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Ingenuity Shard.


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Didn't see anything about this with a very cursory search, but I was having a look through some WoB and found this, which appears to be saying that "Ingenuity" is the name of one of the as of yet unknown Shards. To me that fits very well, and could potentially become a very interesting, invention based magic system in the future.

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There was some discussion of this at the time with this follow up


David J. Foster

It sounds like [Brandon] identified a new shard, Ingenuity, in an interview in Bulgaria. Can you verify this?

Peter Ahlstrom

That is news to me! Maybe [Isaac] can ask him.

Isaac Stewart

I asked [Brandon]. He said readers can interpret his words how they want.


So you're right to ask the question but he is deliberately non-commital.

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On 11/27/2017 at 10:03 AM, ZenBossanova said:

Did Brandon really say that specifically about Ingenuity? 

No. That was an extension of 8giraffe8's thoughts. Brandon has said Adonalsium could've split in different ways, so giraffe is thinking that that possibility could allow Brandon to talk about potential what-if Shards in less specific questions like that one.

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6 hours ago, DarthKholin said:

Anybody want to bet that Hoid eventually picks up that Shard? He is a rather good Wit, after all. That, or an Intellect/Wit shard.

My guess is no, if such a Shard exists Hoid wouldn't pick it up, based on a couple of WoBs we have.

Hoid was offered a Shard we haven't seen yet

If Hoid were to be tempted by a Shard, it would be Endowment

Now, these are slightly fuzzy because in the case of the second WoB Brandon could have been thinking of only the shards he'd revealed to us (which didn't include Ambition and arguably didn't include Autonomy) but in general it seems to imply that Hoid might be interested in taking up Endowment if he could but he wasn't interested in/willing to take whichever of the sixteen was offered. And he may not want to be bound by whatever limitations are placed on the Shards, no matter what power might come with them.


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