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Crystal, crystal on the soulcast wall, who is the greatest voidbringer of us all?


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Now that WoR is just 4 days away, i think its a good time to show our Honour to our lord Odium by making some crazy and wacko predictions. The rules are:

1. Each person must make 10 predictions

2. They must not be overly generic

3. Each person may make only one post relating to their predictions

4. Whosoever gets the max no of predictions right (according to u) after reading Words of Radiance, must get five upvotes from u on any of their posts

5. Predictions must not be based on already released excerpts

6. You are free to speculate based on the Glimpses released by Tor


I'll begin........... Here are my predictions for WoR

1. Kalasnah is definitely going to be a thing

2. Adolin does not become a Radiant in WoR

3. Sadeas does not die in WoR

4. Szeth defeats Kaladin but is intercepted by Taln who defeats him

5. Renarin does not die in WoR

6. The Parshendi "gods" turn out to be the Voidspren.

7. Elhokar dies

8. Shen betrays the Alethi but saves Bridge 4's lives

9. Kaladin learns to read and reads Jasnah's journals to learn more about Windrunning

10. The Parshendi release their gods accidentally who then take control of them. Eshonai is the one of the few who escapes because her Shardplate protects her.

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1.Moash becomes a Shardbearer. Kaladin will win a set of Shards and give them to him because he is the best fighter he has trained so far.

2.Dalinar does not die in WoR.

3. Renatin does not die in WoR.

4. Kaladin becomes friends with Adolin, Renarin, or both.

5.Pattern and Syl fight.

6.Rock sees Renarin's Spren.

7. Kaladin almost betrays the Kholins because of his issues with Amaram.

8. Another bridgeman, not from bridge four, will become a surgebinder.

9. When Sadeas attacks Wit with Oathbringer, Wit kills Sadeas with an awakened sword.

10. Shallan, Adolin, and Kaladin will work together to defeat Szeth.

Edited by eveorjoy
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1: Adolin arranges a duel with Sadeas, and loses.

2: Kaladin loses an arm.

3: The engagement between Adolin and Shallan is declared Null. They fall for eachother anyway.

4: Amaram becomes a Radiant.

5: We get answers about what happens when a Shardblade and Nightblood collide.

6: Syl dies.

7: Dalinar finds out what happened between Kaladin and Amaram, and imprisons Kaladin to shut him up.

8: Renarin gets into a duel. And wins.

9: Kaladin takes Shardplate won in a duel.

10: Navani learns to Windrun.

Bonus guess.

The book is amazing.

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This looks like fun!


1. The year end Highstorm (the one in the middle of the Weeping) will have plot importance / some connection to the 62 day countdown.

2. We will learn the second oath of the Lightweavers.

3. Talenel will make a reappearance, but only at the climax or during an interlude.

4. The santhid will aid Shallan in some way, and/or get killed for it's gemheart.

5. Amaram will recognize Shallan in some way.

6. Danlan (Adolin's most recent ex) will play an important role.

7. Eshonai will get her chance to talk to the Alethi (probably either Dalinar or someone of Bridge Four).

8. Sadeas will get a voidspren.

9. Adolin is a Skybreaker.

10. Shallan will communicate with a Cryptic (possibly Pattern) in Shadesmar.

Bonus: The Parshendi will discover a form for tropical hurricanes, and call it warmstormform.




EDIT: fixed #2 so that it actually says what I meant it to say.  Also added a bonus.

Edited by Sir Read-a-Lot
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The scoring system is unfair and rewards someone making easy predictions.


Well, screw that, I'm making an intense list. Saying there will be no X in the book is easy. ("There will be no hotdogs on Roshar.")


I'm doing a things-that-will-happen list.


1. Dalinar's going to kick the bucket.

2. One or more of the Kholin family besides Dalinar will also kick the bucket. (Note that these predictions will be fulfilled by them dying and also literally kicking a bucket.)

3. Bondsmiths will be found to be Order 10.

4. The book will contain the Everstorm (which will be the name for the permanent highstorm(s) that the Parshendi summon).

5. We will see an Unmade.

6. Someone is going to use a magic system not native to Roshar in the book. (I don't care if Peter shot this one down, I'm predicting it anyway.)

7. A Herald other than Darkness, his protege at the feast (if he's a Herald), or Taln will make a fairly obvious appearance.

8. Szeth kills Dalinar but does not successfully escape back to Taravangian.

9. Shen turns out to be a Parshendi spy.

10. A Surge that we have not seen before will be used. (Surges we have seen: Gravity, Pressure/Adhesion, Friction/Abrasion, Growth/Progression, Illumination, Transformation, and probably Transportation via the Stoneward in TWOK.)


You know, these predictions really are too vague. I'll see if I can tighten them up before WoR is released.

Edited by Moogle
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My  10 predictions

1.Shallan will not read the Words of Radiance book  at all.

2 Jasnah will  teleport to Shadesmar and will be corrupted by Odium

3.Kalladin is going to be pushed off a cliff (and not a  small one at that) and learn to fly

4.Szeth will be mugged on the way to the plains

5.one of Adolin or Rennarin will be struck by a  shardblade

6.Dalinar will become Bondsmith in order to heal that wound

7.Navani is going to experiment on him afterwards

8.Eshonai will kill Elhokar

9.Taln will be thrown in Kholinar's dungeon and escape

10.Hoid will be spiked Hemalurgicaly by Demoux


bonus : Lopen is the Herdazian king cousin

Edited by terox
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1. Shallan kills Darkness with her Shardblade.

2. Szeth is killed, and his Blade disappears.

3. We find out Kaladin started the Desolation when he swore the Second Ideal.

4. We see a Herald working in Mr. T's hospital.

5. They find a portal to Urithiru and get it to work.

6. Jasnah is presumed dead, but teleported herself to Urithiru and has been there the whole time.

And I'm out of ideas. So, randomness:

7. Adolin is corrupted. He kills Renarin.

8. Music fabrials are invented.

9. We'll see a holiday festival.

10. Sadeas uses Voidbinding.

Edited by Morsk
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1. We'll find out Urithiru is in the mountains east of Emul, near the Nightwatcher's Valley and the middle of the Rosharan continent (How's that for specific? :) It's based on a theory I had that it made the Emuli-Tukaran war relevant and that the story of Parasaphi, Nadris, and their 10 children represented Cultivation, Honor, and the Radiant spren. I thought it was perfect... at least until someone pointed out it's impossible since Honor was alive for the Recreance. Nevertheless, I refuse to let it go!)

2. We'll find out Gaz was made a Bridgeman.

3. I'll second Moash becoming a Shardbearer. Some of those new shards Adolin picks up will go to the king, and Elhokar would appreciate Shardbearers among his new guard. Kaladin may not want any, but Moash can get what he always wished for.

4. Kaladin's gonna fly! Probably after fighting Szeth.

5. Amaram's actions with regards to Kaladin will be revealed, but he will reference a vague greater good and won't lose his Shards on the word of the darkeyed spearman. Ultimately, Kaladin will not take vengeance against him.

6. Dalinar will induct Amaram into his new Knights Radiant.

7. The Kholins all survive the book (really hoping the latest glimpse is a fakeout :( ).

8. Kaladin will train Renarin (A younger brother, a medical condition, a soldier who isn't really suited to war? He's totally Kaladin's type). Adolin will not be amused.

9. Adolin actually will find himself falling for Shallan. But love triangles being such great sources of conflict, we'll see one grow between Adolin, Shallan, and Kaladin.

10. We'll see Jasnah summon her own Shardblade. She's had years to study the Radiants, so she should be the furthest along.


Bonus: There will be no hot dogs on Roshar :P

Edited by TomR
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1)the arse rcanum wil ave info on LGIHTWEAVINg and author will say somethign mysteris about system so we dont know if hoid or someone else writes it 2) someone finlly draws sahrd blade on wit and he is just raise eyebrow3) Jashnah is realsies dead anid it is because she KNOWS TO MUCH4) szeth is not onyl assassin in white and he fighsts parshenid assassin that attask dalinear 5)kaldin and heralds have bromancer6)syl kills saprens 7) kladin finds how to play fluet and use it with parshendi 8) Gav is surgebindsr 9) Shalln family comes to shattr planes 10) go into chasms to leave hgihestorms from top of planes

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1. A POV character will see a Desolation-related creature in the modern day, meaning like the thunderclast or midnight essence. (Parshendi forms don't count here).

2. Renarin will be in grave danger, but will survive.

3. Szeth and Kaladin will encounter one another. Both will survive until the end of the book.

4. Odium will have at least 2 lines of dialogue at some point in the book.


6. Shallan, Adolin, and Renarin will have a love triangle AND Brandon will have that plot-line result in a sneaky bit of danger (ex. Renarin accidently using Radiant powers, Adolin forgets his brother's blood weakness in anger, Shallan brings them all to Shadesmar, basically something sudden and weird.)

7. Dalinar will risk his life by refusing to fight at some point. May end in his death or spren-bonding moment.

8. Taravangian's chapter will contain many of the expected explanations clarifying the desolation situation on Roshar.

9. At least one member of Bridge 4 dies, AND at least one member attracts a bonding spren.

10. Brandon WILL reveal much about shardblades/honorblades, but will NOT give us more explanation on things like the Heralds/Fools etc. They will still get screen time (Darkness/Taln especially) but they will remain as interlude-esque characters or details in the background of a main chapter, still more mysterious than not.

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1. Adolin/Kaladin/Shallan love triangle. As much as I hate that ploy.

2. Renarin will seek Old Magic.

3. Either most of Bridge 4 will get their own spren, or Syl will somehow share her connection through Kaladin (I'm rather fond of this as it ties them to Kaladin more directly).

4. If the above is true, this is how Shen will "awaken."

5. Renarin will be shown to have an obsession with normal seeming rocks.

6. Shaldolin (Shaolin). Because the 'shippers always seem surprised (and enraged, to my extreme delight) by the expected pairings.

7. Shallan will give her shardblade to Adolin, whose dual wielding will help offset the fact that he will never get a spren.

8. Shallan is a Herald (why not?)

9. Shallasnah. What?

10. Roshone is a Herald.

I... ran out of steam at the end.

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1) Rock will die

2) Teft will betray or disappoint Kaladin

3) Moash will acquire shards

4) Adolin will bond a spren and become a Skybreaker

5) Shallan will fall for Renarin, but he will die leaving her heartbroken

6) Szeth will break his honour and betray the holder of his oathstone

7) Shallan will find out how to get to Urithuru, but not actually get there before the book ends

8) Kaladin will forgive Amaram and they'll become best friends before falling in love

9) Drehy will kill Amaram because he loves Kaladin

10) Shallan will learn to fight with her shardblade. She'll be trained either by Kaladin or Adolin.


I had a hard time thinking of more after number 7!

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Note that these scores are my own personal judgement, and other opinions are welcome.

1. Kalasnah is definitely going to be a thing

2. Adolin does not become a Radiant in WoR

3. Sadeas does not die in WoR

4. Szeth defeats Kaladin but is intercepted by Taln who defeats him

5. Renarin does not die in WoR

6. The Parshendi "gods" turn out to be the Voidspren.

7. Elhokar dies

8. Shen betrays the Alethi but saves Bridge 4's lives

9. Kaladin learns to read and reads Jasnah's journals to learn more about Windrunning

10. The Parshendi release their gods accidentally who then take control of them. Eshonai is the one of the few who escapes because her Shardplate protects her.

1. nope. 2. yep. 3. almost, but nope. 4. nope. 5. yep. 6. yep. 7. almost. 8. nope.  9. not even close. 10. first part yes (although maybe not accidentally?), second part nope.

Score: 3.5


1.Moash becomes a Shardbearer. Kaladin will win a set of Shards and give them to him because he is the best fighter he has trained so far.

2.Dalinar does not die in WoR.

3. Renatin does not die in WoR.

4. Kaladin becomes friends with Adolin, Renarin, or both.

5.Pattern and Syl fight.

6.Rock sees Renarin's Spren.

7. Kaladin almost betrays the Kholins because of his issues with Amaram.

8. Another bridgeman, not from bridge four, will become a surgebinder.

9. When Sadeas attacks Wit with Oathbringer, Wit kills Sadeas with an awakened sword.

10. Shallan, Adolin, and Kaladin will work together to defeat Szeth.

1. Very good! 2. yep. 3. yep. 4. yep. 5. nope. 6. nope. 7. yes, kind of. 8. Not that I saw, although there were hints at the end. 9. Not even close. 10. well, 2 out of 3 ain't bad.


Score: 5, but corrected -1 for easy guesses, +1 for #1's accuracy.  Final Score: 5


1: Adolin arranges a duel with Sadeas, and loses.
2: Kaladin loses an arm.
3: The engagement between Adolin and Shallan is declared Null. They fall for eachother anyway.
4: Amaram becomes a Radiant.
5: We get answers about what happens when a Shardblade and Nightblood collide.
6: Syl dies.
7: Dalinar finds out what happened between Kaladin and Amaram, and imprisons Kaladin to shut him up.
8: Renarin gets into a duel. And wins.
9: Kaladin takes Shardplate won in a duel.
10: Navani learns to Windrun.
Bonus guess.
The book is amazing.

1. Yes, sort of?  He arranges a duel, and is outgambitted.  Does that count? 2. Also sort of.  He lost his arm, it just didn't stay lost. 3. No, but the romance part is right, 4. Sort of? 5. No, but we still might.  6. Yes.  7. Kind of?  8. He was part of a winning team.  Does that count?  9. Nope.  10. Not even close.  Bonus: Of course.

Score:  ???  1 yes, 5 kind ofs.  Final Score: 5


This looks like fun!


1. The year end Highstorm (the one in the middle of the Weeping) will have plot importance / some connection to the 62 day countdown.

2. We will learn the second oath of the Lightweavers.

3. Talenel will make a reappearance, but only at the climax or during an interlude.

4. The santhid will aid Shallan in some way, and/or get killed for it's gemheart.

5. Amaram will recognize Shallan in some way.

6. Danlan (Adolin's most recent ex) will play an important role.

7. Eshonai will get her chance to talk to the Alethi (probably either Dalinar or someone of Bridge Four).

8. Sadeas will get a voidspren.

9. Adolin is a Skybreaker.

10. Shallan will communicate with a Cryptic (possibly Pattern) in Shadesmar.

Bonus: The Parshendi will discover a form for tropical hurricanes, and call it warmstormform.




EDIT: fixed #2 so that it actually says what I meant it to say.  Also added a bonus.

1. Ish?  Does the highstorm that came count as the end of year one? 2. Also sort of.  They don't really have a second oath, but we learn about their equivalent. 3. He reappears during an interlude, but then goes on to have importance in the main story. 4. Yep. 5. Nope. 6. A bit?  She was part of the conspiracy, but she didn't really play a major role. 7. Technically, yes.  8. Not even close.  9.  Not yet.  I still think it will happen.  10.  Technically correct.  I was hoping for one that still had its memories (or that Pattern would remember more in Shadesmar)


Score: 3 yes, 1 close, 3 ish.  Score: 5


The scoring system is unfair and rewards someone making easy predictions.


Well, screw that, I'm making an intense list. Saying there will be no X in the book is easy. ("There will be no hotdogs on Roshar.")


I'm doing a things-that-will-happen list.


1. Dalinar's going to kick the bucket.

2. One or more of the Kholin family besides Dalinar will also kick the bucket. (Note that these predictions will be fulfilled by them dying and also literally kicking a bucket.)

3. Bondsmiths will be found to be Order 10.

4. The book will contain the Everstorm (which will be the name for the permanent highstorm(s) that the Parshendi summon).

5. We will see an Unmade.

6. Someone is going to use a magic system not native to Roshar in the book. (I don't care if Peter shot this one down, I'm predicting it anyway.)

7. A Herald other than Darkness, his protege at the feast (if he's a Herald), or Taln will make a fairly obvious appearance.

8. Szeth kills Dalinar but does not successfully escape back to Taravangian.

9. Shen turns out to be a Parshendi spy.

10. A Surge that we have not seen before will be used. (Surges we have seen: Gravity, Pressure/Adhesion, Friction/Abrasion, Growth/Progression, Illumination, Transformation, and probably Transportation via the Stoneward in TWOK.)


You know, these predictions really are too vague. I'll see if I can tighten them up before WoR is released.

1. Nope. 2. Almost. 3. I think so. 4. Right on the money! 5. not as far as I saw. 6. Kind of?  Hoid has perfect pitch now, and our favorite evil destroying sword appeared, but neither one was really used.  7. Not sure. 8. see #1. 9. Yep. 10. I don't think so.


Score: 4 +1 for the Everstorm.  Final Score: 5


My  10 predictions

1.Shallan will not read the Words of Radiance book  at all.

2 Jasnah will  teleport to Shadesmar and will be corrupted by Odium

3.Kalladin is going to be pushed off a cliff (and not a  small one at that) and learn to fly

4.Szeth will be mugged on the way to the plains

5.one of Adolin or Rennarin will be struck by a  shardblade

6.Dalinar will become Bondsmith in order to heal that wound

7.Navani is going to experiment on him afterwards

8.Eshonai will kill Elhokar

9.Taln will be thrown in Kholinar's dungeon and escape

10.Hoid will be spiked Hemalurgicaly by Demoux


bonus : Lopen is the Herdazian king cousin

1. Nope, although it takes awhile. 2. Yes for part 1, probably not for part 2. 3. Yes and Yes, but not at the same time.  4. Nope. 5. Nope. 6. Yes, but then no. 7. Not yet. 8. nope. 9. Yes, for a broad definition of escape. 10. Nope.


Score: 3


1. Shallan kills Darkness with her Shardblade.
2. Szeth is killed, and his Blade disappears.
3. We find out Kaladin started the Desolation when he swore the Second Ideal.
4. We see a Herald working in Mr. T's hospital.
5. They find a portal to Urithiru and get it to work.
6. Jasnah is presumed dead, but teleported herself to Urithiru and has been there the whole time.

And I'm out of ideas. So, randomness:

7. Adolin is corrupted. He kills Renarin.
8. Music fabrials are invented.
9. We'll see a holiday festival.
10. Sadeas uses Voidbinding.

1. Nope. 2. Yes, then no. 3. Nope. 4. I don't think so? 5. Yes. 6. Yes, but Shadesmar, not Urithiru. 7. Thank Adonalsium, no. 8. No. 9. I don't think so. 10. Nope.


Score: 2.5


1. We'll find out Urithiru is in the mountains east of Emul, near the Nightwatcher's Valley and the middle of the Rosharan continent (How's that for specific? :) It's based on a theory I had that it made the Emuli-Tukaran war relevant and that the story of Parasaphi, Nadris, and their 10 children represented Cultivation, Honor, and the Radiant spren. I thought it was perfect... at least until someone pointed out it's impossible since Honor was alive for the Recreance. Nevertheless, I refuse to let it go!)

2. We'll find out Gaz was made a Bridgeman.

3. I'll second Moash becoming a Shardbearer. Some of those new shards Adolin picks up will go to the king, and Elhokar would appreciate Shardbearers among his new guard. Kaladin may not want any, but Moash can get what he always wished for.

4. Kaladin's gonna fly! Probably after fighting Szeth.

5. Amaram's actions with regards to Kaladin will be revealed, but he will reference a vague greater good and won't lose his Shards on the word of the darkeyed spearman. Ultimately, Kaladin will not take vengeance against him.

6. Dalinar will induct Amaram into his new Knights Radiant.

7. The Kholins all survive the book (really hoping the latest glimpse is a fakeout :( ).

8. Kaladin will train Renarin (A younger brother, a medical condition, a soldier who isn't really suited to war? He's totally Kaladin's type). Adolin will not be amused.

9. Adolin actually will find himself falling for Shallan. But love triangles being such great sources of conflict, we'll see one grow between Adolin, Shallan, and Kaladin.

10. We'll see Jasnah summon her own Shardblade. She's had years to study the Radiants, so she should be the furthest along.


Bonus: There will be no hot dogs on Roshar :P

1. I don't remember if they determined where Urithiru is. Maybe? 2. Nope. 3. Yep, although not quite accurate. 4. Yep. 5. Very good. 6. Also very good. 7. Yep. 8. Kind of?  Does becoming a bridgeman count? 9. Yep. 10. Yep.


Score: 7.5 +1 for accuracy on 5 and 6.  8.5


1. A POV character will see a Desolation-related creature in the modern day, meaning like the thunderclast or midnight essence. (Parshendi forms don't count here).

2. Renarin will be in grave danger, but will survive.

3. Szeth and Kaladin will encounter one another. Both will survive until the end of the book.

4. Odium will have at least 2 lines of dialogue at some point in the book.


6. Shallan, Adolin, and Renarin will have a love triangle AND Brandon will have that plot-line result in a sneaky bit of danger (ex. Renarin accidently using Radiant powers, Adolin forgets his brother's blood weakness in anger, Shallan brings them all to Shadesmar, basically something sudden and weird.)

7. Dalinar will risk his life by refusing to fight at some point. May end in his death or spren-bonding moment.

8. Taravangian's chapter will contain many of the expected explanations clarifying the desolation situation on Roshar.

9. At least one member of Bridge 4 dies, AND at least one member attracts a bonding spren.

10. Brandon WILL reveal much about shardblades/honorblades, but will NOT give us more explanation on things like the Heralds/Fools etc. They will still get screen time (Darkness/Taln especially) but they will remain as interlude-esque characters or details in the background of a main chapter, still more mysterious than not.

1. No. 2. Yes, if the duel counts. 3. Yes.  4. Nope. 5. No (although he does collect it). 6. Nope. 7. I don't think so. 8. Not really. 9.  Yes, and Yes (if Lopen's POV at the end is any indication). 10. Yep.


Score: 4


1. Adolin/Kaladin/Shallan love triangle. As much as I hate that ploy.
2. Renarin will seek Old Magic.
3. Either most of Bridge 4 will get their own spren, or Syl will somehow share her connection through Kaladin (I'm rather fond of this as it ties them to Kaladin more directly).
4. If the above is true, this is how Shen will "awaken."
5. Renarin will be shown to have an obsession with normal seeming rocks.
6. Shaldolin (Shaolin). Because the 'shippers always seem surprised (and enraged, to my extreme delight) by the expected pairings.
7. Shallan will give her shardblade to Adolin, whose dual wielding will help offset the fact that he will never get a spren.
8. Shallan is a Herald (why not?)
9. Shallasnah. What?
10. Roshone is a Herald.

I... ran out of steam at the end.

1. It certainly looks this way. 2. No. 3. Maybe?  there were some hints of this at the end. 4. nope. 5. nope. 6. yep. 7. nope. 8. nope. 9. Nope. 10.  Probably not.


Score: 2


1) Rock will die

2) Teft will betray or disappoint Kaladin

3) Moash will acquire shards

4) Adolin will bond a spren and become a Skybreaker

5) Shallan will fall for Renarin, but he will die leaving her heartbroken

6) Szeth will break his honour and betray the holder of his oathstone

7) Shallan will find out how to get to Urithuru, but not actually get there before the book ends

8) Kaladin will forgive Amaram and they'll become best friends before falling in love

9) Drehy will kill Amaram because he loves Kaladin

10) Shallan will learn to fight with her shardblade. She'll be trained either by Kaladin or Adolin.


I had a hard time thinking of more after number 7!

1. nope. 2. nope. 3. yep. 4. not yet. 5. nope. 6. nope? 7. Yes, but no. 8. Hahaha, no. 9. nope. 10. Not really.


Score: 1.25

Winner: TomR

Edited by Sir Read-a-Lot
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Re: Urithiru's location, the book says "Judging from the sun height, the scholars placed them near the center of Roshar, somewhere in the mountains near Tu Bayla or maybe Emul." So TomR is looking in the same ballpark as the Alethi scholars. #2 is the only one he got dead wrong. I'm very impressed.

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6. Someone is going to use a magic system not native to Roshar in the book. (I don't care if Peter shot this one down, I'm predicting it anyway.)

Life sense was used during the interlude. I say that counts.

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