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Words of Brandon (Q&A Responses)(*WoR Spoilers!*)


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I just came back from the WoR signing in Seattle and WOW! First Brandon book tour I've been to, I will NOT be missing others in the future! I thought I'd start a thread for Q&A responses. I've got a couple from a guy named Tim who said he was probably going to get an account and post soon, but he said if he hasn't posted by Monday, his answers are free game, and they are ZINGERS.

Now for my questions, and feel free to post any that you got from events!

Q: What would happen to the function of a magic item if it were to be taken from one world to another? (This was me asking about Nightblood indirectly during the general Q&A to avoid spoilers)

A: An invested object theoretically would work, but they may not work exactly the way they are supposed to.


Q: Would you be able to tell me anything about how Vasher lost Nightblood to Nin? (Asked one-on-one)

A: (Brandon gives a knowing smile) "Wait, who?"

Q: Okay... What can you tell me about how Zahel lost Nightblood?

A: Oh ZAHEL! Well... I can't say much about that right now, but you'll get all of these questions answered in the book "Nightblood" in the future.


Q: We've now seen that the Syl-Blade can change shape to meet Kaladin's needs. Is there a limit to the size that Syl can become?

A: As for the size, she can get up to about the size of a human.

Q: Okay, and is Syl limited to only weaponry, or can she take on the shape of other objects?

A: I'm gonna have to RAFO that.... (We take a picture together, and as I'm grabbing my books he says,) Though, to be fair, you have been seeing Syl change forms since the beginning of the books into many non-combat forms, so... (Fiendishly trails off)

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You should flag this for Words of Radiance spoilers, by the way.


Okay, so now we are waiting for Nightblood to come one - I doubt he is going to reveal anything until then, not about this. Syl, though... I can't think of a reason for her to be restricted to only weaponry. I am curious to see how Kaladin will utilize her.

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Q: We've now seen that the Syl-Blade can change shape to meet Kaladin's needs. Is there a limit to the size that Syl can become?

A: As for the size, she can get up to about the size of a human.

Q: Okay, and is Syl limited to only weaponry, or can she take on the shape of other objects?

A: I'm gonna have to RAFO that.... (We take a picture together, and as I'm grabbing my books he says,) Though, to be fair, you have been seeing Syl change forms since the beginning of the books into many non-combat forms, so... (Fiendishly trails off)


Well guys, I think we don't need to worry anymore if a Kaladin/Syl ship is possible.

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Also, I imagine this isn't new to the people here, but Brandon also said that the next Stormlight Archive book is "Stones on Hallowed", and he very casually mentioned in his monologue,

"I wrote the books with a main character to focus on for flashbacks to give the stories a spine of sorts, someone who you can attach to. That way in the future it won't be as hard to remember what happened in each book, you can be like, "Oh, the third book? That was the one with SZETH in it..." (Emphasis added)

So... Between the title and his dropped hint, I am STOKED to learn about our Assassin in White. :-D

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Szeth= 3rd book (tons of info dump about the Skybreakers and their leader)

Dalinar = 4th book(I think will be about Dalinar's wife and the Nightmother)

Any idea who's on the 5th?


Wasn't Szeth = third book; Eshonai = fourth and Dalinar = fifth? I might be wrong though, I only read it somewhere at Tor.com



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Yea, well, I so called Syladin as a ship and you all laughed at me. So there!


Also, yes, this should've been all in the other thread.

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Szeth= 3rd book (tons of info dump about the Skybreakers and their leader)

Dalinar = 4th book(I think will be about Dalinar's wife and the Nightmother)

Any idea who's on the 5th?


Renarin is confirmed as 1 of the 10 books. I'd guess he's in this quintet rather than the next, so I'm going to assume Renarin = book 5 unless someone has something definite otherwise.

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Q: Okay, and is Syl limited to only weaponry, or can she take on the shape of other objects?

A: I'm gonna have to RAFO that.... (We take a picture together, and as I'm grabbing my books he says,) Though, to be fair, you have been seeing Syl change forms since the beginning of the books into many non-combat forms, so... (Fiendishly trails off)

Is it just me or is Brandon possibly hinting about the possibility of syl becoming shard plate. Maybe after Kalidin or another surgebinder progresses further in oaths or truths we will figure if there spren might be able to to transform into shard plate. This might be able to explain how past knights radiant could surgebind through armor and control if there helmet disappeared and reappeared also shallan was able to store stormlight in pattern just like what the knights did to there armor. Also there is t that theory that Andolin will revive his shardblade he might have to find the corresponding plate. Shard blades and shard plate seem more like fabrials nowadays than back in dalinars visions. Does anybody know any evidence about renarin wearing shardplate or anything else that could help me this theory even proving it wrong.

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Renarin is confirmed as 1 of the 10 books. I'd guess he's in this quintet rather than the next, so I'm going to assume Renarin = book 5 unless someone has something definite otherwise.

It's been confirmed before that the order is Szeth, Eshonai, Dalinar. Next five are more nebulous and in flux, so he must have just decided Renarin's in one of those.
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Considering this

Well guys, I think we don't need to worry anymore if a Kaladin/Syl ship is possible.


is it just me, or is "Brandon possibly hinting about the possibility of syl becoming shard plate" potentially very... interesting?
And also weird, but mostly interesting.


ETA: also, 

Next five are more nebulous and in flux, so he must have just decided Renarin's in one of those.

forgive me the n00b question, but are the last five books part of the current story arc, then? I've only been lurking around here for a couple of weeks, but it seemed like lots of posters just assume that the last five book will be set a long time after the first five -- long enough to require completely different characters.
But if Renarin has been confirmed to be the focus of one book, is the time-skip just a theory?

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forgive me the n00b question, but are the last five books part of the current story arc, then? I've only been lurking around here for a couple of weeks, but it seemed like lots of posters just assume that the last five book will be set a long time after the first five -- long enough to require completely different characters.

But if Renarin has been confirmed to be the focus of one book, is the time-skip just a theory?


It could always be a old Renarin telling his children about how he met their mother.

Edit: I've gone too far.

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It was a lot of fun to meet you in line today at the signing.  I am super excited to read the Nightblade book and see Syl help Kaladin with her non-combat forms.  She seems like one of the most brave and intelligent and grounded characters in the book.  Out of all the Honorspren, she is the only one with the gumption to directly disobey the Stormfather and then took a huge risk in bonding with Kaladin.

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We also don't know if being a Radiant (or perhaps just holding stormlight?) increases lifespan the way Breath does.  All the confirmed viewpoints I can remember for the second half (Jasnah, Renarin... I know he also said Lift was going to be important but it wasn't clear if she was going to get her own book) can use Stormlight. So if wizards live longer stormlight increases lifespan, it's plausible for the second set to be hundreds of years later.

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Renarin is confirmed as 1 of the 10 books. I'd guess he's in this quintet rather than the next, so I'm going to assume Renarin = book 5 unless someone has something definite otherwise.

I thought that the next three books were spoken for - Szeth, Dalinar, Eshonai (in some order). 

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We also don't know if being a Radiant (or perhaps just holding stormlight?) increases lifespan the way Breath does. All the confirmed viewpoints I can remember for the second half (Jasnah, Renarin... I know he also said Lift was going to be important but it wasn't clear if she was going to get her own book) can use Stormlight. So if wizards live longer stormlight increases lifespan, it's plausible for the second set to be hundreds of years later.

At the Huntington Beach signing, Brandon said that Lift and some of the other interlude characters were being "seeded" for the second arc.
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