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[OB] Kaladin's love life ?


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4 hours ago, rjl said:

I was thinking that he may have a while of not having a love interest - not all characters need to have one. Though I know Syl wants him to find one.

Kaladin and Jasnah would certainly be an interesting pairing - though it is quite an age gap AND I had the impression that Jasnah was someone who wishes to stay single.

Agree!  I would be happier if there is never a love interest, I do not want Kaldins story arc to be derailed by some romance plot.  

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1 minute ago, FollowYourMuse said:

Agree!  I would be happier if there is never a love interest, I do not want Kaldins story arc to be derailed by some romance plot.  

If Kaladin has a romance, I hope it’s a very minor plot. Not with a main character or in a key plotline. Just a bit of light in his life. 

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7 minutes ago, Erunion said:

If Kaladin has a romance, I hope it’s a very minor plot. Not with a main character or in a key plotline. Just a bit of light in his life. 

I disagree. With another important character, a romance can develop naturally and along other plotlines. Concocting some love interest on the side would require more screen time to establish it, or if won't be believable and satisfying in any way. 

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While I think a romantic relationship would be nice for Kaladin to have, I've also enjoyed how little of his character arc has depended on it so far. My opinion on it is I think I would enjoy it were Brandon to go there, but I'm also very happy with where he's going without it. 

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4 minutes ago, Ailvara said:

I disagree. With another important character, a romance can develop naturally and along other plotlines. Concocting some love interest on the side would require more screen time to establish it, or if won't be believable and satisfying in any way. 

Sorry, @Greywatch said it better. I don’t mean it should be a contrived on the side thing, I think it should be believable, satisfying, but not a key part of his arc. His character focus is elsewhere. I don’t want a romance to change his character focus.

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I think I nice Willshaper girl is just what Kaladin needs. Theyre said to be very adventurous, but irresponsable (which I just translate to as being easy-going). A drama-free romance with a fun loving care-free gal is just what a moody and solemn guy like Kaladin needs. Also Im assuming that Willshapers are good at motivating people based on their name. We saw spiritual adhesion in OB so maybe some spiritual cohesion will happen next? lol

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1 minute ago, Arch said:

I think I nice Willshaper girl is just what Kaladin needs. Theyre said to be very adventurous, but irresponsable (which I just translate to as being easy-going). A drama-free romance with a fun loving care-free gal is just what a moody and solemn guy like Kaladin needs. Also Im assuming that Willshapers are good at motivating people based on their name. We saw spiritual adhesion in OB so maybe some spiritual cohesion will happen next? lol

Kaladin + Venli? Seems bizarre and implausible, yet at the same time intriguing...

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4 minutes ago, rjl said:

Kaladin + Venli? Seems bizarre and implausible, yet at the same time intriguing...

Apparently its possible for parsh people and humans to have children, but I really dont think that would be a happy or plausible relationship for either of them lol. also I was under the impression that Venli bonded with an ashpren thus making her a Dustbringer.

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8 hours ago, Errdil said:

We don't know how much time passed since Warbreaker, so we have no idea how old she is. She could be a centuries old returned by now. I admit it's unlikely, as she seems to remember her royal upbringing, but it's not impossible.

If she's a Returned, what does that mean regarding how we see her age?

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56 minutes ago, IndigoAjah said:

If she's a Returned, what does that mean regarding how we see her age?

Is she a Returned? I think it more likely she’s just a person who has returned heritage, and has learned to control more than just her hair. 

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This is just opinion but I think after the ending of OB the closest Kaladin have to a romance would be with Syl. It's the next Kaladin closest to a girl character other than Shallan (and Laral). Though it still feels off somehow, but Kaladin seems to care greatly for Syl, almost bordering more than usual Human-Spren relationship we seen so far. (closer than Shallan-Pattern, Lift-Wyndle, Dalinar-Stormfather, etc) 

Laral is not option anymore. And  Azure doesn't feels like future romance partner yet, maybe if they interact more in the future it will.. As for Tarah, if Kaladin will get back to her I think Brandon would need a lot of screen time introducing ,more of her to us to make the romance believable and feels right. Though from the flashback in OB I don't really think she is interesting character. And I wouldn't mind as well if in the end Kaladin just sort of ends up with a man.. (the options would be more open then)

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37 minutes ago, syriancatnip_ said:

This is just opinion but I think after the ending of OB the closest Kaladin have to a romance would be with Syl. It's the next Kaladin closest to a girl character other than Shallan (and Laral). Though it still feels off somehow, but Kaladin seems to care greatly for Syl, almost bordering more than usual Human-Spren relationship we seen so far. (closer than Shallan-Pattern, Lift-Wyndle, Dalinar-Stormfather, etc) 

Laral is not option anymore. And  Azure doesn't feels like future romance partner yet, maybe if they interact more in the future it will.. As for Tarah, if Kaladin will get back to her I think Brandon would need a lot of screen time introducing ,more of her to us to make the romance believable and feels right. Though from the flashback in OB I don't really think she is interesting character. And I wouldn't mind as well if in the end Kaladin just sort of ends up with a man.. (the options would be more open then)

Syl and Kaladin are in a relationship already, that is even more deep than an intimate romantic relationship could ever be. They literally merged their Spiritwebs, it doesn't get deeper than that. And while I see them caring more than others, a romance would actually just diminish the true nature of their relationship, I think.

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13 hours ago, SLNC said:

And while I see them caring more than others, a romance would actually just diminish the true nature of their relationship, I think.

I think shipping Syl and Kaladin is a complete reach and is kind of a disservice to the radiant-spren relationship that BS has cultivated between them. This is not a romantic relationship at all and feels far more like a father and child or just plain platonic. Even when she was "human sized" in Shadesmar there was no indication that there was any sort of attraction between them. Shipping them seems wrong.

There is still ample opportunity for BS to introduce new Radiants and characters that will be more suited for Kaladin than Shallan or Laral, and bringing back Tarah is a real possibility since he included a glimpse of their time together. 

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22 minutes ago, Gloomspren said:

I think shipping Syl and Kaladin is a complete reach and is kind of a disservice to the radiant-spren relationship that BS has cultivated between them. This is not a romantic relationship at all and feels far more like a father and child or just plain platonic. Even when she was "human sized" in Shadesmar there was no indication that there was any sort of attraction between them. Shipping them seems wrong.

nods in agreement

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Kal and Rysn anybody? Anybody want to board the good ship Wondersail? (Or is it Wandersail? Hard to hear the difference on the audible version)


I was so hoping Rysn would get to meet and interact with the main radiants when they were all at TC. At least she sort-of met Dalinar.

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21 minutes ago, Zea mays said:

Kal and Rysn anybody? Anybody want to board the good ship Wondersail? (Or is it Wandersail? Hard to hear the difference on the audible version)



I have shipped this before oathbringer came out, I ship it still. I know we haven't seen them together yet, but I would love to have this happen. 

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12 hours ago, Zea mays said:

Kal and Rysn anybody? Anybody want to board the good ship Wondersail? (Or is it Wandersail? Hard to hear the difference on the audible version)

From the narrative perspective it would be a smart choice. She´d be a new player in the KR dynamic we have right now, but already developed in disconnected preludes; so we wouldn't need to spend time trying to get to know and love a new romantic interest.

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(Edited for error in part D:)

I have to, painfully, agree with the Syladin shippers. Here is my evidence. 

A)  That awkward moment when the spring captain said that the bond Kaladin and Syl formed actually *could* be compared to an elopement and that it was indeed a more intimate bond than elopement ever could be.

B ) That moment when he sees Shallan macking with Adolin and hold Syl saying that he never loved Shallan anyway--that she reminds him of someone. Syl asks who? And Kaladin reflects on Syl's charming innocence.  

C) Their relationship is uniquely passionate. While we only really get a good view of two other examples of spren bonding (Ivory and Pattern), Syl has brought Kaladin back from the brink of self destruction...how many times? She has literally been someone for him to live for. That image of her hunting death spren in armor while Kal is recovering from exposure to the high storm comes to mind.  

D)  She is always always described as very feminine and very pretty--even by Adolin... in the cognitive realm...when he thinks he might be in hell LOL.  Ivory and Pattern are vaguely male, but mostly they project as gender neutral and inhuman. And not to belabor a point, but on that honor boat A LOT of time is devoted to noting exactly how human the honor spren are.  

Frankly, I wasn't convinced until the end of Oathbringer.  I'm not even sure that this ship is something I want to see (although if Mr. Sanderson wants it to happen, he will find a way to win us all around to his point of view--I think that we all know he really is that good.) l think that it's even possible that Kaladin may even have a relationship with "the wrong person" (not unlike Dalinar with Eevee)... but this has the texture of inevitability about it. 

Edited by Meghan1Q84
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27 minutes ago, Meghan1Q84 said:

B ) That moment when he sees Shallan macking with Adolin and hold Syl saying that he never loved Shallan anyway--that she reminds him of someone. Syl asks who? And Kaladin reflects on Syl's charming innocence.  

He is also holding a rock similar to one given him by Tien. And in the chasms he thinks Shallan rreminds him of Tien. So it really could be both.

27 minutes ago, Meghan1Q84 said:

D)  She is always always described as very feminine and very pretty--even by Adolin... in the cognitive realm...where she didn't have a FACE!!!! LOL.  Ivory and Pattern are vaguely male, but mostly they project as gender neutral and inhuman. And not to belabor a point, but on that honor boat A LOT of time is devoted to noting exactly how human the honor spren are.  

She doesn't have a face in Shadesmar? Can you give any quotes? I know Patter doesn't, but I can't recall anything about her or other honor spren not having faces.

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On 29.11.2017 at 10:46 PM, Ookla the Idiopathic said:

Rysn is an interesting possibility! 

Yessss ! I would LOVE THAT! I like how Kaladin's arc is progressing because he seems to accept his depression and to learn to live with it, but not letting it define him. It's not like a relationship will cure him, but it would be nice to have someone there. I am sorry to say this, but I think Tarah would too common for him and he needs someone to challenge him and call him on his bs. OHHH ! Rysn would be so great and it would be the perfect setup to see more of her as well ! Now I am gonna obsess over this ! 

Edited by mariapapadia
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