly unlikely, probably impossible--but impossibility is hard to judge.


The Vessel is specifically the entity who holds a Shard



Would it be possible to create a potential Vessel that has a Connection to all 16 Shards? Through a combination of birth planet, genetics, Hemalurgy--

Brandon Sanderson

You--  So, terminology. The Vessel holds a Shard. Lots of people have Connections to the Shards without holding them. So, I'm just gonna RAFO that. You guys got years and years left, before we're even gonna discuss things about-- But if I tell you now, like, what are you gonna ask?


Brandon draws a clear line between a Shard/its power and its Vessel:



Can it be restored? The splinters

Brandon Sanderson

Um, splinters, can they be restored to... So it is, that is a yes, but restoring them will not restore Honor, the vessel of Honor, right. They would restore Honor the Shard if this were to happen, but a new vessel would have to take it.


Ok so, [Adonalsium] can be put back together?

Brandon Sanderson

Adonalsium? Ok it is theoretically possible to put a Shard back into, you know, to meld Shards together. The fact that we have already seen someone meld powers, in Sazed. So yes, but the question is who or what was Adonalsium, and is putting it back together going to do anything? Or...


And Brandon doesn't say it in so many words but he's effectively confirmed that Autonomy is creating, errr, autonomous Splinters as part of her plans.



Can a Shard go to a planet, create an autonomous Splinter, and then leave the system of the planet and then *inaudible*

Brandon Sanderson [PENDING REVIEW]

Yeah, that's possible. In fact, that's happened. You've seen that happen.


So yeah, Autonomy is leaving bits of Investiture around the Cosmere for whatever reason and at least some of these Splinters if not all of them are sapient, but they're not considered Vessels and it's unlikely if not impossible that they could actually Ascend even if Bavadin for some reason gave up her Shard. The Stormfather is an analogous case, being a (large) Splinter of Honor and has actually merged with Tanavast's Cognitive Shadow but even then, he's not considered a Vessel.

Edited by Weltall
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