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Hey hey hey!

For starters, slight Oathbringer spoilers here..

Ive been thinking about the final fight scene of Oathbringer and Shallans Lightweaving that apparently had.. weight..and how these illusions had apparent substance, based on how the insane Alethi turncoats fought these illusions as uf they were real (unlike the previous scene where Adolin got stabbed).

Now I know in world Jasnah said investiture has a small amount of weight (hmmm, like atoms do maybe?) And also insinuated that Shallan was maybe soulcasting into her illusions.

Now im thinking that this may have something to do with the "Soundweaving" the lightweavers can do..

Hear me out, i dont know if you guys have been at a music concert and stood near one of those speakers and noticed how the sound was trying to crush your chest but to get my meaning, play something with some heavy base and put your hand next to the subwoofer and imafine that x100.

Moving on from that I was thinking how this could be used in an OP way.

Imagine: (:o all the people..)

** ahem, sry ignore that bit about people **

* Soundweaving a thunder clap

* incredibly low base that crushes organs and bodies or even shakes apart buildings or armour

* hmmm,  could it be used to create a pocket if soundlessness for sneaking maybe?

* other possible applications? (Your input would be nice ^_^)

What do you guys think?

Eh.. Eh..?

!~ HIF ~!

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To create a pocket of silence i think you would have to Lightweave sound so it would act like modern ANC. This seems like too much of a pain to set up. As for the bass... I think it could be done quite easily, but you would have to come up with some wah to defend common soldiers on your side, and possibly the Radiant themselves, depending on how powerful the bass is i.e. would a Radiant be able to heal wounds sustained from it.

Edited by LopenTheTwoArmedHerdazian
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Considering lightweaving is indeed directly related to waveforms, I guess you could do fun things like extreme sounds to harm your enemies or maybe deafen them. As for creating silence, if you're manipulating waveforms, then you could probably also 'stop' them, so I guess it wouldn't be too hard. Would also be very handy to not harm your own army with those extreme sounds.

(also, I hope Shallan is into metal :) )

Edited by Leyrann
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26 minutes ago, LopenTheTwoArmedHerdazian said:

Hmmm... you're right. In that case, couldn't Shallan basically give an enemy army radiation sickness?

She could create gamma rays... Those are just photons, after all. Not sure if she could create alpha and beta particles though.

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12 hours ago, Hoids Imaginary Friend said:


Hey hey hey!

For starters, slight Oathbringer spoilers here..

Ive been thinking about the final fight scene of Oathbringer and Shallans Lightweaving that apparently had.. weight..and how these illusions had apparent substance, based on how the insane Alethi turncoats fought these illusions as uf they were real (unlike the previous scene where Adolin got stabbed).

Now I know in world Jasnah said investiture has a small amount of weight (hmmm, like atoms do maybe?) And also insinuated that Shallan was maybe soulcasting into her illusions.


I actually had my own theory on why her illusions had a little bit more weight, that was insinuated not to be soul casting. I think Shallan was using her lightweaving to splinter the identity portion of her spirit web, and it was giving the illusions a bit more heft. As stated already, investiture has a bit of weight; a spirit web is made of investiture, mostly. I think since the investiture, splintered from her already torn identity branch of her spirit web, is of Shallan, it would return to her after the illusions dissipate like a shard’s magic returns to it.

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I've seen it mentioned (but can't find the original source) that Brandon has said that Lightweaving could theoretically be used to create lasers for offensive application, but the amount of Stormlight it would require would be ridiculous. Just because you can do something with a magic system doesn't necessarily mean anyone will do that thing. In an unrelated question, he mentioned as another example of 'possible but completely impractical' that you can theoretically use Forgery to turn a normal sword into a Shardblade, but it would be similar to us using a particle accelerator to turn lead into gold.

So yeah, it is an interesting and valid idea, but I imagine that the amount of Stormlight it would take to pull off would be far in excess of any practicality.

Edited by Weltall
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On 2/4/2018 at 5:54 AM, Leyrann said:

She could create gamma rays... Those are just photons, after all. Not sure if she could create alpha and beta particles though.


On 2/4/2018 at 7:08 AM, RShara said:

There's a pretty interesting discussion of this going on in the OB forum


Interesting that my gamma radiation idea popped up over here too. There's some insane potential for Rosharan lightweaving given enough time, knowledge, and investiture.

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