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Sadeas and Children


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So I looked throughout the books and couldn't find this information and it puzzled me. Sadeas is 50 years old. He has a wife he's clearly intimate with and maybe he is not beyond mistresses. It would seem as though he would want someone to bequeath his legacy, his conquests, etc. whatever he's planning to after he's gone. So doesn't it strike you odd that he has no kids, no heir? It is just him and his wife. Or am I missing something. It seems like a lot of the other Highprinces don't really have kids either. There seem to be distinct lack of heirs. I don't recall hearing anything about the situation for lighteyes being like the nobility in Mistborn, where they're set up to have fewer kids. But really, I find the lack of children among great families to be a very prominent oddity. Can someone comment on this? Perhaps I've missed something?

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I think kids just aren't mentioned. probably sadeas has sons, but they are not important to the story.

or maybe they remained in the capital or family land to care for day to day business.


EDIT: after all, we see the military leadership of alethkar on the shattered plains cause they're fighing a war, but there i9s still a nation to be cared for. it is mentioned the queen remained behind to take care of civilian business, for example.

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It would be natural in a warlike society to bring your sons to the battlefield with you. Adolin and Renarin both show up with Dalinar after all. And I don't think that's a special exception. 

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anyway, one problem of the wheel of time is that too many characters were introduced. I think brandon is specifically trying to avoid setting up too many characters, especially in the form of secondary nobles who will make little plots that will never be devoted enough time and will leave most readers confused. we don't even know the names of all the highprinces.

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I agree with the above, but the problem can be avoided if he were to just set them up and not create side plots for them, sort of how GRRM mentions but doesn't follow most nobles. I guess what I'm trying to say is that giving Sadeas a son doesn't necessitate creating a new side plot just for that. But I agree, it doesn't take away from the story or anything. I'm relatively new to Sanderson and I like the way he puts so much depth and effort into his worlds and magical systems so this seemed like an omission to that rule. 

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WoR spoilers


Speaking to Shallan about the causal in WoR ch.1, Jasnah indicates there are at least a few highprince daughters around.


“Well, yes. The daughter of another highprince might have been preferable for Adolin. However, it seems that he has managed to offend each and every one of the eligible women of that rank..."

Sanderson, Brandon (2014-03-04). Words of Radiance (Stormlight Archive, The) (p. 46). Tom Doherty Associates. Kindle Edition.

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As far as i could tell they just don't talk about the children of high princes in fact they don't talk about in both books we only see 3 high princes in any detail. So unaccounted sons is not impossible, not talked about is not the same as not having any. Heck we only see a tiny bit of sadeas' wife.

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Like has been said before most likely he has children that were not mentioned that are in the camp or that are back at his kingdom. 

Also, maybe they couldn't have kids. Maybe they didn't want kids. Sadeas really wasn't in the book much anyways. So I don't see much of a need for mentioning his heirs.

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