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[OB] The Fused: Their Powers and Immortality


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So far we know that the Fused are ancient Singers that are not pulled to the Beyond (does this make them Cognitive Shadows?) and that each one controls a Surge. This has lead me to an idea about how they came to be. I think that Odium fused each of them with a lesser Voidspren when they died which resulted in them being able to resist the pull of the Beyond and gain the ability to manipulate a single Surge. This would also explain their name, since they are fused with a spren.

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57 minutes ago, MadhavDeval said:

Yeah the fused are definitely cognitive shadows- Brandon referred to them as such when I saw him yesterday. As for them being fused with voidspren this would fit in with that theory that radiants of the fifth ideal fuse completely with their spren

Does that mean that a fifth ideal radiant store stormlight perfectly ? 

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I thought it was fairly clear that they first transition into the physical realm and then bond the host.  There was the scene where they were trying to bond with Venli, but her little spren slipped in instead claiming her.  I got the impression that there were a number of fused spren flying around looking for hosts they liked.

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