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*Scared* Hello...?


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What books have you read (primarily Sanderson but other are important too)? How did you get into Sanderson?


And welcome to the shard.

I don't do the cookies they are unhealthy ... pie is better anyway, on hand right now i have some apple,  pecan, sweet potato or buttermilk ...

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I've read (in order)

Mistborn (all 6)



And I'm waiting for a copy of The Way of Kings from the library.



I've listened to the whole Alcatraz series and the Rithmatist too.

Edited by Ookla the Pragmatic
forgot some stuff
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Hello! Welcome to the shard! I have merged your posts into one.


I highly recommend your review our rules, as we generally discourage double posting (i.e. posting a new reply when you were the last one to reply previously). If you have something to add, you can edit your previous reply.

It's not a huge deal, you aren't going to be banned for it or anything, but wanted to make you aware.

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