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[OB] How do spren names work?

The Night Watcher

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In Pattern's case he does have a "real name", it's just not useful for humans because it's a bunch of numbers. So he gets a nickname.

Idk where all the rest of the names came from. I don't think we know for sure that the bonded people named them?

Syl was likely named by the Stormfather, yes.

Edited by CrazyRioter
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1 hour ago, thejopen27 said:

Wyndel was his name before I believe 

I agree, also because Lift didn't call him other than Voidbringer, so his name has to come from something other than her.

Actually like the others said, all' the Spren had already their name but in some cases they choose to use a nickname for reasons.

By the way, we saw this also with all' the Spren in the CR

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4 hours ago, RShara said:

And the one that bonded to Teft.  Her name was Phendorana.

I don't think we know Teft's spren's name at all (unless there is a WoB I missed. I'd like to know her name). Phendorana was the 'high-ranked' female honorspren that showed up when Bridge Four was out on the plains during Rock's chapter. She might've also been the spren Syl referred to as her aunt (who hunts gloomspren), but I'm not sure we know that for certain. Phendorana seems to have been  unbonded during Rock's chapter, as she and several others were evaluating the bridgemen to look for possible bonds. I think we can assume that at that time Teft was already bonded (he'd already said his second ideal, so I'm guessing it happened at least a while ago?).

And even though we don't know that much about either Phendorana or Teft's spren, their personalities don't seem to match up? Phen seemed pretty disdainful of going to the physical realm, while Teft's spren seems to have been one of the first, after Syl.


About the rest of the spren names, I think we know for certain that Cryptics are named for mathematical formulas (maybe the ones that form the fractal that is their head?). Honorspren all seem to use their own names, and three out of four have names without any hard sounds (Notum being the exeption). Sylphrena, Phendorana and Rua are all composed of softer consonants, with vowels (an 'a') at the end. Even Notum's name has a soft consonant at the end (and beginning), but the sample size of names we have is just too small to say anything definite.

Cultivation spren also seem to use their 'own' name in the two cases we've seen, and Glys also sounds like it could be his own name instead of a nickname (though maybe it could be short for Glistening? While that sounds like a nickname for a normal Truthwatcher spren, Glys looks different now, and has looked different since before Renarin met him). Ivory renamed himself, and told Jasnah to use that new name, so we can't really say anything about Inkspren named based on that.

The fact that Cryptics actually have complex formulas as their names, which are basically impossible to use in daily conversation made me curious about what naming conventions the other nicknamed spren use. Spark also seems to be a nickname, but could that be because her name would be impossible to pronounce otherwise? Say, one Ashspren's name is the sound a bonfire makes when you put new logs on it, and this other Ashspren's name is the sound that is made when you throw water on glowing coals, and no human is ever going to be able to replicate it succesfully. I'm not sure there's enough different fire sounds to name all the Ashspren, but it's something to think about. :)

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8 hours ago, lexoj said:

Wait, where in the book that said Teft spren is named Phendorana. We only know she’s Syl’s Aunt, Teft’s spren is not named at all.

I got the impression that the spren who bonded Teft was Syl's aunt.

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14 minutes ago, RShara said:

I got the impression that the spren who bonded Teft was Syl's aunt.

Wait, is Phendorana still who you refer to as Syl's aunt (the Gloomspren-hunter)? (Oathbringer gave us too many new (unnamed) female Honorspren :wacko:) If not, I'm curious to see why you got that impression, as we don't know that much about either Syl's aunt or Teft's spren, other than that they both seem like outgoing, take-the-lead types (hunting and coming to the physical realm).

But I don't think it's possible in either case for Phendorana to be bonded to Teft. Because when we meet her on the Shattered Plains, Teft isn't there. He's in Urithiru, presumably after a night of using firemoss. While both Syl and Pattern on occasion wander away from their respective Radiants, I don't think we've every seen such a distance (Urithiru-Shattered Plains), and all the way back in WoK Syl had difficulty with a few days of travel by Chull. I think only the Bondsmiths are ever so far away from their spren, and they're special.

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Honorspren are a: pretty humanlike in their full forms (no offense), so they have pronounceable names, and b: able to speak even very soon after they transition, even before they have regained much of their memory. Those two things together make it likely that most honorspren are going to get to use their own names once bonded. (Though some might get a nickname in the interim before they remember theirs, if there isn't a transition coach there to remind them.)

Timbre probably has a pronounceable name, but doesn't seem to be able to communicate it to Venli yet.

We don't know much about Ivory's early experience with Jasnah.

Wyndle has a pronounceable name (though we don't know if that's what he'd use in Shadesmar or if it's like picking an English-sounding name before moving to America) and the ability to communicate it to his Radiant, but he says his transition was smoother than he expected, so we don't know if that's normal at this stage.

Glys definitely can communicate to Renarin in words, but doesn't seem to remember much before Sja-Anat got to him, so we don't know the origin of that name.

The regular Truthwatcher spren we've seen don't seem to be able to talk early on.

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The way Teft talks about her when they interact.  It makes it sound like she's the tall powerful spren.  She seems smarter and wiser and more mature than Syl.

Rock sees Phenadora


She had taken the shape of a person, human sized, and wore an elegant gown.


He made the sign again. “They are your kin? Is this woman at their front your nuatoma, ali’i’kamura?”

“Kind of maybe sort of halfway,” she said, cocking her head. “I can barely remember a voice … her voice, Phendorana, reprimanding me. I got in so much trouble for searching out Kaladin.

And Teft seeing her:


When he looked up, she was standing there. The woman made of light and air, with curls of hair that vanished into mist.

“Why are you following me?”

Teft growled. “Go pick one of the others. Kelek! Pick anyone but me.”

He rose and pushed past her—she had barely any substance—and continued down the hallway. Light from ahead showed that he’d accidentally made his way to the outer ring of the tower, where windows and balconies overlooked the Oathgate platforms.

He stopped by a stone doorway, puffing, holding on with a hand that bled from the knuckles.


“You don’t want me. I’m broken. Pick Lopen. Rock. Sigzil. Damnation, woman. I…”



Teft gasped in the darkness.

“Can you see it, Teft?” the spren whispered. “Can you feel the Words?”

“I’m broken.”

“Who isn’t? Life breaks us, Teft. Then we fill the cracks with something stronger.”

“I make myself sick.”

“Teft,” she said, a glowing apparition in the darkness, “that’s what the Words are about.


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I still see no proof, that Teft's honorspren must be Phendorana. Could be another honorspren with a female appearance, I see no described distinguished features, that would undeniably place Phendorana as Teft's spren. I won't deny the possibility though.

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26 minutes ago, RShara said:

The way Teft talks about her when they interact.  It makes it sound like she's the tall powerful spren.  She seems smarter and wiser and more mature than Syl.

Hmm, maybe, but the impression I got from Phendorama was more that she was a bit.. snobbish? More than that she was so much wiser than Syl. And I'm not sure the description really shows a connection. Both of those descriptions could be about Syl, depending on the dress she was wearing.

And Syl has moments of maturity as well throughout the books, that sound quite similar to the quotes you gave (as an example, two quotes from WoK, chapter 67):


It was Syl, as he'd never seen her before, the size of a regular person, hands clasped in front of her, hair and dress streaming to the side in the wind.
"Are windspren attracted to wind," she asked softly, or do they make it?"
"I don't know," Kaladin said. "Does it matter?"
"Perhaps not. You see, I've remembered what kind of spren I am."
"Is this the time for it, Syl?"
"I bind things, Kaladin." she said, turning and meeting his eyes. "I am honorspren. Spirit of oaths. Of promises. And of nobility."



"Kaladin," a voice whispered. He blinked. Syl was hovering in front of him. "do you know the Words?"
"All I wanted to do was protect them," he whispered.
"That's why I've come. The Words, Kaladin."

I mean, it's definitely possible that we're supposed to understand that the two-three female Honorspren mentioned throughout Oathbringer refer to the same individual, and I'm just not making the connection. But it might be that, as Syl once said: 'all spren are kind of the same person, in a way', which is why all the Honorspren look and sound similar at moments throughout the books. I guess we'll have to ask for a WoB about Teft's spren's name to be certain. :)

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6 minutes ago, RShara said:

As I said, it was an impression.  I don't insist on it.

We just need to pry the name of every spren currently in Shadesmar and the physical realm out of Brandon, and then we'll know for certain. :)

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5 hours ago, CrazyRioter said:

I think his people objected to his bonding with Jasnah, so probably at them?

Yes, but what does his name have to do with that? :/

I actually always found it rather ironic that his name is Ivory when he's described as being pitch-black.

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21 minutes ago, The Night Watcher said:

Yes, but what does his name have to do with that? :/

I actually always found it rather ironic that his name is Ivory when he's described as being pitch-black.

Exactly! He's made of black ink but calls himself Ivory. He refuses to be defined solely by his appearance or restricted by the beliefs of his people.  Remember a Jasnahs talk with Dalinar about not letting himself be branded a heretic?

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9 minutes ago, Nymeros said:

Exactly! He's made of black ink but calls himself Ivory. He refuses to be defined solely by his appearance or restricted by the beliefs of his people.  Remember a Jasnahs talk with Dalinar about not letting himself be branded a heretic?

Ah. So we were thinking the same thing. Well, my brain always did make me look more stupid than smart.

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