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Canton of Combat


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Axel sprints up to his room and logs onto the 17th Shard for the first time in two days. He immediately heads to the Canton of Combat thread to check and see if anything happened. 

Nothing has. 

He rolls his eyes in annoyance. 

Well, we musn't keep our public waiting, Archer.  


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  • 3 weeks later...

"This is the canton of combat, best guild in the alley verse!" Olra proudly replied.

"As for my accent, I'm from Fjordell. Name's Olra, nice to see ya!"

Olra subtly tapped a band on her wrist, increasing her connection to Devaan, letting him know what was happening.

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*scatches head* "uhhh..." *suddenly remembers something* "Oh you are from Fjordell? I think I can make this a little bit easier" *draws AON ARE in the air and forms a connection to speak Fjordell* (italic text is in fjordell) "I need to know what this is, I kind of just stumbled upon here"

Edited by MinatoRising
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Hey, I forgot to tell you this earlier. Use quote boxes when talking OOC, also the writing is narrative style.

Olra looked suspicously at the young girl. She just drew an Aon in the air. the glow was faint, but just visible.

"Oh. Another of you" she said in Fjordish

"I'm getting Master Sheonar for you now"

Olra knew the protocol when random people turned up on the canton's doorstep. Don't let them wander around and get Devaan immediately.

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This is taking way too long. Saraha needed to find out. She took some steps towards the door counting how many meters it was to AON TIA out of the room  without him noticing. After long hard thinking, and of her not wanting to be stuck in a wall, she put her measurements in and drew a small AON TIA and teleported out of the room just barely, into the hallway. "Lets look around a little, shall we?" and she wandered into the hallway.

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Devaan teleported into his room in the canton. He hurriedly changed from his stewards clothes into his normal attire, blue linen pants, grey linen shirt and brown trench coat, he took off his shoes and ran downstairs, bumping into Saraha on the way.

"Ah. You must be the one Olra needed me to see. What's your name kiddo?" Devaan asked, letting some of his Terris accent slip through

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Saraha as she bumped into Devaan, jumped. "Uh.. Ye.... y... Y-Yes I am Saraha, No i didnt aon tia out of the room to try and explo-- I mean nice to meet you!" she was very nervous. 
"Are you gonna take me prisoner?". She suddenly felt some weird spheres in her pocket, she took them out. She thought "This feels familiar, maybe if I". She realized she was gonna probably be kept as prisoner so she put them back in her pocket, experimentation later.

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"Prisoner? Nah. I won't do that. You got a place to stay kiddo?" Devaan handed her a card.

"Show this to one of the guards. They'll take you to my place if you need a bed and food." 

Devaan drew a card of his own, King of Boots, transporting him to the cognitive realm, he'd walk back to scadrial on foot. Shouldn't take too long.

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Saraha was confused as she took the card, the strange man disappeared, she shouted "WAIT! I STILL HAVE QUESTIONS DON'T LEAVE ME HERE WITH THESE PEOPLE!". She went up to one of the guards and showed him the card, "please make it quick, I don't have all day, I'm tired and I need to settle down, oh and its so cold in here!" she took the guards hand and drew the symbol for Aon Ehe with her other hand. Suddenly, she and the guard became warm "that's better!"


Edited by MinatoRising
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Olra looked at the card Saraha was holding. It was completely empty besides a faint stylised smudge in the corner. It was an invite to the training ground.

"You need to get to the training grounds, it's in scadrial. I don't know if you've been to New Seran before but let's be on our way!" Olra told Saraha, taking the card and putting it in her pocket. She led the young girl to a small, semi stable perpendicularity the canton kept underground. A remnant of a space warp made by Titan during the war. Olra held out her hand and a giant great sword appeared in her right hand, she hefted the shard blade so it leant on her shoulder and then she pushed Saraha into the cognitive realm, jumping in after. They walked to the training ground


Ok so we are now moving to the location thread titled 'Devaan's Training Ground.' I'll make the post where Devaan starts the conversation.


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On the way to the training grounds, Saraha looked in her backpack, she had some leftover food and... A  book. A storming book. She quickly opened it, what if it was a diary, what if this explained some of the things that had happened.

The book's title read: A Guide To Your Powers

She knew she was going to slow the guard down but she read it for the way anyways.


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  • 1 month later...

continuation from Devaan's training ground

@Ookla the Ookla

Directly Under the canton of combat:

Devaan and hellbent both teleported into an arena. The walls, ceiling and floor were all made of metal. Devaan took his right shoe off, his bare foot touched the ground and he smiled.

Drawing simirtas, water began to fill the room. He smiled and started burning chromium. Anyone touched by the water would be leeched of investiture. He allowed himself to be leeched of metals inside him and his Aon cloaking deactivated.


Edited by Ookla the Gambler
Typos, so many typos
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Hellbent felt investiture begin to leave him. He smiled, drawing water aons before it was to late, filling the room. He was empty. That's new. I can't remember the last time I was investitureless. He concentrated, and his body grew gills, his hands grew webs. Yes, it is time to fight. He crossed his blades, looking at Devaan.

@Ookla the Gambler

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Simirtas began to glow. He stopped burning chromium.

Devaan drew a card from his waterproof pouch, it still had it's nicrocil stores in it. He tapped it, iron pulling the thin metal sheets away from the walls, protecting them from the leeching water. He tapped weight and breath and sunk to the bottom, his right foot connecting with the nicrocil floor. He started tapping it.

A thick, 20 meter block of nicrocil, completely full with allomatic steel. Normally, spikes wouldn't be pushable as they were inside the body.

But with this much power.

He started tapping, barely denting the enormous stores of the metal mind. He shoved on hellbents spikes. Increasing his weight with his iron minds. Trying to rip the spikes free.

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