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Yeah, he's got potential access to feruchemical powers through hemalurgy so he might have gotten access to F-Gold. That wouldn't make you immortal (just like Miles remarks that he still ages) but it would keep you at peak health until your soul's insistance on its true age finally caught up with your Physical self. Brandon goes into the mechanics here. It's also possible he could have used the atium compounding trick to extend his life, but that would require first finding a spike that grants F-Atium and then finding some spare atium (in beads or in a spike) to create the compounding loop; even very a limited supply could give him decades of life. There were a bunch of dead Inquisitors so it's at least possible he was able to find what he needed off their corpses, especially since he knew about those Inquisitors and salvaged at least one spike from them.

Another possibility that doesn't require hemalurgical tricks (or A-Cadmium, which is certainly a viable method as well) is that Harmony Did It, leaning on his Preservation side a bit more. Having a single stable ruler certainly couldn't have hurt things in the immediate aftermath of the Catacendre, so it's possible Sazed did a little tweaking to give Spook a longer lifespan. We know he did some massive tinkering to revert all the changes that Rashek had made to humanity and he also healed physical infirmities and genetic defects to give the best chance of survival so a bit of extra tweaking of Spook to let him live longer doesn't seem impossible.

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1 hour ago, Weltall said:

Yeah, he's got potential access to feruchemical powers through hemalurgy so he might have gotten access to F-Gold.

yeah this is true. He did ask anyone who was terminally ill, or old age, to be spiked. 

i dont agree with the atium. The only known atium is with marsh, and -most- the atium mistings died in the last fight.

1 hour ago, Weltall said:

Harmony Did It, leaning on his Preservation side a bit more

This didnt cross my mind either, although it is a good concept. 

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2 hours ago, Niteshado said:

i dont agree with the atium. The only known atium is with marsh, and -most- the atium mistings died in the last fight.

Like I said, it's not likely but we can't completely discount the option that one of the Inquisitors was for some reason spiked with F-Atium and that another either had an atium spike of any attribute that could be melted down, or was carrying atium... or that Spook got some another way, like Zane's missing stockpile. That the atium mistings were mostly killed at the end of the book isn't really a factor because as a mistborn, Spook can already burn it allomantically.

But yeah, it seems the least likely explanation for Spook's long life next to everything else. Just tossed it out there because it's a known method of life-extension and not completely impossible.

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3 minutes ago, Weltall said:

That the atium mistings were mostly killed at the end of the book isn't really a factor because as a mistborn, Spook can already burn it allomantically.

he can burn it, yes, but he cant spike himself. I think i mixed this up tho, as he would need a F-spike. 

6 minutes ago, Weltall said:

we can't completely discount the option that one of the Inquisitors was for some reason spiked with F-Atium

I thought Marsh was the only one alive after Vins Ascenion fight with the Inquisitors?

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57 minutes ago, Niteshado said:

he can burn it, yes, but he cant spike himself. I think i mixed this up tho, as he would need a F-spike. 

I thought Marsh was the only one alive after Vins Ascenion fight with the Inquisitors?

He was, but unless the spikes in the bodies of the inquisitors were destroyed they would still be viable. 

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1 hour ago, Calderis said:

He was, but unless the spikes in the bodies of the inquisitors were destroyed they would still be viable. 

Yeah and every Inquisitor made from Seeker would need an Atium Spike to gain A-atium.

So It's hard to believe Spook can't put his hands in some Atium.

Sure, I believe he didn't use Atium Compound to live 120 years...but was definitivelly something in his possibility.

The only hard part is to find some way to gain f Atium..

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