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Could a Seeker detect a Surgebinder holding Stormlight?



An intriguing question. Seekers detect kinetic investiture, not innate investiture; for example, they can detect someone using Allomancy, but they can't detect whether someone is an Allomancer, so the obvious answer seems to be no. After all, if the Surgebinder is only holding it and not using it, it isn't very kinetic. However, it is constantly being consumed, strengthening the user, removing their need to breath, etc. and it is always draining out of them. What do you think?

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2 minutes ago, Crimson Not Blood said:

An intriguing question. Seekers detect kinetic investiture, not innate investiture; for example, they can detect someone using Allomancy, but they can't detect whether someone is an Allomancer, so the obvious answer seems to be no. After all, if the Surgebinder is only holding it and not using it, it isn't very kinetic. However, it is constantly being consumed, strengthening the user, removing their need to breath, etc. and it is always draining out of them. What do you think?





<Could a Seeker detect a Shardbearer? For example, could Vin detect Adolin's Shardblade?>

Brandon Sanderson

That detects Kinetic Investiture, Investiture that's being used actively, so in the summoning process, you'd probably get a blip on that, but not just looking at someone and <saying>.


Via this WoB I would suspect that someone burning Bronze could detect someone holding Stormlight but not the ability to hold Stormlight. 

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1 hour ago, The Sovereign said:


Via this WoB I would suspect that someone burning Bronze could detect someone holding Stormlight but not the ability to hold Stormlight. 

given that holding stormlight tends to cause it to automatically heal your body, i'd agree.  even if you aren't conciously using it, it is still acting.

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21 minutes ago, Farnsworth said:

Do we have it confirmed that a Seeker can detect any form of investiture? On Scadrial, that would mean detecting Feruchemists draining their copperminds. Can they do that?

Feruchemy is a much more subdued and internalized system. The power of Allomancy is being fed from a Shard and is much "louder" but it's possible. 




Can you detect Feruchemy with bronze Allomancy?

Brandon Sanderson

It is actually possible but it's very difficult. There's a tweak that you need to do to make it work and I haven't talked about that yet. They do not know how to do it… on Scadrial. But you can theoretically detect all kinds of active Investiture. Investiture that's being used. Kinetic Investiture would be the way to call it.




Is the reason why Allomancy creates allomantic pulses visible to Seekers because it is an external magic drawing upon Preservation's power? In other words, is the reason why Feruchemy is much, much harder to detect by burning bronze because it is an internal magic?

Brandon Sanderson



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So Brandon says

On 11/24/2017 at 2:01 AM, Calderis said:

Brandon Sanderson

It is actually possible but it's very difficult. There's a tweak that you need to do to make it work and I haven't talked about that yet. They do not know how to do it… on Scadrial. But you can theoretically detect all kinds of active Investiture. Investiture that's being used. Kinetic Investiture would be the way to call it.

On scadrial? Do you think this is how the world hoppers tend to be aware of gifted magic users on new planets? Like when hoid/wit detects Shallan In her guise of veil during the girl who looked up? We even know from her time in kholinar that the screamers couldn’t sense her lightweaving.

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